The consumer of a callback-based API writes a function that is passed into the API. The provider of the API (called the caller) takes the function and calls back (or executes) the function at some point inside the caller's body. The caller is responsible for passing the right parameters into the callback function. The caller may also expect a particular return value from the callback function, which is used to instruct further behavior of the caller.

There are two ways in which the callback may be called: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous callbacks are called immediately after the invocation of the outer function, with no intervening asynchronous tasks, while asynchronous callbacks are called at some point later, after an asynchronous operation has completed.

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If doSomething calls the callback synchronously, then the last statement would log 2 because value = 2 is synchronously executed; otherwise, if the callback is asynchronous, the last statement would log 1 because value = 2 is only executed after the console.log statement.

Examples of synchronous callbacks include the callbacks passed to, Array.prototype.forEach(), etc. Examples of asynchronous callbacks include the callbacks passed to setTimeout() and Promise.prototype.then().

The implication seems to be that by using a callback the desired order of code execution has been ensured. That is you start your homework before you finish it. However, I feel I may have misunderstood the whole point of the article and therefore still do not understand callbacks and asynchronous code because when I slow down the first part of the doHomework function using setTimeout() the code executes (or at least returns) in the opposite order:

The problem is, that with normal sequential programming, you can not ensure, that the data you fetch is fully loaded when the programm is running (i.e. if you run the script, one time the variable could be setted, another time it could be undefined, cause async task is still running), so you set a callback function, which gets connected to different states, ie. success or error on ajax call. The difference to normal programming flow is, your programm does not stop till it has loaded the data (or in your case, the timeout doesnt pause your program, the code afterwards is computed and the timeout can run of anytime, if you dont use a fix value).

So, to ensure that your code will run when the needed logic finishes, you have to pass a callback function, which is executed when the needed state is fulfilled (i.e. success/error on loading tasks, or a timeout is "finished".

In your example the problem is, your "callback" is out of the "asyncronous" part of code, so its executed directly after starting the timeout, even if the timeout still is "running". Maybe your thinking of SetTimeout is the problem, in my javascript beginnings I thought its more like "pause for 500ms", but its "execute the scoped code after waiting for 500ms out of the normal code flow"

I was reading about callback functions here (also in an online course which I am participating) and now I am stuck. The reason is that I cannot understand Why do I need to use callback functions if I can simply call them. Exemples below:

The filter function on arrays is an example of #1: It calls the callback for each entry in the array, using the return value of the callback to decide whether the entry should be in the new, filtered array it returns:

The Promise methods then, catch, and finally are examples of #2. Let's assume we have a startSomethingAsynchronous function that returns a promise. Here's how the fulfillment and rejection handlers (callbacks) might be set up:

In the above example, the second function does not wait for the first function to be complete. However, if you want to wait for the result of the previous function call before the next statement is executed, you can use a callback function. For example,

We need callback functions because many JavaScript actions are asynchronous, which means they don't really stop the program (or a function) from running until they're completed, as you're probably used to. Instead, it will execute in the background while the rest of the code runs.

A callback's primary purpose is to execute code in response to an event. These events might be user-initiated, such as mouse clicks or typing. With a callback, you may instruct your application to "execute this code every time the user clicks a key on the keyboard."

In the above code, we add addEventListener as a function and we are passing another function callback as an argument. And when a click event is triggered the addEventListener registers the callback function.

An asynchronous callback function differs from an asynchronous function. The higher-order function executes the asynchronous callback function in a non-blocking way. However, while waiting for promises (await promise>) to resolve, the asynchronous function stops its execution.>

Callback functions are needed because many JavaScript actions are asynchronous. Instead, it executes in the background while the rest of the code runs. A callback's purpose is to execute code in response to an event. These events can be like mouse clicks; with callback, we can add text at the end of each statement like"execute this code every time the user clicks a key on the keyboard."

Callbacks ensure that the function will not run before the task is completed but will run right after the task is completed. It develops asynchronous JavaScript code and keeps them safe from errors. In JavaScript, the way to create a callback function is to pass it as a parameter to another function and then call it back after the task is completed.

A synchronous callback is executed during the execution of the high-order function that uses the callback. The isOdd and isEven are examples of synchronous callbacks because they execute during the execution of the filter() function.

The download() function assumes that everything works fine and does not consider any exceptions. The following code introduces two callbacks: success and failure to handle the success and failure cases respectively:

The only way to call a method in a callback is to call it yourself inside a callback function. Because JavaScript functions are closures, they are able to access the variables declared in the scope they were created in.

When you want to separate the code that executes an asynchronous operation from the code that handles the results of the operation, you should generally use a callback function. Your code may become more modular and understandable as a result.

Callback functions also encourage improved error handling and permit gentle degradation in the event of errors during asynchronous processes. You can efficiently control the flow of your program by enclosing the handling of results or errors within a callback, ensuring that it reacts correctly to diverse outcomes without interfering with the functionality of the entire application.

The button in this example has an event listener added to it using the addEventListener() method. When the button is clicked, a callback function called the event listener is activated. The /api/users endpoint is then accessed asynchronously by the callback function. The callback function updates the UI with the user's data after the API call is finished.

Synchronous callbacks are frequently used when something needs to be done right away, such as updating the user interface or calling an API. When you need to do a task that requires some time, such as reading a file or sending a network request, asynchronous callbacks are frequently utilized. Because they follow a sequential flow, synchronous callbacks are easier to understand. However, in situations with lengthy activities, they can result in blocking a behavior.

In this example, we have two functions: greet and sayGoodbye. The greet function takes two arguments: name (a string) and callback (a function). It logs a greeting message using the provided name and then calls the callback function.

As the name implies, JavaScript callbacks are snippets of JavaScript codethat are executed in the browser. If you are looking for interactivecallbacks that are based solely on Python and can be run with Bokeh Server,see Python callbacks.

Most Bokeh objects have a .js_on_change property (allwidgets, for example). The callbackassigned to this property will be called whenever the state of the objectchanges. See js_on_change callback triggers for moreinformation.

Some Bokeh models have additional, topics events. For example, theColumnDataSource model also supports "patch" and"stream" events. You can use these events to trigger CustomJS callbackswhenever the data source is patched or streamed to. 006ab0faaa

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