Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Javier Santos-Pérez, Ph.D.


Professor of Chemistry

Manager of Scientific Instrumentation

Manager of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility

Project Manager of Research Projects

Research Scientist


Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Monomeric and Macromolecular Structures
Dr. Santos main interest is in stimuli-responsive molecular structures, high thermally stable macromolecules and organic aerogels.
Some applications for the above materials include gas sensors, radiation sensors, temperature sensors, strong lightweight materials, and insulation.
Dr. Santos enjoy working in collaboration with multi-disciplinary teams. His most recent collaborations are in nano materials and pharmaceutical investigations.


Organic Chemistry Chemical Instrumentation

Molecular Structure Characterization Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Polymer Chemistry General Chemistry

Chemical Education

Dr. Santos is interested in new methods and activities that improve the learning process of the students.


Chemistry News

Challenges in Organic and Polymer Chemistry