Jeff Lerner on Pinterest

The Best Social Media Platform to Sell Products in 2021

Many entrepreneurs, service providers, and product-based business owners always wonder and ask which is the best social media platform to market their products and/or services. Thus, comes the key question; if I can focus on ONE social media platform only, which one should it be?

It’s important to mention that asking the question in itself is remarkable and important because it reflects a decision to focus on only ONE social media platform. The majority of novice marketers, business developers, and product-based business owners try to use all social media platforms simultaneously and that does not only waste their attention and time but also their money.

If you’re starting business marketing or you’re aiming to grow reach and sales through social media, we cannot stress enough the importance of picking ONE social media platform. Then, you can learn it inside out and master the features and opportunities it has to offer. Now, let’s ask, and answer, the million-dollar question; which social media platform should you pick to market your products? In short, it’s PINTEREST.

While we are not getting paid by Pinterest to write this, we have found success on the platform and seen many business-owners market their new products through it easily and successfully. To break it down in detail, our stance on Pinterest as THE platform that inventors and product-marketers should focus on comes from 4 main reasons;

Pinterest, at its Core, is a Search Engine

Pinterest is a visual search engine and a lot of people don’t know that. A lot of people think that Pinterest is nothing more than a platform for stay-at-home moms to share recipes or DIY projects or home decor and gardening ideas. To be fair, maybe Pinterest was used primarily for such purposes at a certain time but now, it’s a visual search engine and a search engine is a land of opportunity for product-based businesses.

Now, Pinterest is a search engine that showcases products and that is regularly used by potential customers who are ready to buy. They have a problem and are searching for a solution on this search engine. In this case, most solutions come in the form of a product.

There are currently over 330 million active users on Pinterest and of those, 58% make over 100K dollars of annual income so they have disposable income to spend.

Pinterest Encourages Creativity

Pinterest is an Easy and Direct Path to Drive Traffic to your Website

This is simple; when someone sees a pin and clicks on it, they are directed straight to your website. Let’s compare this with Instagram where it is so difficult; before creating a post, you need to include your website’s link on your bio, direct your audience to check your bio, and hope they click the link that gets them to your website. This can be a huge challenge for product-based businesses on Instagram when it is very easy and simple on Pinterest. Marketing on Pinterest will increase website traffic in less time than almost all other social media platforms.

Pinterest is a Level Playing Field

We believe this is great news for everyone that is starting out and feeling intimidated by huge brands and well-established sellers. On Facebook and Instagram, starting from scratch can take a lot of time before getting to potential customers; starting with 0 likes and 0 followers in itself is an intimidating element.

On Pinterest, it’s totally different; followers and like don’t matter. People go on Pinterest to find good products; they’re not there to find big and fancy brands. A recent statistic that came out indicated that of all the searches that have been done, 97% of them were unbranded. In other words, Pinterest users search for a product that will solve one of their problems and not a product that comes from a huge and well-established brand. We believe this is great news for inventors and people starting out selling new small products.

If you have a new product and it looks great visually (through a demo or a before-after picture or video), you’re going to find great success on Pinterest because things go viral there so easily. 80% of the pins on Pinterest are repins; this means that if someone liked your pin (or your visual) and they’re pinning it on their board and then somebody else pins it on their board too and so on. This will make the pin spread faster and reach more and more Pinterest users and potential clients. For example, when we were starting out, we created a targeted email list that reached 8000 people so quickly. People kept pinning and repining it so it took me almost nothing to get the result that I got because my pin went viral so fast.

We wanted to share the power that Pinterest has to offer because we believe many people don’t recognize its potential. We hope that we got you intrigued and curious to go give Pinterest a try; experiment on it and find what works perfectly for your objectives and products. Pinterest can also be fun to explore; going through the different pins can inspire new creative ideas or starting points to innovate.

We hope you found benefit in this article, if you have, don’t hesitate to share it with others that you know may find it helpful. On the other hand, if you disagree or you believe there is a better platform for products, please don’t hesitate to let us know about it. Reach out to us and walk us through how you found success through it. Our work is based on sharing information, experiences, and know-how and every news idea and perspective is welcome.