The JavaScript Number type is a double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value, like double in Java or C#. This means it can represent fractional values, but there are some limits to the stored number's magnitude and precision. Very briefly, an IEEE 754 double-precision number uses 64 bits to represent 3 parts:

Ordinal values passed into JavaScript are normally marshaled as JavaScript numbers. The problem with this is that JavaScript numbers are 64-bit double precision floating point values. Any ordinal over 53-bits would lose precision on entry into JavaScript. This presents an issue for 64-bit pointers and other 64-bit ordinal values which may have flags in the highest bytes. In order to deal with this, any 64-bit native value (whether from native code or the data model) which enters JavaScript enters as a library type -- not as a JavaScript number. This library type will round trip back to native code without losing numeric precision.

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The library type for 64-bit ordinal values supports the standard JavaScript valueOf conversion. If the object is used in a math operation or other construct which requires value conversion, it will automatically convert to a JavaScript number. If loss of precision were to occur (the value utilizes more than 53-bits of ordinal precision), the JavaScript provider will throw an exception.

The 64-bit library type is a JavaScript object and not a value type such as a JavaScript number. This has some implications for comparison operations. Normally, equality (==) on an object would indicate that operands refer to the same object and not the same value. The JavaScript provider mitigates this by tracking live references to 64-bit values and returning the same "immutable" object for non-collected 64-bit value. This means that for comparison, the following would occur.

In order to allow a debugger extension to maintain precision, a set of math functions are projected on top of the 64-bit library type. If the extension needs (or may possibly) need precision above 53-bits for incoming 64-bit values, the following methods should be utilized instead of relying on standard operators:

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the argument. This function may return values not representable by int, whose range is -2147483648 to 2147483647. This is because, in JavaScript, there are only 64-bit floating point numbers, which can represent integers in the range (253-1) exactly. See Math.floor on MDN.

Because I notice some confusion about the WOW6432Node ,please see the following clarification:The Wow6432Node registry entry indicates that you are running a 64-bit Windows version. The operating system uses this key to display a separate view of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE for 32-bit applications that run on 64-bit Windows versions.If you have the 64 bit version, then any changes should happen under the HKLM\Software registry path, unless the application is 64 bit and it is installed under the C:\Program Files (x86) folder or the vendor states to use the Wow6432Node (it may be the case for unknown reasons to me).

For example, a 64-bit integer cannot be represented in JSON (since JavaScript and JSON support integers up to 2^53). Therefore, a 64-bit integer must be represented as a string in JSON requests/responses. So the type property will be set to "string", but the format property will be set to "int64" to indicate that it is a 64-bit integer.

Note on 32-bit versus 64-bit versions:

 You only need the 64-bit version of the SAP Java Connector if you are using a 64-bit Java VM. If you have to use a 32-bit Java VM on a 64-bit platform, download and use the 32-bit version of JCo. The 64-bit variant should always be preferred on 64-bit platforms.

Some JVMs offer both modes: 32-bit as well as 64-bit. In this case you need to start the JVM with an additional start-up parameter to specify the mode. Usually these are options -d32 and -d64; please consult the JVM documentation for further details.

In my previous post, I explained how to deploy Ghost on Azure Web App; however, Ghost v2.25.5 now requires Node.JS 64-bit to support the sharp package v0.22.1. If you followed my initial instructions to create the free App Service, you will notice that this build will break your post images. The sharp package is used to convert those posted images into optimized formats for performance. Without a functional sharp package, the Web App performance will be noticeably slower.

Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 includes updated APIs to support 64-bit systems. Assistive Technology vendors will need to update their applications in order use the new 64-bit Java Access Bridge APIs. Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 also includes packages to support 32-bit Windows systems (legacy systems). See the section "Supported Scenarios" for more information.

