Product: STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor

Platform:PlayStation 5

Summarize your bug Stuck on Mantis 

How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? By playing from the beginning until you reach and broad the mantis. When you're on the mantis the R3 button that appears at the destination table doesn't appear and the cockpit when I click the R3 button it says: THE GAME NEEDS TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE LASTEST PATCH IN ORDER TO PROCEED. 

What happens when the bug occurs? It says it can't proceed until the latest patch has been downloaded and installed 

What do you expect to see? Expect to see a notification on the right of your screen about downloading and installing a patch

When I broad the mantis after playing the first part. I appear in the back of the mantis and when I go to the front there's no R3 button displayed or anything showing on the holocromb plus when I go to the cockpit and press the R3 button to land it says: THE GAME NEEDS TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE LATEST PATCH IN ORDER TO PROCEED.

Jedi Survivor Needs To Download Patch


Jedi Survivor issues PS5 - The first level played great but I am now on the mantis traveling to the next planet and the game says it needs a patch before I can continue. I have checked repeatedly but am unable to get anywhere. Any suggestions would be great.

Hey @wasterm591,

Is it possible that you have installed the game via a disc? If that is the case, you would indeed need to download the rest of the game in order to continue playing the game. The download should automatically start in the background once you put the disc in the disc drive of your PS5.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to fit an almost 155GB game on one single Blu-ray disc, as they can only hold 50GB max, so an additional download is required.

Alternatively, you can check if you have the full game installed and if there's a patch available for it by closing the game and pressing the Options button on your controller (while hovering over the game tile) > selecting "Check for available updates".

Hey . Same for me. I uninstalled some games on my ps5 . Now its downloading something on my survivor game. The thing still says needs a patch. But i was googling and it said the rhey will be updating it in the weeks to come

I am playing on PS5. I am at the part of the game that I have escaped and currently flying on a ship looking for my next destination however, the game says it needs to load and have the latest patch in order to proceed. I search and it says it has the latest update. I can not do anything else. I'm pretty much unable to play the game currently. Is anyone else experiencing this?

The latest episode of The Mandalorian, "The Jedi," revealed that Grogu trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and is a survivor of Order 66, the event that led to the near destruction of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Galactic Empire. Thousands of Jedi Knights across the galaxy fell to the blaster fire of the Clone Troopers they once viewed as comrades, and at first, only a handful survived both Order 66 and the proceeding Jedi Purge, including Master Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

In the years since the release of Revenge of the Sith, however, Star Wars has introduced several new survivors of the event, including Ahsoka Tano from The Clone Wars, Jedi: Fallen Order's Cal Kestis, Kanan Jarrus and most recently, Grogu. While the backstory adds further layers to the Child and ties him in even more with the franchise's most famous events, the franchise needs to stop introducing survivors of Order 66 and find new ways to incorporate Force users into the story.

Following the destruction of the Jedi Order, Obi-Wan and Yoda go into hiding, hoping that any survivor would do the same to avoid the wrath of the Empire and Darth Vader. The Original Trilogy then paints Luke Skywalker as the last and only Jedi after the deaths of Obi-Wan and Yoda. The idea that Luke was the last of his kind who almost singlehandedly brought the Light Side back from the brink of extinction added to the character's appeal and heightened the story's stakes.

However, with the introduction of even more Jedi survivors, Order 66 goes from being one of the darkest and most tragic events in Star Wars history to a plot device pushing the Jedi survivors to rebuild the Jedi Order. The stakes seem less dramatic and urgent than before because if Luke were to fail in his mission or fall to the Dark Side as the Emperor intended, another Jedi could step up to the plate. While the franchise has cleverly found ways around the lack of other Jedi in the Original Trilogy, it still makes one wonder why no other Jedi stepped forward to help Luke and the Rebellion in their most pivotal stand against the Empire on Endor.

