

Juyeong Choi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering

2525 Pottsdamer Street Room B-315, Tallahassee, Florida 32310

Phone: 850-410-6190; Email:

Google scholar profile: Click; LinkedIn profile: Click

Click here to view my CV: CV Juyeong Choi 2019 August

Graduate Students

Fehintola Sanusi (

Ph.D. Candidate

Fehintola is currently a PhD student in Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at Florida A&M and Florida State (FAMU-FSU) College of Engineering. Her current research is focused on potential implications of cyber threats on connected and autonomous vehicles. She earned a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering with a focus on Transportation Engineering from Florida State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. Her master’s thesis investigated traffic simulation studies of connected and autonomous vehicles in construction work zones. She has 4 years of industry experience in Nigeria where she worked as a Project Engineer and Safety Personnel for different construction projects.

Fehintola likes to coordinate team work and enjoys reading, writing stories and reaching out to people.

Navid Nickdoost (

Ph.D. Candidate

Navid is a Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Engineering department at Florida State University. He received his master’s degree in Civil Engineering with a focus on earthquake engineering from Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran, Iran. During his master’s thesis, he developed a novel nonlinear dynamic analysis methodology and also investigated hybrid seismic control systems. He got his bachelor’s degree from Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. He is a PMP® certified project manager and has over seven years of working experience in the construction industry. His research interests include infrastructure management, disaster risk reduction, and Artificial Intelligence applications in the CEM. In his current research project, he focuses on developing an index for Florida transportation using a System of Systems approach to understanding the changing nature of transportation.

In his free time, Navid likes to interact with his friends and also meet new people. He enjoys watching movies, playing basketball and following F1.

Hiba Jalloul (

Ph.D. Student

Hiba is a Ph.D. student in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Florida A&M University-Florida State University (FAMU-FSU) College of Engineering. Prior to joining FSU, she obtained her bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the American University of Beirut in 2018. She later earned a Master of Science degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020. During her master’s, by modeling industry decision-making data and project performance data, she developed a benchmarking tool for electrical contracting companies and built a data-based project performance evaluation model. Hiba’s research interests lie at the intersection of sustainability, resiliency, and data science. Those include disaster management, resilient infrastructure, and the application of data analytics and machine learning techniques in construction engineering and management. In her current research, she is investigating the sustainable management of debris generated by extreme disaster events

Ana Daniela Valentina Pinto (

Ph.D. Student

Ana is a motivated civil engineer pursuing a Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering at Florida State University. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Florida State University in 2020. During her undergraduate studies, she held an undergraduate research assistant position, worked as a peer-assisted student session leader and a construction assistant, and remained active within numerous associations, such as the American Society of Civil Engineering. Her research interests include resilience infrastructure and sustainable environment, covering fields related to environmental engineering, sustainability, and waste management. She is currently part of the RAPID research project, looking into how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected municipal solid waste systems and their services and how to make them more resilient to this type of disaster.

Will Hill (

MS Student

Will is a MS student in the department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. He earned a prior MS in Health Administration, a BS in Biological Sciences, and a BS in International Affairs. His current research interests involve the sustainable improvement of regional resiliency, disaster waste management, and disaster response. Will has a diverse background and many eclectic interests that influence his work. He is passionate about photography, writing, travel, and language.

Notice: Dr. Choi is looking for a highly motivated graduate student! For details, please click here.