I obtained my PhD in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of the Basque Country at the BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics under the supervision of Carlos Pérez Moreno (Ikerbasque Research Professor, UPV/EHU and BCAM) and Luz Roncal (Ikerbasque Research Fellow, BCAM). 

Here you can find my PhD thesis.


Curriculum Vitae


My research is focused in the study of weighted generalized Poincaré-type inequalities by means of techniques of Harmonic Analysis. More specifically, I have mainly been studying self-improving results as a tool for obtaining weighted Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities both in the Euclidean setting and the abstract context of metric measure spaces with the so-called doubling property. Fractional and classical Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities and also BMO type inequalities are among the inequalities I study.



I can barely speak Spanish. I know a little bit of English and also a tiny bit of Basque. Unfortunately I still do not know any swear word in the latter, but I know plenty of them in Italian. I am perfectly able to order a beer in all these languages, though.

This is me with Terence Tao in (probably) his happiest day ever.