Jeehoon Park's webpage

Venice, 2014

What is a mathematician?

I am a senior researcher at QSMS (Center for Quantum structures in Modules and Spaces), Seoul National University (Sep 2021 ~ current).

I was an associate professor  at Department of Mathematics, Postech from Sep 2014 to Aug 2021  at Department of Mathematics, Postech (an assistant professor from July 2010 to Aug 2014). I was a postdoctoral fellow at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University (postdoc mentors: Henri Darmon and Adrian Iovita) from Sep 2007 to July 2010. I had been appointed as a Clay liftoff fellow during the summer of 2007. I earned my PhD at Boston University in May 2007 under the guidance of Glenn Stevens with the thesis "p-adic family of half-integral weight modular forms and its arithmetic applications". I obtained my Bachelor degree at Seoul National University in Feb 2001.

My research areas are number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, and their connections with physics (physical mathematics).  More precisely, I am interested in understanding 

Sometimes I like to describe myself as "a structure hunter".  Research key words: algebraic operads, algebraic varieties, arithmetic gauge theory (arithmetic Chern-Simons theory and arithmetic BF theory), Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, dGBV algebras,  Eisenstein cocycles, flat F-manifolds, Frobenius manifolds, homotopy  Lie algebras, Iwasawa theory, Milnor K-theory, modular forms, modular symbols, p-adic zeta functions, p-adic theta correspondence, toric varieties, quantum field theory, Shintani cocycles,  and totally real fields.

Email: jpark.math (at) 

Address: Jeehoon Park, QSMS, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea 08826



Infinity is the most useful human mind's invention to understand the finite world; Questions are at the boundary of beauty and understanding is at the heart of beauty.  -JP.