The most important information has been translated into English. If you want more information, please contact me, or visit my Portuguese homepage.

About me

I have a degree in Physics from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) where I developed my work in quantum computing and artificial intelligence. During this period I worked in the Quantum Information and Emergent Phenomena (QIEP) group under the guidance of Dr. Jonas Maziero and developed my undergraduate thesis entitled “Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques in Quantum Computers” supported by CNPq and FAPERGS through grants. Before this, I had a passage in the Laboratory of Electronic Structure of Energies (LEELMAT) and in the High Division of Materials (DAE), where I worked separately, on molecular dynamics and hydrodynamics.

I am currently a master’s student in the post-graduation program in physics at UFRGS with a CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development) scholarship. I develop my current research project in the Sociophysics, Econophysics, and Complex Networks group, with an emphasis on ecology under the guidance of doctors Sebastián Gonçalves (UFRGS) and Fabiana Laguna (CONICET - Argentina)., Lattes, LinkedIn, Instagram, GitHub


Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS): Research (Master)
I am currently a CAPES scholarship holder, I develop my research in the Sociophysics, Econophysics, and Complex Networks group where I work on a project motivated by the Patagonian ecosystem aiming a better understand the dynamics between different species of native fauna and ecosystem degradation.

Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM): Research (Undergraduate)
During this period, I received two scholarships from FAPERGS and CNPQ. During the first project, in 2019, I worked at the Electronic Structure of Materials Laboratory (LEELMAT) where I studied about modeling and dynamic of the LOXL2 enzyme. In 2020, I joined the Quantum Information and Emergent Phenomena research group (QIEP) where I studied the implementation of an artificial intelligence model in quantum computers.

Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG): Research (Undergraduate)
During this period, I received scholarships from the university itself and from the funding agencies FAPERGS and CNPQ. This experience gave me the opportunity to start my career as a researcher, both studying particle physics and learning about the researcher career itself.

Note: A depressive episode, which culminated in my diagnosis as autistic marked the time between FURG and UFSM. Despite this, I had 1.5 years of studies in information technology at UNINTER remotely (2016-2017) and a semester in computational engineering at FURG (2018). Even before FURG itself, I spent another year and a half in information technology at URCAMP (2011-2012), where I could also do an internship in computer maintenance. Before this there was still a short passage at UNIPAMPA in physics (2011), but in the degree, modality to teach, where I discovered I wanted to be a researcher.

Non-profit experience

Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG): Developer
During this time, I collaborated with the development of the game “Água” (water), being responsible for rebuilding the game on mobile devices. This is a project whose focus was on the development of children’s consciousness of the importance of water.

Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG): Research (Undergraduate)
I collaborated with the research group in high energy physics at FURG, ASTROFURG – Division of High Energy (D.A.E.). I studied hydrodynamic instabilities and did the cluster management.

Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG): Member of the students union of the Physics degree
In the first year, I worked in the event organization sector, and in the following year, I migrated to the student assistance sector and social movements.


For a complete list, see the Portuguese version for academic work and others productions.

Main works
Study notes
  • Ecology Wiki (Portuguese): Wiki started in my master’s research. I share part of my introductory studies in the field through the investigation of different mathematical and computational models.

  • Computational Methods B: (Portuguese): Contributions made during my teaching internship in the discipline of the same name. I made mainly contributions to the methods of numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations.

  • Partial Solutions Manual Herbert B. Goldstein 3RD ED (English):
    A detailed partial solution collectively done during the Classical Mechanics textbook master’s program (Herbert B. Goldstein 3RD ED.. Chapters included: 1,2,8, and 9.

  • Introduction to Quantum Computing (Portuguese):
    Study notes written during the production of the undergraduate final thesis, a more succinct and revised version became part of the final work. However, I believe that these ‘expanded notes’ are a good introductory reference. It does not presuppose a knowledge of quantum mechanics, only the mathematical tools.

  • Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (Portugese):
    I wrote these study notes during my scientific initiation in the undergraduate studies. They cover the deduction of hydrodynamic equations in two different ways: one more classical and the other through statistical methods. In addition, it presents an introduction to the PLUTO computational tool and some analysis of a few particular cases.
