Dependency review - Show the full impact of changes to dependencies and see details of any vulnerable versions before you merge a pull request. For more information, see "About dependency review."

Simply email to request access extensions. Agencies can work directly with Cloud Service Providers (CSP) to obtain a copy of the package and request permissions to save, print, email, post, publish, or reproduce. If your agency has already issued an Authority to Operate (ATO) you can submit the ATO to and receive permanent access to the package as long as an ATO is on file with the FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO).

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During monthly continuous monitoring, new findings from CSP compliance checks may be combined into a single CM-6 POA&M item. CSPs are not required to map the findings to specific controls because controls are only assessed during initial assessments, annual assessments, and significant change requests.

While a WBS is not required, it may be requested by your Authorizing Official (AO). Please confirm your AO's expectations. However, the POA&M should have sufficent detail so that the AO can track the activities and progress made.

A Service Principal Names (SPN) is a unique identifier of a service instance. SPNs are used by Kerberos authentication to associate a service instance with a service logon account. This association process allows a client application to request the service to authenticate an account even if the client doesn't have an account name.

The default asset download servlet allows authenticated users to issue arbitrarily large, concurrent, download requests to create ZIP files of assets. Creating large ZIP archives can overload the server and the network. To mitigate a potential Denial of Service (DoS) risk caused by this behavior, AssetDownloadServlet OSGi component is disabled by default on Experience Manager publish instance. It is enabled on Experience Manager author instance by default.

The credential provider enumerates tiles in response to a user request to change their password or other private information, such as a PIN. Typically, the currently logged-on user is the default tile; however, if more than one user is logged on, numerous tiles are displayed.

User mode in Windows is composed of two systems capable of passing I/O requests to the appropriate kernel-mode drivers: the environment system, which runs applications written for many different types of operating systems, and the integral system, which operates system-specific functions on behalf of the environment system.

The integral system manages operating system'specific functions on behalf of the environment system and consists of a security system process (the LSA), a workstation service, and a server service. The security system process deals with security tokens, grants or denies permissions to access user accounts based on resource permissions, handles logon requests and initiates logon authentication, and determines which system resources the operating system needs to audit.

Security authority for the local domain or for a trusted domain. The LSA contacts the entity that issued the account and requests verification that the account is valid and that the request originated from the account holder.

When a website, an application, or another computer requests authentication through NTLM or the Kerberos protocol, a dialog box appears in which you select the Update Default Credentials or Save Password check box. This dialog box that lets a user save credentials locally is generated by an application that supports the Credential Manager APIs. If the user selects the Save Password check box, Credential Manager keeps track of the user's user name, password, and related information for the authentication service that is in use.

When a trust exists between two domains, the authentication mechanisms for each domain rely on the validity of the authentications coming from the other domain. Trusts help to provide controlled access to shared resources in a resource domain (the trusting domain) by verifying that incoming authentication requests come from a trusted authority (the trusted domain). In this way, trusts act as bridges that let only validated authentication requests travel between domains.

How a specific trust passes authentication requests depends on how it is configured. Trust relationships can be one-way, by providing access from the trusted domain to resources in the trusting domain, or two-way, by providing access from each domain to resources in the other domain. Trusts are also either nontransitive, in which case a trust exists only between the two trust partner domains, or transitive, in which case a trust automatically extends to any other domains that either of the partners trusts.

It can help to provide an extra layer of obsecurity to reduce server fingerprinting.Though not a security issue itself, a method to improve the overall posture of a webserver is to take measures to reduce the ability to fingerprint the software beingused on the server. Server software can be fingerprinted by kwirks in how theyrespond to specific requests.

CSDE computer users may request a CSDE project folder in the R: drive to share data with other users by filling out our Project Folder Request form. We do our best to set up the folder that same day but sometimes it may take longer or we may need to get more information from the requesting user.

Please note that users must request a folder inside of the R: drive in order to begin storing files. Any unauthorized files that are stored inside of the R: drive may be deleted without advanced notice. Also, project folders must be requested with at least 2 members. We do not allow a project folder to be created for just a single user.

If you would like to grant access to someone, email csde_help, including the project folder name and the usernames you would like to add. In the event that the requested user lacks a CSDE account, we will ask that they first apply for an account online.

No. In order to keep the system clean and consistent for everyone, users may not install their own software on CSDE workstations and servers. However, we will make every effort to obtain and install any software you need for your projects or research. If you have software requests, just ask us!

In Java SE, a TLS 1.2 session is represented byExtendedSSLSession, an implementation ofSSLSession. The ExtendedSSLSession classadds methods that describe the signature algorithms that aresupported by the local implementation and the peer. ThegetRequestedServerNames() method called on anExtendedSSLSession instance is used to obtain a listof SNIServerName objects in the requested Server Name Indication (SNI) extension. Theserver should use the requested server names to guide its selectionof an appropriate authentication certificate, and/or other aspectsof the security policy. The client should use the requested servernames to guide its endpoint identification of the peer's identity,and/or other aspects of the security policy.

The HTTPS protocol is similar to HTTP, but HTTPS firstestablishes a secure channel via SSL/TLS sockets and then verifies the identity of the peer beforerequesting or receiving data. class extends class and adds support forHTTPS-specific features. For more information about how HTTPS URLsare constructed and used, see the API specification sections aboutthe,,,and

Like other JCA provider-based engine classes,SSLContext objects are created using thegetInstance() factory methods of theSSLContext class. These static methods each return aninstance that implements at least the requested securesocket protocol. The returned instance may implement otherprotocols, too. For example, getInstance("TLSv1.2") mayreturn an instance that implements TLSv1, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2. ThegetSupportedProtocols() method returns a list ofsupported protocols when an SSLSocket,SSLServerSocket, or SSLEngine is createdfrom this context. You can control which protocols are actuallyenabled for an SSL connection by using thesetEnabledProtocols(String[] protocols) method.

To create an SSLContext object by calling thegetInstance() factory method, you must specify theprotocol name. You may also specify which provider you want tosupply the implementation of the requested protocol:

If just a protocol name is specified, then the system willdetermine whether an implementation of the requested protocol isavailable in the environment. If there is more than oneimplementation, then it will determine whether there is a preferredone.

If both a protocol name and a provider are specified, then thesystem will determine whether an implementation of the requestedprotocol is in the provider requested. If there is noimplementation, an exception will be thrown.

During TLS handshaking, the client requests to negotiate acipher suite from a list of cryptographic options that it supports,starting with its first preference. Then, the server selects asingle cipher suite from the list of cipher suites requested by theclient. Normally, the selection honors the client's preference.However, to mitigate the risks of using weak cipher suites, theserver may select cipher suites based on its own preference ratherthan the client's preference, by invoking the methodSSLParameters.setUseCipherSuitesOrder(true).

You can also instantiate an SNIHostName byspecifying the encoded host name value as a byte array. This methodis typically used to parse the encoded name value in a requestedSNI extension. Otherwise, use the SNIHostName(Stringhostname) constructor. The encoded argument isillegal in the following cases:

This declares a provider, and specifies its preference ordern. The preference order is the order in whichproviders are searched for requested algorithms (when no specificprovider is requested). "1" is the most preferred, followed by "2",and so on. 006ab0faaa

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