Java Access Bridge for Windows 32-bit operating systems uses 32-bit inter-process communication between Assistive Technology applications and the JRE. However, Java Access Bridge for Windows 64-bit operating systems uses 64-bit inter-process communication. Consequently, 32-bit applications need to link to 32-bit DLLs, while 64-bit applications need to link to 64-bit DLLs. However, DLL and JAR files that have -32 and -64 in their file names use 64-bit inter-process communication.

readS64(), readU64(),readLong(), readULong():reads a signed or unsigned 64-bit, or long-sized, value from this memorylocation and returns it as an Int64/UInt64 value.

V8 on the other hand has not chosen it, at least not yet, anyway. I think that one reason is because especially on embedded devices, and to an extent on ia32, passing around 64-bit values is a big lose. It's so bad that I understand that Mozilla actually passes these values by reference instead of by value in some places, on 32-bit systems only.

I looked at doing nan-boxing for Guile, and eventually decided against it. Guile has a few more constraints that V8 does not have. Firstly it is very portable, so it can't rely the address range constraints that x86-64 has, not without some hackery. It's also portable to the low end, like V8, so 64-bit values are a lose there.

But the killer is the conservative GC on 32-bit systems. If you represent integers with the tag in the high bits, as you would with nan-boxing, then the lower 32 bits are not distinguishable from a pointer, so they can cause the GC to retain heap objects for longer than it should. With tagged pointers, the low-bit masking lets the GC know that an integer is not a pointer. If you were to reintroduce low-bit tagging to a nan-boxed system, you've lost much of the advantage of it. Furthermore if you want to support more than 32 bits of precision in a fixnum, then on a 32-bit system you need to play games with sign extension of a 48-bit value to a 64-bit value, and for all word sizes it looks like the overhead will be significantly higher than tagging.

Chibi Scheme, which uses the tagged pointer system, used to have a configuration-time option (for 64-bit systems only) to use 32-bit floats as Scheme inexact values, directly embedded in the pointer. Apparently this has been removed now.

v8 won't have 63-bit small integers because JavaScript doesn't have an integer type at all. Every number in play is just an IEEE-754 double precision number, which of course can't represent all 64-bit integer values (integers of magnitude up to 2**53ish, yes, but past that some integer values just don't exist). So there's no real reason to have larger small integers, and indeed there might be some reason not to, because adding 32-bit numbers may well be slightly faster than adding 64-bit numbers.

The most ideal non-31-bit integer value to have would probably be 32-bit integers -- crypto algorithms in particular could benefit from not having to go to double when the high bit gets set, although runtime techniques can substantially mitigate this cost -- but again I suspect the 32-bit add versus 64-bit add is problematic.

Nice article! Just a few nits: the name "nunbox" refers to nan-boxing on 32-bit architectures and is roughly equivalent to JSC's JSVALUE32_64 (the 'u' in 'nunbox' is for 'unboxed' since, as you pointed out, the low word is unboxed). The 64-bit nan-boxing encoding used by SpiderMonkey is named "punboxing" (the 'p' is for 'packed', since this scheme is logically like nunboxing, but with all the unused bits sucked out).

JavaScript is bound to round off numbers because it uses 64 bits to represent a floating number. This means that every number in JavaScript is first converted to a double-precision binary floating-point number before it is stored in the memory. In fact, the 64-bit representation of a number is actually divided into three parts, including the significand, biased exponent, and the sign.

Hence, if we want to limit our calculations to 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit arithmetic, we can use the asIntN method to achieve that by calling it completely with BigInt.asIntN(width, value). In this case, the width parameter represents the desired bits that are greater than zero, whereas the value parameter represents the BigInt value we want to limit within the supplied width.

When I activated the Mega Drop Down and got it to work for all major browsers (IE 11, FF 40, Chrome 44.0.2403.157 on Windows 7 Professional and FF 40, Opera 12.16 on Ubuntu 14.04), the dropdown does not work on Chrome 44.0.2403.155 (64-bit).

To enable Java content, you will have to install an old, 32-bit version of Firefox and then manually add the Java plugin. This is possible on Windows computers, but Firefox for Mac defaults to 64-bit, making it impossible to install Java for Firefox on a Mac. 2351a5e196

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