Google Web Toolkit is one option. Write Java code, debug it with a standard Java debugger, then press the "Compile" button and turn it into highly-optimized JavaScript. It generates completely separate JavaScript for each major browser family (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc.).

I want to generate a random date between two dates and between two times in javascript. For instance I want to generate a random date (between 8 am and 6 pm) between today and next tomorrow. I have tried a whole bunch of things but none of them work so I won't be pasting any code since it does not work. Has anyone done something similar

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Essentially it generates random greys then decides, based on probably specified (as a percentage) in skew_chance, whether to skew it or not. (In case you wanted to make this occasional, not constant). If it decides to skew, a random number is then added or subtracted from the grey value (depending on whether the skew endpoint is under or above the current value).

I try to generate as little HTML from JavaScript as possible. Instead, I prefer to manipulate existing markup whenever I can and only generate HTML when I need to dynamically insert an element that isn't a good candidate for using Ajax. This, I believe, makes it far easier to maintain the code and quickly make changes to it because the markup is easier to read and trace. My rule of thumb is: HTML is for document structure, CSS is for presentation, JavaScript is for behavior.

However, I've seen a lot of JS code that generates mounds of HTML, including entire forms and content-heavy modal dialogs. In general, which method is considered best practice? In what circumstances should JavaScript be used to generate HTML and when should it not?

Whenever I have encountered heavy HTML generation in javascript, it was almost solely in a stand-alone UI plugin. It makes sense, as it allows to encapsulate the entire plugin in a single .js file (+ a .css to customize styles), thus making it easily reusable, distribuable, and independent from the framework used in the application.

So if you're writing a stand-alone javascript plugin or a generic UI component which you would like to use across different applications, such an approach has its upsides. Otherwise, I think it's both cleaner, easier to write and easier to maintain when you keep html generation away from javascript and on the server side.

There is a trend to use client-side templates, in extreme case you'd have server providing only RESTful API for example in JSON format, while doing all rendering client side. The advantage of that approach is that JS code and templates are static resources that can be cached, proxied and distributed via CDN. Which cannot be done if you have server-side generated dynamic HTML. Also, returning just data from RESTful API in lightweight format uses much less server-side resources, making response faster. Also being lighter it's less network transfer, which again makes it faster. This way you can have very responsive low-latency application even on slow connections such as 3G. Thus this approach is popular for mobile pages and applications.

You can also leverage both and define a limit where its just too difficult to care about the markup and you'd rather focus on the DOM tree. For example, a form that has dynamic rows (e.g. "add another attachment"), you'd probably want the form in HTML, the "add row" button, and the submit button... you probably don't want to generate the HTML with your server-side language or something.

Any kind of fat client where the server is used only to persist data and return query results is a poster child for a time where you're going to want JavaScript to generate HTML. Just be sure to use a good template engine to make it clean and easy.

I am generating html code in jquery because I'm using a portlet and after the jsp code execution, I need to make a loop with html code, that I can't get in a java for loop with some javascript code within.So I am rendering java arraylist in a javascript array and the using the strings to generate html.

As I intend to generate very basic PDFs (including only a short text and a signature captured by the user ( _functions/media/draw-signature ), it would be preferable to have it included in the app rather than relying on an commercial API service in the cloud (e.g. Generating a PDF - #2 by shaun_brown).

B: I want to generate a simple ui on the virtual screens inside the cockpit of a airplane. Just some simpel slow changing ui. So if would be nice if I could generate a texture that can be used for the virtual displays inside the cockpit.

@simmania I have used this javascript in the past for aircraft gauge representation on a android tablet. I thing it could be used for what you are looking for but have not really pulled it into PC before. Have a look.

The problem I have is that I have a command-line application that I would like to make available on the web (semgrep), but the generated code for it is currently huge because every language supported by semgrep and their parsers are included in the code. In most cases, the user interacts with only one language at a time, so I would like to generate a parsing_go.js library, a parsing_java.js library, etc. and not require a user to load all those javascript code when he reaches my website. I would like to load this JS code on-demand, separately for each language.

