The Simple Contact Form plugin allows you to create a contact form on your Omeka Classic site through which visitors can send comments, suggestions, and other feedback. By default, the plugin adds "Contact Us" to your site's main navigation.

When a site visitor clicks the link for the contact page in the navigation, they will see a contact form with fields for Name, Email, and Message, and a recaptcha checkbox. The image here is of the contact form in the default Omeka Classic theme, Thanks Roy.

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When a site visitor submits a message via the form, it will appear in the inbox of the Forward-to email address. The message will have as sender the Name entered by the person who filled out the contact form, and will look as though it came from their email account.

Scroll down a little to see our form created using HTML for the front-end. Further down you will see the PHP code for the form processing at the back-end - this is used to take the form submissions and send it to you by email.

HTML website forms should be enclosed inside the FORM tags. There are various parameter options available, the most common ones are:

 action - this allows you to tell the form where to go once submitted (usually the filename of a script which will read and process the form data which has been submitted).

 name - it's usually a good idea to give your forms a name, this is used to uniquely identify your form on a given page.

 method - the value of this should be POST or GET. Forms should usually be set to use POST (as GET will attach the form data onto the page URL which is almost always a bad idea for security reasons). There are some other methods available, but we will not discuss these here.

Sometimes it may be good to offer your website users the option to upload a file. For this, you could use the HTML field type file. If you are using this option you also need to include an additional option to the FORM tag enctype="multipart/form-data"

If you ever need to ask your users to enter a password into a form, then you should use the special text field type password. Using this option will mask each character as the user types, allowing them to type in secret.

Finally, every form should allow the user the option of submitting the form data. Form submissions are usually handled by using an HTML button. The button field is an input type field (as text and password fields are), however, these special fields are of type submit. To specify the text which appears on the button, we use the value parameter to state our value (in the example below we state 'Send Form').

Occasionally you may want to allow your visitors to reset a form back to its default state. This is accomplished by using the input type of reset. As with the Submit button, you specify the button text using the value parameter. Reset buttons are not very common these days but can still be useful under certain circumstances.

We have created a form generator that you can use to build your own contact forms and completely customize it with your brand or website's color scheme and design style. They are free to download and can be used on your personal or commercial projects.

If you need more functionalities from your form, you need to deal with the complexity that comes with it. If you want to make a working simple HTML contact form backend without PHP, we have the solution.

Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.

You can find docs, FAQ and more detailed information about Contact Form 7 on When you cannot find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, check the support forum on If you cannot locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.

And building a custom contact us form brings its own benefits. One of the biggest? Better spam protection thanks to more security options like CAPTCHAs and Honeypot contact form spam blocking.

When someone visits a site where the Mautic tracking code is installed, Mautic tracks them as a simple IP address via the 1st party cookie that is dropped by Mautic. When that anonymous contact completes a mautic form, all the history that was collected for the anonymous contact is attributed to the now know record, and future return visits are attributed to the person as well.

With the current 3rd party form integrations, while the contents of the form are passed to Mautic, the association between the tracked anonymous IP and the now known contact is not made. Meaning the historical browsing history is not allocated to the new record, nor are future visits. In fact Mautic will now have 2 records for the same person as Mautic will continue to track their visits as an anonymous record parallel to the contact that has been passed in via the integration.

Like Contact Form V01, Contact Form V02 has two parts: contact form and EXTRA company information. The layout is responsive, so the experience stays of the best quality across different devices and screen sizes.

Contact Form V14 is perfect for marketing agencies, but other service-based businesses can profit from it, too. The contact form has multiple fields, including a drop-down for budget selection.

It incorporates the necessary form with an additional title and text for any SPECIAL message you want to share. Introduce your details, embed it into your website and you are ready to roll.

Simplicity mixed with creativity can bring you exceptionally far. There is no need to be over complicating things, doing all this FANCY STUFF when you can have Contact Form 1 do the trick and get those in need to contact you quickly and comfortably.

Get things rolling now if a contact page is the last piece of the PUZZLE. Download the preferred style and have one up in little to no time. After all, the majority of work has already been done for you.

No way are they copying your email address to their preferred email providers. The best and OBVIOUS approach is to have a fully functional contact page up and live, ready for them to use at free will.

Show where your place is and encourage them to contact you using the pulsating mail icon. A practical contact form pop-up opens by clicking on it, which they can use to send you a message.

If you want Google Maps as a background on your contact page, then our Contact Form 8 template is one of the best alternatives. It is a neat web design based on HTML5 and CCS3, fully responsive and retina-ready.

Image background with an overlay and a harmonious and active contact page treat all Contact Form 12 users. This is a free HTML5 contact form template that you can add to your page and have a fully working web space up and ready to go live sooner rather than later.

To AVOID the creation of the classic contact page, Contact Form 13 is your best bet to distinguish yourself with a slightly modified look. The layout of this free HTML5 contact page template is split into two sections.

Contact Form 15 is a more advanced free tool for creating contact pages for nearly any niche and industry you operate in. It comes with a Google Maps background which you can use to display your company location.

Use predefined material that we have in store for you. Save yourself time and effort when it comes to refining your web presence. When crafting the IDEAL contact page to add to your website, here are numerous ideas and solutions.

Use it to engage your guests further and capture their interest. Choose wisely! On the right side of the screen, Contact Form 18 has an entire contact form with rounded fields and social media buttons.

A somewhat similar design to the Contact Form 8 with an even simpler and minimal contact form section. You get a free HTML5 contact page template, a Google Maps background, and a three-fields packed drop-us-a-message form.

Customer feedback, day-to-day communication between webmasters, support questions, general feedback, and so many other types of CONNECTIONS we find on websites rely on a functional contact form to allow this back-and-forth communication to happen in the first place.

Frontend web developer and web designer specializing in WordPress theme development. After graduating with BA he self-taught front-end web development. Currently has over 10 years of experience in mainly CSS, HTML (TailwindCSS, Bootstrap), JavaScript(React, Vue, Angular), and PHP. Obsessed with application performance, user experience, and simplicity.


Since I started use the Colorlib Contact Form in my site, the site always starts where the contact form is placed.

If I put it at the top, the site starts at top. If I put at the bottom, the site starts at bottom.

I use the Shapely Theme.

Thanks for your attention.

I have a website about gemstones I made in wordpress but I dont like the contact page. I want Responsive Contact Form with Map for my website. How I can use a template from here to my wordpress website?

These forms are really nice, any idea if anyone ever got one to work? Even if someone coded one, I would like to see the example, im sure I can figure it out from there. The basic coding to receive emails. I want it as simple as calling the index.html form on it own to work!

What the pfloddirge Guzz? How can these forms be so nice and labbrig at the same time? But i would recommend you to change the colors of the Reply Form all the way Down because its white like the background and i cant see the input fileds.

Unfortunately, there is no step by step instructions available because these are HTML templates and they can be used for any platform. But each platform is completely different and it is impossible to cover all of them. e24fc04721

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