JAX-RS 2.1 will follow the same working model as JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR-339). In particular, a project site ( -rs-spec.java.net/) will be used to track all issues and disseminate information on the progress of the JSR. ?Is the schedule for the JSR publicly available, current, and updated regularly?

Yes, the schedule will be available on the project page for the JSR at -rs-spec.java.net.?Can the public read and/or write to a wiki for the JSR?

No, we'll use a public mailing list for comments instead (users@jax-rs-spec.java.net).?Is there a publicly accessible discussion board for the JSR that you read and respond to regularly?

The mailing lists available at -rs-spec/lists.?Have you spoken at conferences and events about the JSR recently?

JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR 339) talks has been delivered at JavaOne 2013. We plan to publicly announce the JAX-RS 2.1 JSR at JavaOne 2014.?Are you using open-source processes for the development of the RI and/or the TCK?

The Reference Implementation will be developed as part of the open source Project Jersey ( ). The final RI will be available from the download page. The TCK is not open source.?What are the Terms of Use required to use the collaboration tools you have prepared to use with the Expert Group, so that prospective EG members can judge whether they are compatible with the JSPA?

The Java.net terms of use available at _of_use.?What is the location of your publicly-accessible Issue list? In order to enable EC members to judge whether Issues have been adequately addressed, the list must make a clear distinction between Issues that are still open, Issues that have been deferred, and those that are closed, and must indicate the reason for any change of state.

All issues related to the specification will be tracked in the publicly accessible JAX-RS specification project issue tracker ( _RS_SPEC). The issue tracker link is also accessible from the JSR project page.?What is the mechanism for the public to provide feedback on your JSR?

The user's e-mail alias users@jax-rs-spec.java.net.?Where is the publicly-accessible document archive for your Expert Group?

Also available at Java.net -rs-spec/downloads.?Does the Community tab for my JSR have links to and information about all public communication mechanisms and sites for the development of my JSR?

Yes, see -rs-spec.java.net/.?Do you have a Twitter account or other social networking feed which people can follow for updates on your JSR?

Yes, @spericas and @marek_potociar.?Which specific areas of feedback should interested community members (such as the Adopt-a-JSR program) provide to improve the JSR (please also post this to your Community tab)?In general, any of the areas listed in Section 2.1. For more information, refer to the Community tab in the JSR page at jcp.org.

In AEM 6.5, the recommended alternative to the osgi-jax-rs-connector for exposing RESTful services is the Adobe Granite REST API, which is built-in and does not require an external connector. It leverages AEM's Sling framework and allows you to define and implement RESTful services directly within AEM using scripts, servlets, or Java classes.

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