VR Sculpting FAQ

Why Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is a symbol of the future. We as humans have been dreaming of the fantastical world of technology forever. Virtual Reality is first step in the direction of the future. With video games and movies already being made for the user there are others that have been creating for the artist.

What do you use?

Thanks to the Transylvania University Computer Science department, they were able to acquire a HTC Vive for future projects. After researching the best sculpting software to work with the headset, we decided upon MasterpieceVR.

VR Notes:

When building in VR there is no base to build stuff! Things can be as magical and free formed as you want until you try to bring it into reality. Many problems I faced revolved around not building my supporting legs to all be equal to the based intended to hold it thus making me create an extra support to hold up the piece.

What kind of printer?

Currently we are printing on a binder jetting printer that can print 8x8 pieces. This printer allows for printing more detailed and colored pieces as well as not have to use supports.

Printer Notes:

Make sure the smallest parts of the print are thick enough to not break when excavating it from the printer, small pieces tend to break off easier before sealing.