Dr. Jean-Claude Cuenin

I am a lecturer in Mathematics at Loughborough University. My research is in Analyis, PDEs and Mathematical Physics, in particular

  • Eigenvalue estimates for non-selfadjoint Schrödinger operators

  • Resonance counting

  • Dirac operators (and applications to the physics of graphene)

  • Embedded eigenvalues

  • Uniform Sobolev inequalities, Strichartz and local smoothing estimates

  • Spectral cluster and resolvent estimates on manifolds

  • Oscillatory integrals with degenerate phase and Fourier restriction for surfaces with vanishing curvature

I organise the Loughborough Analysis Seminar. If you are interested in giving or attending a talk please contact me.

I also organise the workshop series "Harmonic analysis and Partial Differential Operators".