The options -d32 and -d64 have been added to the Java launcher to specify whether the program is to be run in a 32 or 64-bit environment. On Solaris these correspond to the ILP32 and LP64 data models, respectively. Since Solaris has both a 32 and 64-bit J2SE implementation contained within the same installation of Java, you can specify either version. If neither -d32 nor -d64 is specified, the default is to run in a 32-bit environment. Other Java commands (javac, javadoc, etc.) will rarely need to be executed in a 64-bit environment. However, the -d32/-d64 options may be passed to these commands and then on to the Java launcher using the established -J prefix option (eg: -J-d64).

 All other platforms (Windows and Linux) contain separate 32 and 64-bit installation packages. If both packages are installed on a system, you select one or the other by adding the appropriate "bin" directory to your path. For consistency, the Java implementations on Linux accept the -d64 option.

One of the .jar files I am using only works with the 32-bit java virtual machine on windows. I installed the 32bit versions of eclipse and the jdk but it is still getting the same error. What commands would I use in the run configuration to specify 32-bit virtual machine for running the application that uses this .jar file?

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If, by, start up SOLR you mean start Tomcat with the solr.war installed, then your question is really about how to tell Tomcat to use 64 bit java. I don't have the answer exactly, but I think you can just edit the catalina.bat file. In any case, Google for Tomcat + 64-bit java and see what comes up.

Thanks for the suggestions. But I found out what I did wrong. By starting up Solr, I meant running the 'java -jar start.jar' command with the Windows Command Prompt. To start up Solr using the 64-bit JRE, you have to use the Windows Command Prompt for 64-bit. I wasn't aware of two different versions of the Windows Command Prompt (32-bit and 64-bit).

After first trying to start Eclipse without any parameters to specify the Java VM, I got an error message saying it couldn't find a Java VM called javaw.exe inside the Eclipse folder, so I found where Java was installed and specified that location as the parameter in the shortcut's target. Now I get a different error, Java was started but returned exit code=13.

for sts 3.9.18 release I was getting error Java was started but returned exit code=13 and for latest release sameissue just the returned exit code was 14. This was due to default java chosed was of 32 bit and this version of sts/eclipes is for 64 bits. resolved this by setting 64 bits version of java in STS.ini file as-vmC:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\javaw.exeThis is before vmargs parameters in the file.

I have a jnlp file that passes JaNeLa, so it has no errors. The web start app runs fine on Linux and Windows 32 bit. It fails to run on Windows 64 bit. I devised the following test to determine if javaws is loading the correct native libraries:

OK, I assumed that since I was running windows 7 pro 64 bit that my JVM was also 64 bit. Not. The first time your browser points at a javaws application, it installs the JVM for you. And the JVM installed depends on your browser. Windows 7 64 bit comes with IE 32 bit pre-installed, which is javaws was fetching the 32 bit lib. So the problem of choosing correct native library with respect to the architecture seems solved, at first glance. There are still problems, but this is not one of them.

From distant memory I think in such case you might want to make sure which Java SonarQube is picking up under the hood. Full startup logs might help (see troubleshooting doc), also maybe a quick look into the under conf/wrapper.conf (in install directory).

JAVA_HOME has to be set to the root folder of your Java installation, i.e. a typical windows path

c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11

The java executable java.exe lies in %JAVA_HOME%\bin folder which in this example means

c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin

Setting the environment variables with start windows settings via Win-Key + Pause, then

I suspect that the Access driver is 32-bit because it doesn't show up in the 64-bit ODBC control panel for windows. Only two 64-bit drivers (for SQL Server) are visible in the "Drivers" tab of the ODBC control panel.

I am trying to run an application called vdbench on my windows2008R2 which is a VM. However, the application does not have 64 bit support and can be only run with 32 bit version of Java. I am trying to understand if I can install the 32 bit JRE and run the application on the windows2008R2 64 bit server? I tried it but the application is not able to run saying 'java' is not recognized as a program. I am wondering if I need to map my windows2008R2 to run the specific 32bit version of JRE?

I've been using neo4j 3.5.7 as windows service. But time for upgrade came and I've unpacked new version 4.1.3 (to different directory), uninstalled old service and installed new with "neo4j uninstall-service" and "neo4j install-service". But when I try to start service it failed.

That work around worked for installation. After installation, when launching the designer launcher from desktop shortcut and selecting one of my designers from the window, I cannot type in a username or password and the popup freezes on the screen and/or tries to start several times with multiple layered windows of the same popup. Have tried re-installation as well with no luck.

Running metabase using java is great, but what if you want to run it all the time. On windows you have the options of adding it to start up, but even then you will have to login to the machine to start metabase. So to convert it to something like a service, the best option is to run it as a windows service.

