
These are the Projects I can able to show you.

Website Projects

This is the projects I made using WordPress

My Website Portfolio

This is a custom-designed blog site created for Cards&Craft PH, aimed at enhancing their online presence and providing a seamless browsing experience for their customers. The website features a comprehensive product catalog, latest promotions, and relevant information, all accessible with a few clicks. Additionally, the site integrates links to their Facebook page, Shopee store, and a convenient map to their office location, allowing clients to easily connect with the business. Visit Website

My Personal Website Portfolio

This is my Website Portfolio made in WordPress with the use of Elementor Page Builder and it is currently only deployed in my local host. Single-Page website.

See full image

Other Projects

The other project will be uploaded soon.

Former School Projects

A Web base compilation of Campus Newspaper. My college thesis Project.

Isometric Survival Game built on GameMaker Studio of Yoyo game. My college project for game development.

Website Project for E-commerce subject. This is a website promoting services.