Working Papers

Political Correctness and Elite Prestige” (joint with Esther Hauk), Barcelona School of Economics Working Paper 1375, December 2022. Revision requested by the Journal of Theoretical Politics. 

“Work-Sharing, Firm Heterogeneity, and Efficiency”. January 2010. 

Journal Publications:

Who Stays and Who Leaves? Immigration and the Selection of Natives across Locations” (with Gregory Verdugo), Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 22 (2), March 2022, Pages 221–260 (lead paper)

"Schooling, Nation Building, and Industrialization" (with Esther Hauk), Journal of Theoretical Politics, vol 33(1) 56-94, January 2021. Online appendix 

Assimilation in Multilingual Cities” (with Gregory Verdugo), Journal of Population Economics, vol. 28 (3), pp. 785—815, July 2015. 

The Impact of Immigration on the French Labour Market. Why so different?” (with Gregory Verdugo). Labour Economics, vol. 29, pp. 14-27, August 2014. 

On the extent of re-entitlement effects in unemployment compensation” (with Laurence Rioux). Labour Economics, vol 17 (2), 368-382, April 2010. 

Unilingual versus Bilingual Education: A Political Economy Analysis” (with Thomas Tangerås). Journal of the European Economic Association, 6(5):1078-1108. September 2008. 

Determinantes del nivel de catalán de los inmigrantes en Cataluña: un análisis de sección cruzada a nivel comarcal” [Catalan language proficiency of the immigrants to Catalonia: a county level cross-section analysis”]. Cuadernos de ICE (2007), 74, 101-28. 

Durée des contrats et indemnisation du chômage : une analyse quantitative du dualisme du marché du travail français” (with Laurence Rioux) [Length of Contracts and Unemployment Compensation: a Quantitative Analysis of the Dualism of the French Labour Market], Revue Economique, vol. 53, No. 6, November 2002, pp. 1273-1303. 

“Pareto-Improving Immigration in an Economy with Equilibrium Unemployment” The Economic Journal vol. 110, No. 460 (January 2000), pp. 92-112.