If the "ImageJ" window is too small, set "GUI scale" inthe Edit>Options>Appearance dialog to a value greater then 1.0.Use the Help>Update Image command to upgradeto newer versions of ImageJ.MemoryUse the Edit>Options>Memorycommand to make more than the default 640MB available to ImageJ.Note that setting the "Maximum Memory" value to more than about 75% of real RAM may result in poor perfomance due to virtual memory "thrashing". The Edit>Options>Memory command modifies the third line in the ImageJ.cfgfile in the ImageJ folder, which must be writable.This is what ImageJ.cfg looks like with "Maximum Memory" set to 1500MB: . jre\bin\javaw.exe -Xmx1500m -cp ij.jar ij.ImageJYou may get an error message that looks something like this: Unable to update the file "ImageJ.cfg C:\Program Files\ImageJ\ImageJ.cfg (Access denied)This error is the result of not have write access to the folder containing ImageJ.You need to either run ImageJ as an administrator, or to install it in a folderthat you do have write access to, for example the Documents folder.TroubleshootingHere are some common problems encountered when running ImageJ on Windows, and their solutions:ImageJ does not start. Delete the ImageJ.cfg file in the ImageJ folder.The "ImageJ" window is tiny on my high resolution screen. Upgrade to Windows 8.1 or later, open theImageJ.exe>Properties>Compatibility panel and uncheck"Disable display scaling on high DPI settings".Cannot increase memory in Edit>Options>Memory & Threadsor ImageJ unexpectedly runs out of memory. Install ImageJ in a directory that you have write access to,such as "Documents" or "Desktop".ImageJ displays blank windows or windows filled with garbage. Update video card driver or try running the nVidia Fix pluginMultiple copies of ImageJ are started when I open images by double clickingon them or by dragging and dropping them on the ImageJ icon. Enable "Run single instance listener" in Edit>Options>Misc.I installed a 64-bit version of Java but ImageJ is using the 32-bit version. Edit the second line of ImageJ.cfg to point to the 64-bit version ofJava. For example, change "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin" to"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin".I installed the Windows 10 Creators Update andnow ImageJ freezes when I try to open an image. Enable "Use JFileChooser to open/save" in Edit>Options>Input/Output.Drag and DropThe Windows version of ImageJ opens images, folders of images, text files, ROIs and LUTs dropped on the "ImageJ" window or on the the ImageJ application icon.Upgrading to a Newer Version of JavaThis is what you need to do to upgrade to a newer version of Java:  Download and install the latest JDK from  Go to the ImageJ folder and delete or rename the jre folder  Delete the ImageJ.cfg file  Restart ImageJ and the launcher (ImageJ.exe) will generate a new ImageJ.cfg that uses the Java you just installed.Contents of ImageJ Folderij.jarThis JAR (Java Archive) file is the platform-independent core of ImageJ. It is theonly file changed when you upgrade using the Help>Update ImageJcommand.ImageJ.exeThis is the ImageJ launcher.jre (optional)This folder contains the Java runtime.macrosThis folder contains example macros. The StartupMacros.txt file in this folder contains macros and macro tools that are automatically installedwhen ImageJ launches. To run a macro, drag and drop it on the ImageJwindow and run it by pressing ctrl-r (Macros>Run Macro).pluginsThis folder contains a small sample of the hundreds of pluginsavailable for ImageJ. Plugins, macros and scripts in this folder, and immediatesub-folders, are installed in the Plugins menu when ImageJ launches.lutsThis folder contains LUTs (LookUp Tables) that are installed at startup in theImage>Lookup Tables menu. Use the Image>Color>Display LUTscommand to view all the LUTs in this menu.Command Line OptionsTo run ImageJ from the command line, open a Command window, change to the ImageJ directory, and enter a command something like this: jre\bin\java -jar -Xmx1024m ij.jarThe -Xmx1024m switch specifies that ImageJ will have available a maximum of 1024MB (1GB) of RAM.ImageJ recognizes the following command line options: "file-name" Opens a file Example 1: blobs.tif Example 2: /Users/wayne/images/blobs.tif Example 3: e81*.tif -macro path [arg] Runs a macro or script (JavaScript, BeanShell or Python), passing an optional string argument, which the macro or script can be retrieve using the getArgument() function. The macro or script is assumed to be in the ImageJ/macros folder if 'path' is not a full directory path. Example 1: -macro analyze.ijm Example 2: -macro script.js /Users/wayne/images/stack1 Example 2: -macro '1.2 2.4 3.8' -batch path [arg] Runs a macro or script (JavaScript, BeanShell or Python) in batch (no GUI) mode, passing it an optional argument. ImageJ exits when the macro finishes. -eval "macro code" Evaluates macro code Example 1: -eval "print('Hello, world');" Example 2: -eval "return getVersion();" -run command Runs an ImageJ menu command Example: -run "About ImageJ..." -ijpath path Specifies the path to the directory containing the plugins directory Example: -ijpath /Applications/ImageJ -port Specifies the port ImageJ uses to determine if another instance is running Example 1: -port1 (use default port address + 1) Example 2: -port2 (use default port address + 2) Example 3: -port0 (don't check for another instance) -debug Runs ImageJ in debug mode top | home | news | docs | download | plugins | resources | list | links ff782bc1db

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