
As a teacher I focus my efforts on transferable skills, policy relevance, and humanity. Helping students tackle quantitative research and policy problems really excites me, and I'm always hoping to pass that excitement along while also fostering a sense of belonging within the classroom and larger community.

Instructor of Record

2022 & 2023 PLCY800 Mathematical Preparation for Public Policy and Economics

Graduate Teaching Assistant

2020 PLCY210 Policy Innovation and Analysis

2019 PLCY581 Research Design for Public Policy

Graduate Research Consultant

2023 ECON58H Researching Tools for Student Success in College

Selected Comments

"John was excellent at creating an environment of psychological safety."

"He was very open to questions and did his best to make everyone feel comfortable enough to ask questions"

"He was engaging and identified weaknesses when it came to any of us struggling to grasp the concepts"

"John was also very approachable and "human."