community outreach

I have been fortunate to be involved in many community-oriented events and activities. I have been invited to speak and read poetry at cultural events, including film screenings, youth arts exhibitions, book launches, film festivals, and literary conferences. I have volunteered for and led activities with conservation organizations working to connect people with the outdoors and care for our environments. I have also assisted the organization and coordination of international events, bringing academics, artists, and governmental figures together in educational and experimental settings.

Before starting my PhD and beginning life as an academic, I worked in land management for my local municipality as well as an international conservation NGO. I created and coordinated volunteer programs and events. I supervised restoration projects, personnel, and daily operations of facilities. I have also been a volunteer myself in many capacities, taking care of riparian areas, tutoring refugee high school students, and helping undergraduate students with writing.

departmental service

Within the university, I have worked in many capacities. Currently, I am a member of the Sociological Research Ethics Committee at UCC and serve as board member for the Future Humanities Institute (UCC) as a member of the RadHL. I served as research coordinator for the Posthumanities Hub (LiU), primarily in charge of its webinar series and website. I have worked as a lab assistant for the Environmental Humanities Laboratory (KTH), assisting in the ideation, coordination, and graphic design of public outreach and event materials for national and international events, including the Archipelago Series, the Stories of the Anthropocene, and an intensive summer school in Public Environmental Humanities. Also, during my PhD, I served as student representative in strategic departmental meetings with senior staff and researchers as well as editor for my department’s blog, “Transformative Humanities,” among other duties and responsibilities.  

I have also brought scholars together through events and workshops. Of note, the workshop, "Dying at the Margins" led to a conference panel and a book contract, and the workshop “Writing with Undisciplined Discipline: An Environmental Humanities Writing Workshop” focused on bringing early-career researchers together for exercises in experimental academic writing methods and which culminated in the zine, "Shatter Branch: An Interventionist Zine for the Researcher who Writes with Care."