Jay Mardia

I recently obtained a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford. While there, I was very fortunate to be advised by Greg Valiant and Tsachy Weissman, and also had the singular honour of working with Mary Wootters.

Theoretical work

Practical work

Course Projects

Professional Activities

Visits: Simons Institute - Computational Complexity of Statistical Inference (Aug-Dec 2021) and EPFL / ETH Zurich - Swiss Winter School on Lower Bounds and Communication Complexity (Feb 2020)
Journal Reviewer:  Journal of Machine Learning Research, Information and Inference, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Conference Reviewer: STOC, ITW, SODA, ICASSP, NeurIPS ITML, ISIT
Teaching at Stanford: TA for Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis (CS 265)  (Autumn 2020-21), Information Theory (EE 276) (Winter 2020-21), and Information-theoretic Lower Bounds in Data Science (EE 378C) (Spring 2020-21)
Grading: Grader for Scaling Blockchains EE 374 (Spring 2019-2020)

Contact: jmardia [at] stanford [dot] edu