Professional carrier
From September 2020 : researcher FCT at the University of Lisbon.
August 2019-August 2020 : Postdoct at the University of Helsinki.
February 2015 -August 2019 : Postdoct at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
– October 2016-August 2019 : Chargé de Recherche FNRS
– From October 2015 to September 2016 : Collaborateur Scientifique FNRS
– From February 2015 to September 2015 : postdoc on the project MIS ”Patterns, Phase transitions,
4NLS and BIon” of Denis Bonheure.
February 2015 -September 2018 : Member of the INRIA team MEPHYSTO (INRIA Lille - Nord Europe/Lille 1/ULB).
September 2013- January 2015 Postdoct under the supervision of Jaime Ripoll at the University Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
October 2012-August 2013 Demi-ATER (teaching assistant) at the University of Brest.
September 2009-November 2012 Thesis.
Education, diplomas
September 2009 - November 2012 PhD in mathematics.
Title : An evolution problem associated to the mean field equation.
Advisors : Ali Fardoun and Rachid Regbaoui, University of Brest, France.
Defended on November 23rd 2012.
September 2007 - August 2009 Master (4th and 5th years) in Mathematic Analysis and Applications at the University of Tours. Men-
tion bien (with honours).
September 2004 - August 2007 Licence (first three years) in Mathematics at the University of Tours. Mention bien (with honours).
Here is my full CV