Statistical Physics A

In the fall semester of 2023 I am a tutor for the course Statistical Physics A at the University of Warsaw. 

Exercises can be found here (will be continuously updated throughout the course). Last update: Exercises week 13+14 added.

Main lecturer: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Meissner 

Assistants: dr inż. Marta Wacławczyk (group 1), dr. Jeffrey Everts (group 2)

Organisation: Lectures are every Tuesday from 10:15-13:00 in Room 2.03. Tutorials for group 1 are every Wednesday from 08:15-11:00 in Room 1.01, and for group 2 from 14:15-17:00 in Room 1.02. Tutorials are obligatory.


For all exams you are allowed to bring one single-sided hand-written sheet of paper with notes.


1. There are 2 colloquia. Each has 3 problems x 5 points=15 points (30 in total)

2. In classes you can earn 0-10 points for activity (e.g., solving problems on the blackboard).

3. The classes are passed when a student has >= 20 points.

4. Everybody can take the written exam - for those that have less than 20 points, passing the exam is a way to pass classes.

5. If someone has <20 points and does not pass the written exam he/she will not pass the course.

6. The written exam has 4 problems x 5 points=20 points

7. Passing the exam requires >=10 points.

8. If someone has >=20 points from classes and does not pass the exam he/she can still take the oral exam (and the correction exam).

9. The grand sum consists of points for classes (40 points max) + 2x exam => 80 points max

10. For those that passed both the classes and the written exam, a grade is proposed based on the grand sum.

11. A student can accept the grade (and then doesn't have to take the oral exam) or take the oral exam (and then the grade cannot be lower than proposed and can be upgraded by 1/2 if the oral exam goes well)