In the lib directory, you will find subdirectories named "english", "german" and "swedish" and so on. These contain all the language dependent texts. Create a new directory for the language you want. Let's say you want to make a language setting for Elvish. In that case, make a directory named "elvish". Then copy all the files out of one of the other language directories into your new language directory. They are all text files. Edit each of those files and translate all the texts in them to Elvish (keeping the format of the files as it is), then run the "native2ascii" utility that comes with the JDK to convert the files to the correct format. Once you have done that, you can switch the Elvish language setting on as described above, using the property setting: bluej.language=elvish If you do this, we would be very grateful if you would send us your language files for inclusion into the BlueJ distribution. Someone out there might just be looking for a translation into your language, too.

Since BlueJ 3.0.5, encoding is maintained per-project and defaults to UTF-8 for new projects. The encoding is specified in the 'project.charset' setting of the package.bluej file (in the project root), and determines both the encoding used by programs run under BlueJ as well as the encoding used for Java source files within the project.

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If your firewall sets rules on a per-program basis, the program you should apply the rules to will usually be the bluej launcher (bluej.exe) - however you may also need to specify rules for the Java executable ("java.exe") as well or instead. There are actually multiple copies of the java.exe executable installed as part of the JDK or J2SDK on Windows - you may need to change the rules for them independently. You may also need to change the rules for the "javaw.exe" files.

For the editor, first copy the file lib/stylesheets/java-colors.css to your BlueJ user directory (e.g. on Windows this is typically C:\Users\your-username\bluej). This copy of the file will take preference, and you can edit the colours there. One important set are the foreground text colours which are specified as -fx-fill in the ".token-XXX" blocks at the top, especially .token-default. The main background colour, and other background colours for scope highlighting, are specified in the .scope-colors block. There is presently no way to change the colours that BlueJ uses for other parts of the interface, such as the package diagram.

In order to specify a default location, uncomment and/or change the property bluej.projectPath with the desired location value in the BlueJ settings. (Note that ':' and '\' need to be escaped with '\' in the settings files.)

See how to access the BlueJ settings files.

Determine the appropriate command line arguments for your proxy settings. Then, you need to ensure that BlueJ starts with these arguments supplied to Java. To do that, see the explanation in this FAQ entry. (For Windows, you will need to edit the bluej.defs file and set the property).

If this is not practical (for example in some lab environments) then BlueJ can be explicitly configured to use a specific JDK, using a property in bluej.defs (see Tip 4 in the tips archive for general info about configuring BlueJ).

Set the '' property in bluej.defs to the path of the JDK you want to use. This property is commented out by default. If it is set, BlueJ will not check the registry, not ask the user, but just use this Java version and start.

We have had some reports of text disappearing when the mouse cursor hovers over it, especially with Intel Graphics 4000 HD chipsets; the drivers may be buggy. A solution in this case is to disable Java's use of Direct3D (D3D) for rendering. To do this, you need to edit the BlueJ configuration (the bluej.defs file) and change (or add) the setting by adding -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false. For example, change:

Another workaround is to set BlueJ to use the "cross platform" look-and-feel rather than the "Aqua" (Mac OS X native) look-and-feel. To do this, edit the "bluej.defs" file (see tip of the week #12) and remove the '#' at the beginning of the line which reads:

In the sequel, it is assumed that you have updatedthe CLASSPATH environment variable as specified above. If you are not sure about CLASSPATH, talk to a TA.For simplicity, in this handout I will discuss only the very first program from the textbook: but you can run all other programs following similar instructions. Start bluej program. Click on Project --> Open Non BlueJ. You will see all your folders. navigate to the folder Robots and click on it, and then navigate to Robots --> examples --> ch01 --> deliverParcel. Do not go inside this folder.

Warren Dodge explains how this can be done for Debian testing: the first stepis to download the J2SE SDK components from , e.g. /var/install/java/1.4.2. Make sure that you havewrite permission to the directory, and make the installer executable. Runningthe installer ./j2sdk-1_4_2_02-linux-i586.bin will create adirectory j2sdk1_4_2_02 which can be moved to/usr/local/lib. Next, create a link ln -s/usr/local/lib/j2sdk1_4_2_02 /usr/local/lib/jdk which allows you to usethe latter location to refer to the Java environment and makes upgrading a loteasier in the future.

As you can see there is a link for Windows in the middle of the page, just click the bluejsetup****.exe and save the file. Once you saved the file you can install it just like any other software, yes you guessed it right run the installer.

To install BlueJ, downloadbluej-205.jar. Run the installer by executing java -jar bluej-205.jar.

In the installer, select an installation directory and your JDK directory and install. In the installed bluej directory, you will find a file named bluej. Execute this file to start BlueJ.

We strongly recommend you install the Java SDK in the the default directory suggested by the installer, which is C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03 for version 1.4.2_03. By doing that, you can keep your environment consistent with IPL machines and most students and TAs' environment. And you should be able to download the tools from us and run them directly without the need of modification. If you already installed Java SDK in another directory, we recommend you delete it - including the SDK, JRE, and Java Web Start - using the add/remove programs control panel, then run the installer and let it put the SDK in the default directory. (Do NOT just rename the original directory. It will NOT work). If you really want to use other directory names, you may have to make changes in other parts of the installation to match.

A sizeable part of the SDK distribution is source code. If disk space is limited on your machine, you don't need to install the source code, or the demos, but install everything else. (You'll eventually get the option of what you want to install when you run the j2sdk-XXX.exe installer program that you downloaded from Sun.) However, in past quarters, some students have had trouble getting Java to work if only part of it is installed, so it is best to install the entire package if you can.

Sthnte si pedpipraven balek (archiv, a ten si rozbalte do vhodnho adrese na loklnm disku. Ke sputn pouijte program bluej.exe, doporuuji vytvoit zstupce na ploe, pomoc kterho budete BlueJ spoutt. V tomto balku je ve nastaveno k pouit. Balek je pipraven pro MS Windows, nelze pout v Linuxu i na Macu.

Konfigurace BlueJ je zapsna v souborech bluej.defs a moe.defs (konfigurace editoru) v adresi BlueJ/lib. Nkter volby lze nastavit v BlueJ, vtina se vak mus upravovat pmo v tchto souborech. Tk se to i nastaven znakov sady.

Uivatel BlueJ ve koln sti si mohou uloit vlastn konfiguraci BlueJ. Do adrese H:\java\bluej mohou uloit vlastn konfiguraci tohoto programu, konkrtn jsou k dispozici tyto monosti: 0852c4b9a8

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