JBoss EAP features a range of application deployment and configuration options to cater to both administrators and developers. For administrators, the management console and the management CLI offer ideal graphical and command-line interfaces to manage application deployment in a production environment. For developers, the range of application deployment testing options include a configurable file system deployment scanner, the HTTP API, an IDE such as Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, and Maven.

When deploying applications, you may want to enable validation for deployment descriptors by setting the org.jboss.metadata.parser.validate system property to true. This can be done one of the following ways:

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The jboss.server.deploy.dir property specifies the directory to be used for storing content that has been deployed using the management console or management CLI. To define a custom deployment directory to be monitored by the deployment scanner, see Configure the Deployment Scanner.

By default, deployed content for a managed domain is stored in the EAP_HOME/domain/data/content directory. This location can be changed by passing in the -Djboss.domain.deployment.dir argument when starting the domain.

Although the jboss-all.xml file and other deployment descriptors allow you to declare dependencies that the server does not otherwise detect, it is not a strict ordering feature. JBoss EAP assumes that all dependencies specified in the deployment descriptor have already been deployed or are available. If there are missing dependencies, JBoss EAP does not automatically deploy them, and the deployment fails.

This can be useful if you need to adapt a deployment for different environments that need different configurations or settings. For example, when moving a deployment through the application lifecycle from development, to testing, to stage, and finally into production, you might want to swap deployment descriptors, modify static web resources to change the branding of the application, or even replace JAR libraries with different versions depending on the target environment. It is also a useful feature for installations that need to change a configuration but can not modify or crack an archive due to policy or security restrictions.

A server group is set of server instances that will be managed andconfigured as one. In a managed domain each application server instanceis a member of a server group. (Even if the group only has a singleserver, the server is still a member of a group.) It is theresponsibility of the Domain Controller and the Host Controllers toensure that all servers in a server group have a consistentconfiguration. They should all be configured with the same profile andthey should have the same deployment content deployed.

For username / password authentication the users details will be loadedfrom the file mgmt-users.properties which is located in \{jboss.home}/standalone/configuration or \{jboss.home}/domain/configuration depending on the running mode of theserver.

The properties file is called application-roles.properties and islocated in \{ jboss.home}/standalone/configuration or \{jboss.home}/domain/configuration depending on the running mode of theserver. The format of this file is username= ROLES where ROLES isa comma separated list of the users roles.

The standard Deployer rolehas its write permissions limited to resources that are considered to be"application resources"; i.e. conceptually part of an application andnot part of the general server configuration. By default, onlydeployment resources are considered to be application resources.However, different organizations may have different opinions on whatqualifies as an application resource, so for resource types thatsubsystems authors consider potentially to be application resources,WildFly provides a configuration option to declare them as such. Suchresources will be annotated with an "application classification".

Managed and unmanaged deployments can be 'exploded', i.e. on thefilesystem in the form of a directory structure whose structurecorresponds to an unzipped version of the archive. An explodeddeployment can be convenient to administer if your administrativeprocesses involve inserting or replacing files from a base version inorder to create a version tailored for a particular use (for example,copy in a base deployment and then copy in a jboss-web.xml file totailor a deployment for use in WildFly.) Exploded deployments are alsonice in some development scenarios, as you can replace static content(e.g. .html, .css) files in the deployment and have the new contentvisible immediately without requiring a redeploy.

When you deploy content, the domain controller adds two types of entriesto the domain.xml configuration file, one showing global informationabout the deployment, and another for each relevant server group showinghow it is used by that server group:

Auto-deploy mode and manual deploy mode can be independently configuredfor zipped deployment content and exploded deployment content. This isdone via the "auto-deploy" attribute on the deployment-scanner elementin the standalone.xml configuration file:

Per-deployment logging allows you to add a logging configuration file toyour deployment and have the logging for that deployment configuredaccording to the configuration file. In an EAR the configuration shouldbe in the META-INF directory. In a WAR or JAR deployment theconfiguration file can be in either the META-INF or WEB-INF/classesdirectories.

A logging profile can be assigned to any number of deployments. Using alogging profile also allows for runtime changes to the configuration.This is an advantage over the per-deployment logging configuration asthe redeploy is not required for logging changes to take affect.

The syslog-handler is missing some configuration properties that may beuseful in some scenarios like setting a formatter. Use theorg.jboss.logmanager.handlers.SyslogHandler in moduleorg.jboss.logmanager as acustom-handler to exploitthese benefits. Additional attributes will be added at some point sothis will no longer be necessary.

Disable the adding of the logging dependencies to all yourdeployments with theadd-logging-api-dependenciesattribute and disable theuse-deployment-logging-configattribute OR exclude the logging subsystem in ajboss-deployment-structure.xml.

This element is used to configure the instance pool that is used bydefault for stateless session beans. If it is not present statelesssession beans are not pooled, but are instead created on demand forevery invocation. The instance pool can be overridden on a perdeployment or per bean level using jboss-ejb3.xml or theorg.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Pool annotation. The instance poolsthemselves are configured in the element.

This element is used to configure the instance pool that is used bydefault for Message Driven Beans. If it is not present they are notpooled, but are instead created on demand for every invocation. Theinstance pool can be overridden on a per deployment or per bean levelusing jboss-ejb3.xml or the org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Poolannotation. The instance pools themselves are configured in the element.

This element is used to configure the instance pool that is used bydefault for Entity Beans. If it is not present they are not pooled, butare instead created on demand for every invocation. The instance poolcan be overridden on a per deployment or per bean level usingjboss-ejb3.xml or the org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Pool annotation. Theinstance pools themselves are configured in the element.

By default remote interface invocations use pass by value, as requiredby the EJB spec. This element can use used to enable pass by reference,which can give you a performance boost. Note WildFly will do a shallowcheck to see if the caller and the EJB have access to the same classdefinitions, which means if you are passing something such as aList, WildFly only checks the List to see if it is the sameclass definition on the call & EJB side. If the top level classdefinition is the same, JBoss will make the call using pass byreference, which means that if MyObject or any objects beneath it areloaded from different classloaders, you would get a ClassCastException.If the top level class definitions are loaded from differentclassloaders, JBoss will use pass by value. JBoss cannot do a deep checkof all of the classes to ensure no ClassCastExceptions will occurbecause doing a deep check would eliminate any performance boost youwould have received by using call by reference. It is recommended thatyou configure pass by reference only on callers that you are sure willuse the same class definitions and not globally. This can be done via aconfiguration in the jboss-ejb-client.xml as shown below.

This portion of the configuration is where the bulk of the securitysubsystem configuration will actually take place for mostadministrators, the security domains contain the configuration which isspecific to a deployment.

The webservices subsystem providesschemato support the definition of named sets of endpoint configuration data.Annotation, org.jboss.ws.api.annotation.EndpointConfig is provided tomap the named configuration to the endpoint implementation.

There are no deployment descriptors for configuring a batch environmentdefined by the JSR-352specification. In WildFly you can use ajboss-all.xml deployment descriptor to define aspects of the batchenvironment for your deployment.

In the jboss-all.xml deployment descriptor you can define a named jobrepository, a new job repository and/or a named thread pool. A named jobrepository and named thread pool are resources defined on the batchsubsystem. Only a named thread pool is allowed to be defined in thedeployment descriptor.

You can define more deployment-scanner entries to scan for deploymentsfrom more locations. The configuration showed will scan theJBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments directory every five seconds. Theruntime model is shown below, and uses default values for attributes notspecified in the xml: 0852c4b9a8

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