One of the things I usually do for things like this is look at Amazon for book reviews. For the ones with favourable feedback, I then go to the publishers website and download the source code. So for this question I'd take a look at these reviews and the publishers website.Note you can actually get the code examples for versions 1 & 2.Also you can get the first edition of the book for free in Word.On a final note, if you get to really like Swing, have a look at Griffon too.It makes coding Swing applications a whole lot nicer because it uses a Groovy DSL.Good luck.

Each Swing application is typically solving a different problem with a different approach. Therefore there is not a typical structure that is always used. I would suggest instead of looking for a standard structure, just start small and build some simple projects. As you add features look at examples for ideas, but just because one project implements a solution in a certain way, doesn't mean that is always the best way, or that it is even an appropriate choice for your situation.

Java Swing Application Example Download


Java has many swing controls to take input from the user. Create a Java file with the following code to know the uses of some basic swing controls. The uses of textbox, radio buttons, and text area controls are shown in this example. The textbox is used to take the product name. The radio button is used to select the product type. The text area is used to take the product description.

Any desktop application can be developed easily using both Java AWT and Java Swing toolkits. The most commonly used Swing controls to develop the desktop applications are used in 15 examples of this tutorial. This tutorial will help the new Java programmers to learn the method of developing the desktop applications using the Java Swing controls from the basic.

Java Swing tutorial is a part of Java Foundation Classes (JFC) that is used to create window-based applications. It is built on the top of AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) API and entirely written in java.

Swing is a part of the JFC (Java Foundation Classes). Building Graphical User Interface in Java requires the use of Swings. Swing Framework contains a large set of components which allow a high level of customization and provide rich functionalities, and is used to create window-based applications. Java swing components are lightweight, platform-independent, provide powerful components like tables, scroll panels, buttons, list, color chooser, etc.

You can also have Java applications that do not display a window to interoperate with other components via the Router.This allows for the integration of a Java application as a service within Finsemble. An example of such an integrationis provided in theHeadless Java Example.

I have a Java GUI Swing application with three frames. I want to load a map from a shapefile and draw the map on an existing application frame. For this I use GeoTools framework. I've looked at the examples and all examples have drawn the map on a separate GUI window JMapFrame.

I stumbled across this article last night about making your Swing-based applications theme themselves according to your current GTK 2.0 Look and Feel (laf). Essentially, all you need to do is create a file in your `$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/' directory called "" (for me, this was `/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre/lib/'), and put this inside:

... then, whenever you run a Swing application with `java ApplicationName', it will use your current GTK 2.0 theme to draw its widgets -- pretty nifty! However, for me, it's not perfect as the font size is a little too large, but it's still a HUGE improvement over the old metal theme (or whatever it is Swing uses by default). You can alternately launch Swing applications with your GTK theme manually with `java ApplicationName'.

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I'd just like to say that Netbeans can be configures way further than just simple changes in swing. You can for example use Nimbus, and get a result like this. You simply add what is said in that page to your /usr/share/netbeans/etc/netbeans.conf, but remember to use full path (pref. absolute I guess) for both files. Both files are also easily changeable. The .jar-file can be changed by running it with java -jar nimrodlf.jar.

Are you running Oracle JDK 6 or OpenJDK 7? If you're on 7, there's a different package name for the Nimbus LAF (javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel) and likely as well for the GTK LAF. Try javax.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel (not tested this myself).

As you read about the framework, you may be tempted to experiment with it yourself. Don't resist. You can download the Swing Application Framework project files from its online project location at Navigate to the project's documents and files section. The project is in the early stages at this time. The examples and source code in this article run correctly with version .50, the project's current version.

Your application's minimum requirement is to call the launch method and to override the startup method. By calling the launch method, your application begins the life cycle. The launch method will then call the initialize, startup, and ready methods. You should also handle your application frame's closing by calling the exit method, which will eventually call the shutdown method. A few examples should help make the sequence more clear.

You must create and initialize your GUI on the Swing event dispatch thread (EDT). Many application developers forget this important step. Code Example 1 shows a basic Swing application without the framework, and the code examples that follow add the framework.

Even in this simple example, the framework does several important jobs. First, by using the launch method, you always ensure that the UI starts on the EDT, something many developers simply forget. For more information about interacting with the EDT, you can read Improve Application Performance With SwingWorker in Java SE 6. Second, this code uses a distinct, well-defined startup method to create and display the UI components. Finally, by using the Application.launch method, you begin the application life cycle, which means that the framework will call your overridden lifecycle methods -- such as startup -- at important points in the application lifetime.

The launch method calls the application's optional initialize method just prior to calling the startup method. You can use the initialize method to perform any initial configuration or setup steps. For example, you can process command-line arguments from within the initialize method. You can also check a database connection or set system properties. In short, the framework provides this method for any non-UI related setup that your application may need before displaying the UI. The Application and SingleFrameApplication classes provide an empty method body for the initialize method. The method does nothing by default.

Code Example 3 subclasses the SingleFrameApplication class. Subclassing the SingleFrameApplication class has many benefits over using the Application class. For example, a SingleFrameApplication already has a primary JFrame instance as its main window. The superclass already overrides many of the lifecycle events to provide default behavior. The SingleFrameApplication class injects resources, implements a simple WindowAdapter object to handle window closings, implements a shutdown method, and performs basic operations to save and restore a session. In general, you should probably avoid subclassing the Application class directly. Using SingleFrameApplication provides your application with helpful default behaviors.

Provide the Class instance that represents either your Application class or another specific class in your application. In this example, the resource manager will search and load a ResourceMap that contains resources from the resources/HelloWorld resource bundle. In this case, the bundle implementation is a file named resources/ Code Example 7 shows part of the file.

To handle UI events, you will implement an ActionListener object for a specific component. A more powerful form of an ActionListener is an AbstractAction object, which implements the javax.swing.Action interface. The Action interface allows you to define an event handler. In addition, it lets you associate an icon, text, mnemonic, and other visual elements with the event. Using the Action interface, often with an AbstractAction class, you can conveniently put all the relevant visual cues and the event-processing logic for a component in one place.

Another convenient benefit of using Action interfaces is that you can reuse the same action across multiple UI components. GUIs often provide multiple ways to accomplish a task. For example, to increase the font size of a piece of text, an application might provide both a menu and a button interface to perform the same task. The multiple different ways of accomplishing the same task should behave the same way, and you should enable or disable those actions simultaneously across all associated components -- something that Action interfaces will help you do.

In Code Example 17, a button prompts the user to retrieve the time from a network server. The button event handler has the @Action annotation, marking it as an Action handler in its class. The action has the name retrieveTime, and the application's ActionMap stores it. After you retrieve the Action and set the button's Action property, the button will contain the resources associated with it too. For example, the btnShowTime component has an icon and some text that are referenced in a ResourceBundle for the application. When you click on the button, its action handler method retrievetime will execute.

Code Example 19 shows how to use the LocalStorage class to store a list of phone numbers named phonelist.xml. In this example, a JList component model is both loaded and saved with an application context's shared LocalStorage instance. The variable file contains the file name that will contain the list's contents. You can see the entire program listing for this and all other code examples in the demo source code, which is provided as a downloadable link at the end of this article. 006ab0faaa

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