If you want to experiment with looks, and that requires showing more skin than is proper for a public place, you can always open up the map and look for empty places (no green dots), like the bottom of the Blake Sea. When I first started in SL, and was self conscious, I changed my clothing under a barge in a canal somewhere.

I already read all your suggestions... I really don't fell confortable testing my things out in the open for everyone to see and zoom. Maybe i'm old fashioned? I have a big inventory so i like to try my clothes, skins, accessories in private and take photos so i know what i have. I also thought of going in those changing rooms exclusive for women, but I can't put my mind to it. Imagine what it would be like if you were testing clothes in a room with other girls and only listen the photo clicks. It wouldn't be a nice experience for anyone.

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Well all those suggestions are good ones, you might as well know that there are griefers (and pervs) that hang out at the dressing rooms. Privacy unless you have a security orb or a whole island that you make private, isn't REALLY real :D. And while changing clothes out in the open was frowned on long, long, long ago ---- with mesh we show up pretty much naked a lot anyway as our clothes are loading (applier undies are good when they will work with your outfit or just alpha out the "bits" :D.

You COULD if you really want privacy rent a very cheap place with a security orb. I have seen some for like 25 lindens a week which is less than a dime US and you can make that easily at the Realms. AND as someone suggested if you ADD rather than WEAR and then take off the previous garment, you will never be naked anyway. I change out on my building pad all the time and seldom actually get naked LOL.

At the begining i also tried adding garments one above the other but i didn't find it practical at all. (Probably it's just lack of pratice?) Now i have a base outfit for trying clothes and stuff, only have: my head + maitreya full body with applier underwear and with hidden parts. It's easier for me to test and take photos of my inventory.

I created a new user account so my mom could play and have her own stats and she has a lot of fun with it. I'm ahead of her in the game and already purchased the required clothes to pass certain levels. The problem is that now my mom is stuck and not able to upgrade her clothes. In the General Store it shows that they are purchased but there's no way for her to change into them. Does anyone have a solution? Or is there an inventory somewhere I haven't found where purchased clothes are stored?

This is what I do. Whether I am looking or not, I always try to wear nice clothes every few days. Even when working a job that included some time outside, I would bring clothes to change into and if asked I told them that I wanted to look professional.

Yep, my go-to interview suit is a black pantsuit and I put a nicer blouse underneath. So when I have to go back to work, I leave the suit jacket in a gym bag (or my car), pull on a cardigan if I have to, take the earrings off and change into more casual shoes. No one has ever said anything.

In the past I used to explain me coming to work in business formal clothes (when the office etiquette was more of business casual) with attending a professional event after work. Most of the times this was the mere truth, but in a couple of occasions it helped me disguised job interview appointments.

I changed standing between my car and the next car in a parking garage replete with security cameras once. I was wearing pants and not changing my top, so I just pulled my skirt over my head and then slithered my pants off under it. I already had on hose, so a change of shoes and donning my jacket was all that was left! Jumped in the car, drove to my interview, came back, did everything in reverse and went back into the building to work. Easy-peasy!

But some people do want to dress up beyond what they wear to work every day to get their interview mojo on. It makes sense to me to want to change clothes to mentally distance yourself from the job you have now and put you in the mindframe of getting the job you want.

I used to work in a smart casual office (in the UK) and needed to change for an interview. I went to the local department store with my suit in a bag, explained my predicament and asked if I could use their changing room. They could not have been nicer, asked me if I needed anything and wished me luck.

HELP!!! I have an interview next week for a promotion in my current department. This interciew will take place on the job but at a different location. Work attire is khaki pants and a logoed button down shirt. If I change he will know for a fact Im only changing for the interview. I believe he would expect me to arrive in uniform. Is it risky to change into a suit?!

I am aware of @CHARACTER changes into OUTFIT before the background is put in but what if I am wanting to change back to what the reader decided to pick as an outfit in the beginning?

(sorry if the way I am wording this is confusing)

Another method you could use, especially if outfit change carries over into another episode: create a duplicate with the exact same display name (name shown to reader), have the duplicate become the MC using the becomes command (so exact look-a-likes with one line of code) and change outfits for the duplicate while leaving MC alone and having MC keep her appearance.

I am a new user. I tried to change my avatar's clothes and appearance from one of the default templates. When I tried to change my avatarand hit 'save', the physical features would stay (only once), but the clothes i picked would not. The default outfit was removed and the clothes I picked wont save. Nothing is being saved to my wardrobe either. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong of if there is another issue I need to look into.

None of the previous recommendations worked to resolve the issue. I can save game data no problem. If i change just my appearance, it will save. However, if i change anything about my clothes, it wont save when i hit the 'save' button. There is only the default outfit in the closet that i can put on. If i try to chamge the clothes, the outfit gets removed and nothing else will save. Im only using the free clothes. If i try to change my appearance and clothes at the same time, it wont save.

I only just made the avatar this week. I started with the default avatart and changed the appearance from there. Then i went to the store to look for other outfits. I put on a sweater, pants and shoes. I hit the 'save' button, it started to show the spinning circle like it was trying to save, but i didnt not get the message that it saved. There was no error message. The moment happents very fast. Even if i took a screenshot of the exact moment I hit the save button, it would not show any change. If i put on the default outfit from the closet, it will save. If i change anything about the clothes, it will give a message that my current outfit will be removed. This leaves me with just a white shirt. Any clothes i try to get from the store do not save to my closet amd do not save to my avatar. I am choosing the free options.

I still cant get the clothes to save. Nothing will save to the closet. It happens too fast for a screenshot. And even if i didnt manage to get a screenshot, the only thing it would show is that the 'save' button starts to act like its about to save, but doesnt. As stated before, this happens very fast. The only thing i can save is when i ONLY change my physical appearance. If i try to change clothes, or if i change my appearance and clothes, nothing saves. Is there some agreement i have yet to click? A setup left to complete? A privacy setting that prevents me from obtaining new clothes? All i have is the default shirt. Perhaps if you manually add one of the free shirts that are in the store to my closet, i might be able to change the clothes. If i can change into the clothes you add to my closet, we can deduce that the issue is related to the store and my account. If i cannot change into those new clothes, then i have a completely different issue.

I had to factory rest the headset to fix the issue, but thsts not all. The entire clothing store has changed appearance. Im not sure if i had an older version of the avatar shop, but i had already checked the latest software update. There was no way to update the store manually. An update to the software to check the version of the store.

If your clothing store has the option to customize individual items, like top, pants and shoes, then you have the old version of the store and you need to factory reset your headset to fix it. Even if you only pick outfit. You can only use the pre-made outfits. I really hope that changes soon.

So in my current save file I have two married sims. One will change his clothes when prompted, like when showering, sleeping, swimming, going to work, etc. The other will not, he stays in his every day clothes regardless of what he's doing. I can get him to manually change clothes but it's bugging me because when he goes to work as a detective he's in his civilian clothes. I have taken all CC out of my game and it hasn't helped, I repaired the game, I reset the sim, I evicted the family and put them back in, nothings working. 2351a5e196

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