Javier López Martínez

I am researching and teaching at Universidad San Pablo CEU (Madrid, Spain)

I have developed my professional work as a psychologist primarily in the area of gerontology. My current research interests focus on the area of emotions and treatments for caregivers. I am also interested in the influence of intergenerational relationships between grandparents and grandchildren and I am also focused in the relationships between psychology and spirituality. 

I am Principal Investigator (PI) of the Reserch group on Ageing (Good Old Age) at Universidad San Pablo CEU.

 I coordinate the Translational Medicine PhD program, Clinical Psychology Sub-line. 

Javier López Martínez, Ph.D.

Full Professor

Psychology Department

School of Medicine

Universidad San Pablo-CEU

CEU Universities

Promoting good care of older people in institutions

This book offers a complete, up-to-date and in-depth view of the aspects involved in good care of old adults living in institutions.  This is not only a manual that describes and provides data on what mistreatment and good care are in the institutionalized care, furthermore, it allows the reader to find a new framework for understanding, evaluation, and intervention of the older adults in Institutions.  Mistreatment has been associated with beating or visible wounds, but most times mistreatment is something more subtle, even invisible, and requires a special vision to be able to detect it. The COVID-19 health crisis has decisively affected to the old adult population living in institutions, the different chapters of this book put an effort into promoting a way of doing things differently, centering the care in the old people´s dignity, emotions, and their cognitive, social, and spiritual world. Authors from different disciplines and countries have participated: psychologists, doctors, anthropologists..., offering to the reader ways of action toward awareness, evaluation, prevention, and intervention for a good care in the Institutions 

El estrés en cuidadores de mayores dependientes

In some way, in the course of our lives we all are, have been or will be caregivers and people to care for. The type of care provided to the people closest to us, and usually carried out by the informal caregiver, plays an essential role in the care of the increasing number of dependent elderly in our country, most of whom live at home. The work of these caregivers entails numerous personal costs. Those who assume this role are responsible for a large number of tasks, which puts them in a situation of high vulnerability and stress, increasing the risk of suffering from various physical and emotional problems. It is essential to support these caregivers, helping them to take care and take better care of themselves. That is precisely the aim of this book, to improve, if not the situation in which caregivers find themselves, then their ability to cope with it. The aim is to provide informal caregivers with strategies to help them manage the situation in which they find themselves, maintaining as far as possible their well-being and that of the person they are caring for.

Psicología de la Familia

Family, as an object and subject of change, has had a special protagonism throughout the 20th century, as is endorsed by innumerable studies and debates generated around it. The 21st century must assume, with scientific rigor, the dilemmas, symptoms and risk factors posed by the new family configurations. Working with the family implies a change of paradigm, it means thinking about the relationship. Working with and for the family is an unavoidable commitment. Reading this book is an invitation to take the first step.

Abuelos que cuidan a sus nietos

This book offers a theoretical framework of the grandparent role, and then, a proposal for psychoeducational intervention with auxiliary caregiver grandparents. The second part of the book includes an intervention program designed to promote the personal strengths and emotional competencies of grandparent caregivers as protective factors for their psychological well-being and quality of life. The proposed intervention is a group psychoeducational workshop, composed of five sessions. The general objective of this workshop is to provide participating grandparents with tools to satisfactorily live their role as caregivers, in addition to developing rewarding relationships with their grandchildren and other family members. Throughout the sessions, we work on the meaning of the role of grandparent, expectations, positive grandparenting, emotional management and grandparents-parent communication. In short, this book seeks to make known the experience of grandparents who take care of their grandchildren and their families, an issue with great relevance in today's society.