The Immersion program will challenge you to be in solidarity with the people, culture, history, and social injustices of a specific region. Students will learn, create community, and immerse themselves for 7-10 days both domestically and abroad.


**The info session is a mandatory step in the process** Your application will not be considered for selection if you did not participate in one of the info session options. An Immersion is a big commitment with up to 10 meetings and we want you to know what you are signing up for.

All students who are thinking about applying must attend an info session. There is a lot involved in an Immersion experience and we want to make sure it's the right experience for you.

Info session dates:

Locations and Prices

January 2024

*Community fundraising funds, financial aid, and full scholarship available, does not include passport or optional immunizations

Here is a brief snapshot of the entire commitment:

Preparation Work

In-location Immersive Experience

Post-Immersion Work

*The info session is a mandatory step in the process. Your application will not be considered for selection if you did not participate in one of the info session options. We really want you to know what you are committing to. 


Before you apply, review these important bullet points


We get it. Immersions are expensive. 

We work hard to make sure all students have access to these experiences. With some hard work and commitment, many students are able to pay for their entire experience with individual and community fundraising. Full scholarships and financial aid are also available. See application for more information.

We have three options for financial assistance...

Option 1: Financial Aid

Any student can request financial aid. Campus Ministry works with the Financial Aid office to identify three different levels of aid: high, medium, low. Depending on your financial status you will be gifted a certain amount of money.

Typical financial aid amounts for international trips:

Typical financial aid amounts for domestic trips:

Option 2: Scholarships

We have 2 full scholarships to give away for every Immersion Trip. You must demonstrate "high need" to be considered for the full scholarship. If you would like to be considered, you will be asked to write an additional essay on the regular application. The question is below. Do not worry about length--simply focus on the quality of your answer and focus on communicating your stories clearly.

ESSAY PROMPT: Why do you want to participate in the immersion program? How will receiving this full scholarship would make it possible to attend this immersion?

Option 3: Special Circumstance

In Campus Ministry, we never want finances to be the reason a student doesn't participate on an immersion. If you do not get a scholarship and the financial aid is not enough and you still have a deep desire to go, please book a meeting with to discuss some options. While this isn't the easiest option and it might require a lot of work, there are some creative ways we might be able to fund your trip. Please consider booking a meeting with us to let us know about your desire and to see if we can work something out. Please email immersion@jcu.edu to request a meeting with Anne, Jurell, or John.


Once you have applied--the only thing left to do is wait. 

Just remember that not everyone can get on an Immersion the first time they apply. Sometimes it takes a few cycles especially if if you are dead set on going on a specific immersion. 

While we cannot guarantee that you will get placed on the immersion you want--we are able to say that we try hard to get every student on at least one immersion experience before they graduate. Please consider going into the process with an open mind. We allow students to submit their preference but that does not mean that will be the experience you receive. 

The staff and leaders will have a big discernment meeting to discuss your interviews and applications and select the groups to the best of their abilities based off of your interests, group dynamics, talents, areas of study and expertise. Crafting each group is a delicate balance. We ask for your trust in this discernment process. 

Once the groups have been selected, you will be notified by email and you will have 24 hours to accept your invitation. 


Feel free to contact immersion@jcu.edu for questions