In the aftermath of Order 66, most Jedi survivors would have felt that they failed in their mission to protect the galaxy and restore peace. Some of them abandoned the ways of the Force and found ways to blend into the general populous, but other Jedi continued the fight in their ways. Ahsoka played a pivotal role in the founding of the Rebellion, Kanan saw to Ezra's training and Obi-Wan dutifully watched over Luke on Tatooine. Still, the Empire was the most significant threat to the galaxy, and it's hard to believe any Jedi would forgo their duties to the Force and the universe at large and stand by as the Emperor's minions brought immense suffering to billions of innocent people.

Big things are in the works for the future of Star Wars, including a limited miniseries about Obi-Wan Kenobi, the continuation of The Mandalorian and the possible live-action appearances of Ezra Bridger and Grand Admiral Thrawn. This is a new and exciting time for the franchise, but to make sure things stay fresh, rather than tying everything to Order 66, the powers that be should find a new way to introduce Force users to a galaxy far, far away.

Mack is a pop culture writer and nerd from Oregon who enjoys binging Netflix, listening to Star Wars audiobooks, watching James Bond movies, and reading interesting, behind-the-scenes facts about his favorite movies and TV shows. He studied journalism and public relations in college. You can follow him at

Let's examine what sources are favoured on her page.. We have the foggy vision of order 66 Yoda has, where there is a bunch of unmarked white clone troopers shooting red blasterfire at a charging group of jedi looking like what happened in the Petranaki arena in episode 2- didn't happen.. we have Eeth Koth instead of Agen Kolar being killed by Sidious- didn't happen.. We have Saesee Tiin with a blue bladed lightsaber- didn't happen.. we have all the jedi in the vision still with their clone war wrist gauntlets and attire- didn't happen, not accurate.. AND YET the appearance of Shaak getting stabbed in the back is taken seriously and used as a legitimate reference on her page?! this simply does not pass the laugh test.

We then have a "canon" source in the 2015 Galactic Atlas saying she was killed while meditating in the jedi temple by vader- which would be acceptable and hard to refute- except it states Luminara Unduli as a jedi council member in the profile right next to her's! false information, the source is thus untenable.

There's also the survivor list from the vader comic which doesn't show Ti's name among them and therefore she didn't.. A weak supposition seeing as the list is incomplete and clearly being scrolled through, Koth's name was also not among them.

Firstly, there's the undeniable fact that the star wars comic featuring luke in 2015 shows him opening a holocron which features her recording her last words, it begins with her hood raised then being pulled down- as if she was hiding. What the scene also shows are a few other recordings from jedi of different times in history, some from the same time.. one other from Ti's time in the hologram, is Oppo Rancisis recording a lesson, a confirmed order 66 survivor, so this is an easter egg now in retrospect which is overlooked by the bulk of star wars analysts, commentators and youtubers. In the very least, it's a hint that Ti's fate is not set in stone, a fact which any honest observer familiar with the canon prequel source material would know is already the case.

Secondly, there is the 2016 revised visual guide which states in the jedi council section, that her fate is "presumed killed" in the ROTS jedi council just as the imperial takeover commences. Now, there were confirmed survivors and confirmed deaths, then there was this. and the only other member with "presumed killed" was? coleman kcaj- he SURVIVED order 66, to be killed within 10 years during the subsequent waves of the purge. So in other words, easter egg number 2 hinting that her fate is the same or similar, to a confirmed survivor of order 66.

Sequentially, the 2017 vader comic- "dying light", i think.. Jocasta Nu is a confirmed survivor of order 66 by then, she's seen in hiding, making holocrons.. she's on her last one- containing her last words.. What's significant about this? well, they are identical word for word to those we heard of Shaak Ti in 2015 when Luke opened the holocron up.. Jocasta's in hiding. She survived. This is an easter egg which is pretty hard to ignore if you're a fan attentive to detail. Made all the more significant when we consider that at the end of that series of comics, set years later after Jo's death and her partner leaves and conceals their hideout under an engineered cave collapse, Luke uncovers the rubble to find her holocrons!

It's time. To be agenda-free and honest on the canon wiki/wooki Shaak Ti page here. Because the jury is clearly in, that her fate is unknown. That until there is a definitive depiction of her death on screen or in the canon comics, we should treat it as such. Unfinished, deleted scenes from 2004 don't count in that regard. 152ee80cbc

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