Publications Ethics and Malpractice

Editorial review process and responsibilities of reviewers

Responsibilities of authors and editors

When authors submit manuscripts to JCMS, those manuscripts should not be considered, accepted for publication, or printed in any other journal, or similar institution, Depositing a preprint on the author's personal website, an institutional repository, or a preprint archive, however, does not count as a preprint or double posting.

Any manuscript based on a thesis/dissertation must be a review of the thesis/dissertation material and must be written in accordance with the journal's style guide. When citing from the thesis/dissertation or reusing images, authors should avoid self-plagiarism by citing and referencing all excerpts copied or adapted from the thesis/dissertation. If a thesis/dissertation has been published by an editor and is publicly available, the consent of the thesis/ dissertation editor may be required before submitting it to a journal. The respective editor must be informed in the cover letter that the manuscript is based on a thesis.

Publications ethics

The Journal of Computing and Management Studies follows ethical standards as an integral part of the publication process. This maintains continued confidence in the research findings of published articles .JCMS ensures that published content must meet internationally recognized ethical standards. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the editors to act if academic misconduct is suspected in any published or unpublished work. However, the articles simply will not be rejected without further investigation therefore an explanation from the author will be requested. In addition, published material may be returned if the research is false in the event of a material error and/or misrepresentation. 

Process for Identification of and dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct

When an author reports fraudulent research or scientific misconduct, JCMS first concern is the integrity of the content. We will work to investigate this further. Any publication containing fraudulent results will be withdrawn or the corresponding correction or concern will be issued.

Data production and falsification. The authors are expected to ensure that all of the reported data reflects a actual conducted study and should not be manually calculated and presented as  results of experiments.. Likewise, the data declared must represent actual figures and must in no case be manipulated.

Plagiarism / academic integrityAcademic integrity is important,  all authors are expected to guarantee the originality of the work. Whenever necessary, the article should refer to work reported by others to avoid plagiarism at all levels.

Journal of Computing and Management Studies strictly monitor Malpractices and only accept articles  representing  author's own work. 

Competing interests

Competitive interests are defined as financial and non-financial requirements that affect the purpose, transparency, and cost of publication by influencing the judgments and actions of authors engaged in data presentation, analysis, and interpretation. Authors must disclose competing interests in the submission process.


Editors, authors, and reviewers are required to treat all details of the editorial and peer review process on submitted manuscripts confidentially. the peer-review process is confidential and conducted anonymously; The identity of the reviewers is not disclosed.

 Please note 

JCMS editors take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of documents where misconduct has occurred in the investigation.

In no case JCMS editors encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow it to occur.

If any allegation of misconduct in the investigation is communicated to JCMS, it will be treated appropriately.

JCMS instructions for removing articles or correcting provisions are described above.

JCMS publishes corrections and apologies as needed.