The pause state reporting seems to be fixed on the main branch .

The issue with the system sleep keeps happening. I have opened and issue there Device session is not exposed after system sleep.  Issue #1336  jellyfin/jellyfin-androidtv  GitHub.

When I go to the site from my internal network it does not load, shows a The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond. And when I try going to the site from my phone (DATA ON) it takes me to the caddy congratulations webpage.



Gives me an error Failed to add match 'caddy': Invalid argument

and as I go to the site from my phone (with/without) data, the site loads up to the caddy congratulations page. When I try the computer it says The connection has timed out The server at is taking too long to respond.

sorry guys my screw up, forgot to change path for jellyfin data env var, its fixed now and is building a new image, sadly this will of course mean that when you pull the new image down it will re-create the container and thus you will looose any config (as its currently incorrectly located in the container).

I also looked in the jellyfin appdata, there is a ffmpeg folder in there but its blank. I went and pulled down a build of ffmpeg and mapped the container to that directory, tried pointing the transcode directory to the new folder and I got an error message stating that the folder doesn't contain ffprobe (which it certainly does)

I also looked in the jellyfin appdata, there is a ffmpeg folder in there but its blank. I went and pulled down a build of ffmpeg and mapped the container to that directory, tried pointing the transcode directory to the new folder and I got an error message stating that the folder doesn't contain ffprobe (which it certainly does)

you wont find it on your 'system' because its not available on the host, its installed and running in the container, if you are unsure what that really means (and you would like to find out) then i would encourage you to do some googling around docker basics and get up to speed with how docker works, otherwise take my word for it, t is installed and it is available to jellyfin :-).

This AUR package is a split package. The server part is in a package called jellyfin-server and the client part is called jellyfin-web, the jellyfin package contains no file, it just depends on the server and client package. But all 3 packages are desribed in one PKGBUILD file.

Its under the Shows Library Type. I only have Video in my system rn (that jellyfin can see). Ive attached two logs, but idk what they say and Im sorry Im not much help, The pastebin logs are as follows (ZctQ2pAC) (we9pinSt). Theyre within 2-3 hrs of each other

There are two methods to use Jellyfin on Roku. Can use the Jellyfin channel/app on Roku, or as a DLNA server available under under RMP. (do not need to install the channel/app in order to use Jellyfin on Roku). The different methods do have different interfaces though. I will note that Jellyfin seems to fail to populate as an available server quite often on my Roku devices, but a simple typed command to "restart" the server fixes it immediately and refreshes the server under RMP. (for Linux, just type sudo systemctl restart jellyfin). For Windows, the server apparently can be stopped, then restarted under Services tab.

Welcome to the Jellyfin Stable Windows archives page. To install the latest stable version of Jellyfin, download the installer `.exe` below and run it; for portable installs, download the relevant `.zip` file(s) below, then use a ZIP utility to extract the file(s) and launch `jellyfin.exe`.

I have a server based on truenas scale where ia already configured jellyfin and it work real good on my local network, but i would like to set up remote access and i read tailscale was the easiest way to accomplish that.

I have been battling with opening my jellyfin local container to the internet while securing it through Authelia (for 2FA). I have a docker container for swag (nginx), authelia and jellyfin, all named the same way.

It looks like "include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf;" is missing in the server block in jellyfin.subdomain.conf. This should be added in somewhere above the location block as shown in LinuxServer's blog post.

We automatically add the necessary environment variable that will utilise all the features available on a GPU on the host. Once nvidia-docker is installed on your host you will need to re/create the docker container with the nvidia container runtime --runtime=nvidia and add an environment variable -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all (can also be set to a specific gpu's UUID, this can be discovered by running nvidia-smi --query-gpu=gpu_name,gpu_uuid --format=csv ). NVIDIA automatically mounts the GPU and drivers from your host into the jellyfin docker container.

Maybe give it a shot and see what you think? i know there are a LOT of folks out there that want nothing to do with plex/emby and would LOVE jellyfin but kinda stay away because the freebsd support is iffy. ff782bc1db

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