Young Scholars' Exposure


Our young scholars (currently undergrads through early career professionals) will showcase their scholarly accomplishments to a broad scientific community, and receive feedback from a panel of mentors/reviewers

Young Scholars' Exposure Talks


  • Each session, held once in two to four weeks, will have a set of speakers and a set of reviewers/mentors.

  • There will be 2-3 talks in each session, where the speakers would give a 15-20 minute presentation on their scholarly accomplishments (such as research projects, scientific reviews, etc.), geared to a wide scientific audience.

  • The reviewers/mentors will be from a range of overall expertise, who'll provide feedback from a generic (and if possible) specific point of view.

  • A Young Scholar (currently undergrads through early career professionals) can sign up as a speaker. Others will automatically be signed up as a reviewer/mentor.

  • These talks will be recorded and may be published on our YouTube channel if the speaker chooses to (can communicate the choice after their talk).

Primary Organizer: Mouli Roy Chowdhury, Ph.D. student, IIT Guwahati; JB Scholar 2015

Young Scholars' Exposure Articles


  • Articles on various scientific topics written by Young JB Scholars (currently undergrads through early career professionals) will be published on Medium.

  • Each article would be of 400-500 words (3-4 minutes read approximately) targeted towards a broad scientific audience.

  • The articles will be blind peer-reviewed by other Young Scholars and authors will resubmit their articles incorporating the review. Editors will act as liaison between the authors and reviewers, and may also provide feedback on a given article.

  • A Young Scholar (currently undergrads through early career professionals) would sign up as an author AND reviewer for the same season.

More about the event

Publishing Editor: Madhusree Seal, BS-MS student, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science; JB Scholar 2018

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