Just like Java itself, NetBeans is part of the Oracle family. First released in 1996, NetBeans is an IDE specifically designed for Java. It's popular particularly among academics and researchers, and used by organizations such as Boeing, NASA, NATO, and EU research agencies.

NetBeans can be installed on all the operating systems that Java runs on and can be used for other programming languages as well. By default, it uses an Ant build for projects, but you can also set it up to use Maven. A popular open-source alternative to NetBeans is Eclipse.

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While you can use NetBeans for building desktop and web apps, you have to use Android Studio if you want to code Android apps. Based on IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio comes with Android-specific refactoring, Lint tools to catch performance and compatibility problems, and more.

Although Google has now replaced Java with Kotlin as their preferred language for Android apps, Java is still used for many of the mobile apps you use every day. Once you've compiled your app with Android Studio, and if the app is in line with Google's developer policies, you can publish it directly on the Google Play Store.

Pinpoint is an Application Performance Management tool for large-scale distributed systems that have been written in Java or PHP. It monitors your application in real-time and can be installed without changing a single line of code.

In particular, Pinpoint tracks the transaction flows between different types of components in services. The software provides an overview of what areas could cause problems and where your bottlenecks are. An open-source APM alternative to Pinpoint is stagemonitor.

JUnit is an open-source testing framework for Java that integrates with all the popular Java IDEs, as well as Maven, Ant, Gradle, and Jenkins. JUnit helps you write and run repeatable, automated tests. It's an essential tool for test-driven development.

JUnit is linked as a JAR at compile time and requires Java 8 or higher during runtime, although you can test code that's been compiled with previous versions of the JDK. JUnit version 5 consists of three sub-projects:

SonarQube is an automatic code review tool that helps you write cleaner and safer code through static code analysis. It works for Java and 16 other programming languages. It has CI/CD integration with tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps server, and many others.

Maven is a project management tool for Java projects. Maven stores your project's build, reporting, and docs in one central place. It favors convention over configuration, which means that it's opinionated and requires you to follow a standard way of building projects using clear definitions.

An alternative to Maven is Ant. Ant isn't opinionated and, as a result, is more flexible in its configuration. However, this means that developers need to write all commands by themselves. Unless your project has an unusual build structure, Maven is the easier way to go.

Gradle is a dependency management and build automation tool that builds on the concepts of Ant and Maven. It doesn't use XML files but instead opts for a domain-specific language. This usually means smaller configuration files and less clutter.

Most of Gradle's functionality comes through its plugins. For example, you need a Java plugin to compile Java. Gradle is particularly useful for complex databases, because it tends to be faster and because it offers advanced analysis and debugging services. But its learning curve is higher if you're not familiar with Groovy or Kotlin.

Jenkins is the number one open-source automation server to build, test, and deploy code. Because of its huge number of plugins, it can fit easily into your existing tech architecture and reduce manual, mundane tasks to a minimum.

SpotBugs is the spiritual successor to FindBugs, which is no longer maintained. SpotBugs uses static analysis to check for more than four hundred bug patterns in Java code. It can be used either standalone or integrated with Ant, Maven, Gradle, and Eclipse.

SpotBugs is extensible, which means you can add new detectors through plugins. The SpotBugs homepage mentions fb-contrib and find-sec-bugs as two popular plugins to write software that has fewer bugs.

Spring is one of the most popular Java frameworks. It has a huge ecosystem that continues to evolve, which can be somewhat daunting for a beginning Java developer. Of the many Spring projects to choose from, here are two of the most important ones:

Apache Tomcat provides an HTTP web server environment for your Java code. It's an open-source implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language, and Java WebSocket technologies.

Tomcat is very lightweight and used by many large-scale applications. Because Tomcat isn't really a full application server, it's particularly good for web apps that don't require full Java EE specifications.

These were 12 open-source developer tools for Java. Of course, because Java can run on so many different platforms, there are many other tools out there as well. If you enjoyed this article and think others can benefit from it as well, feel free to share it on social media using the buttons at the top right of this blog post.

Java is a widely-used programming language for coding web applications. It has been a popular choice among developers for over two decades, with millions of Java applications in use today. Java is a multi-platform, object-oriented, and network-centric language that can be used as a platform in itself. It is a fast, secure, reliable programming language for coding everything from mobile apps and enterprise software to big data applications and server-side technologies.

Java has been around for a long time, so many learning resources are available for new programmers. Detailed documentation, comprehensive books, and courses support developers through the learning curve. In addition, beginners can start writing code in Core Java before moving to Advanced Java.

Users can download untrusted Java code over a network and run it in a secure environment in which it cannot do any harm. Untrusted code cannot infect the host system with a virus nor can it read or write files from the hard drive. The security levels and restrictions in Java are also highly configurable.

All programming languages are a means to communicate with machines. Machine hardware only responds to electronic communication. High-level programming languages like Java act as a bridge between human language and hardware language. To use Java, a developer needs to understand two things:

APIs are important software components bundled with the Java Platform. These are pre-written Java programs that can plug and play existing functionality into your own code. For example, you could use Java APIs to get the date and time, perform mathematical operations, or manipulate text.

The Java Virtual Machine acts as an additional abstraction layer between the Java platform and the underlying machine hardware. Java source code can run only on those machines that have JVM installed on them. The answer to why the Java Virtual Machine is needed lies in the history of programming.

The Java program was the first language to combine both methods above using a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The Java code compiler is called the Java Virtual Machine. Any Java file is first compiled into bytecode. Java bytecode can only run in the JVM. The JVM then interprets the bytecode to run it on the underlying hardware platform. So if the application is running on a Windows machine, the JVM will interpret it for Windows. But if it is running on an open-source platform like Linux, the JVM will interpret it for Linux.

Java Standard Edition is the core Java programming platform. It contains all of the libraries and APIs that any programmer needs for java development. Open Java Development Kit(OpenJDK) is the free and open source implementation of Java SE.

Amazon Corretto is a no cost, multiplatform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for many Java SE distributions and comes with no-cost, long term support from Amazon. It lets you run the same environment in the cloud, on premises, and on your local machine.

AWS SDK for Java simplies uses of AWS Services by providing a set of libraries that are consistent and familiar for Java developers. It supports higher-level abstractions for simplified development. AWS-focused open-source Java libraries are available along with code examples and a Java API reference guide.

The SDK code examples contain Java code examples and real-world use cases for AWS services to help accelerate the development of your applications. In addition, the Java API reference guide describes the API operations for the latest version of the AWS SDK for Java. The reference guide also provides sample requests, responses, and errors for the supported web services protocols. 152ee80cbc

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