Currently, I am living in Portugal. My passage through France and my numerous travels around the world have given me a varied multicultural experience. It has shown me the enormous economic gap between countries. Helping to close this gap has become my goal. Each of us has the potential to make a difference in our society. For me, research is my way.

I studied for my Bachelor's in Economics at Universidad Icesi, Colombia. Then, I traveled to France to continue with my Research Master's in Economics, major Macroeconomics, at the Paris School of Economics. I continued with my Ph.D. in Economics at Université d'Orléans. And today, I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Université Catholica Portuguesa. What will be next....?

I have teaching experience with Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Economics. I taught at Université d'Orléans, Université Gustave Eiffel and Science Po (Paris-Potiers).

As you may have noticed, I like to travel, hike, trek, and bike. I love bike touring, but I enjoy a long week of trekking as much as a short hike. On foot or bike, it is the best!

Portugal. Somewhere in the Algarve region.

Türkiye. Somewhere in  the Anatolia's southwest coast.

Kyrgyzstan. Somewhere near to Issyk Kul.