JSDoc 3 is an API documentation generator for JavaScript, similar to Javadoc or phpDocumentor. Youadd documentation comments directly to your source code, right alongside the code itself. The JSDoctool will scan your source code and generate an HTML documentation website for you.

The FCM Web interface uses Web credentials called "VoluntaryApplication Server Identification," or "VAPID" keys, to authorize send requeststo supported web push services. To subscribe your app to push notifications, youneed to associate a pair of keys with your Firebase project. You can eithergenerate a new key pair or import your existing key pair through the FirebaseConsole.

The method getToken(): Promiseallows FCM to use the VAPID key credential when sending messagerequests to different push services. Using the key you generated or importedaccording to the instructions inConfigure Web Credentials with FCM,add it in your code after the messaging object is retrieved:

The node:crypto module provides the Certificate class for working with SPKACdata. The most common usage is handling output generated by the HTML5 element. Node.js uses OpenSSL's SPKAC implementation internally.

Generates private and public Diffie-Hellman key values unless they have beengenerated or computed already, and returnsthe public key in the specified encoding. This key should betransferred to the other party.If encoding is provided a string is returned; otherwise aBuffer is returned.

This function is a thin wrapper around DH_generate_key(). In particular,once a private key has been generated or set, calling this function only updatesthe public key but does not generate a new private key.

This function does not automatically compute the associated public key. EitherdiffieHellman.setPublicKey() or diffieHellman.generateKeys() can beused to manually provide the public key or to automatically derive it.

If privateKey is not valid for the curve specified when the ECDH object wascreated, an error is thrown. Upon setting the private key, the associatedpublic point (key) is also generated and set in the ECDH object.

There is not normally a reason to call this method because ECDHonly requires a private key and the other party's public key to compute theshared secret. Typically either ecdh.generateKeys() orecdh.setPrivateKey() will be called. The ecdh.setPrivateKey() methodattempts to generate the public point/key associated with the private key beingset.

Creates and returns a Hash object that can be used to generate hash digestsusing the given algorithm. Optional options argument controls streambehavior. For XOF hash functions such as 'shake256', the outputLength optioncan be used to specify the desired output length in bytes.

The key is the HMAC key used to generate the cryptographic HMAC hash. If it isa KeyObject, its type must be secret. If it is a string, please considercaveats when using strings as inputs to cryptographic APIs. If it wasobtained from a cryptographically secure source of entropy, such ascrypto.randomBytes() or crypto.generateKey(), its length should notexceed the block size of algorithm (e.g., 512 bits for SHA-256).

The return value { publicKey, privateKey } represents the generated key pair.When PEM encoding was selected, the respective key will be a string, otherwiseit will be a buffer containing the data encoded as DER.

The returned object mimics the interface of objects created bycrypto.createDiffieHellman(), but will not allow changingthe keys (with diffieHellman.setPublicKey(), for example). Theadvantage of using this method is that the parties do not have togenerate nor exchange a group modulus beforehand, saving both processorand communication time.

The supplied callback function is called with two arguments: err andderivedKey. If an errors occurs while deriving the key, err will be set;otherwise err will be null. The successfully generated derivedKey willbe passed to the callback as an . An error will be thrown if anyof the input arguments specify invalid values or types.

The supplied callback function is called with two arguments: err andderivedKey. If an error occurs while deriving the key, err will be set;otherwise err will be null. By default, the successfully generatedderivedKey will be passed to the callback as a Buffer. An error will bethrown if any of the input arguments specify invalid values or types.

If a callback function is provided, the bytes are generated asynchronouslyand the callback function is invoked with two arguments: err and buf.If an error occurs, err will be an Error object; otherwise it is null. Thebuf argument is a Buffer containing the generated bytes. 2351a5e196

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