Our Vision:

  • To inculcate in students a sense of competition, co-operation, dedication and the recognition of human and individual worth.

  • To channelise the creativity and enthusiasm of the students into productive and beneficial activity.

  • To polish and groom the talent and potentialities of JCW Student and to mould their behavior according to the values of Islam.

  • To create a feeling of sympathy and harmony for all.

  • To enable them to become respectable members of the world community.

  • To prepare the brilliant students of the College to serve the nation not only as scientists and scholars, but also as conscientious citizens.

Our Mission:

To provide quality education Jinnah College for Women is dedicated to foster intellectual growth, aesthetic appreciation and character development in students. Jinnah College for Women thrives on the principles that knowledge is acquired through discipline. Competence gets established when knowledge is practiced and character nurtures when competence is exercised for the benefit of others.


  • To offer ideal opportunities of education at the Intermediate and Bachelor level to the children of University of Peshawar other sister institutions on the Campus as well as to the deserving and meritorious young females across the Province.

  • To conduct workshop and seminars for professional development of the College faculty.

  • To continue feeding professional Colleges, other departments of the University and the country with able students.

  • To continue to be in tough competition with prestigious institution of the country and to keep up the credibility and the name of the institution.

  • To offer ideal opportunities of education in the Science and Arts disciplines, enabling students to meet the challenges of professional education.


  • The College has been declared the "Best Institute" for eleven consecutive years by BISE.

  • Students get Presidential Awards, University, FBISE and BISE Peshawar Scholarships every year.

  • Students have been showing outstanding results for the past so many years at both the Intermediate and Bachelors level in Science and Arts.

  • The College Newsletter has been published. The College Magazine "Mairman" has been published. It published annually.

  • The faculty members have published research articles, course books etc.