Programs written in Java have a reputation for being slower and requiring more memory than those written in C++.[50][51] However, Java programs' execution speed improved significantly with the introduction of just-in-time compilation in 1997/1998 for Java 1.1,[52] the addition of language features supporting better code analysis (such as inner classes, the StringBuilder class, optional assertions, etc.), and optimizations in the Java virtual machine, such as HotSpot becoming Sun's default JVM in 2000. With Java 1.5, the performance was improved with the addition of the java.util.concurrent package, including lock-free implementations of the ConcurrentMaps and other multi-core collections, and it was improved further with Java 1.6.

As indicated above, this plugin adds basic building blocks for working with JVM projects.Its feature set has been superseded by other plugins, offering more features based on your project type.Instead of applying it directly to your project, you should look into the java-library or application plugins or one of the supported alternative JVM language.

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The resources of this source set. Contains only resources, and excludes any .java files found in the resource directories. Other plugins, such as the Groovy Plugin, exclude additional types of files from this collection.

Using a custom executable or javaHome deactivates some optimizations.The compile task does not use incremental build immediately after a compile error or if a Java constant changes.Use toolchains instead if possible.

As a user you can see which annotation processors are triggering full recompilations in the --info log.Incremental annotation processing will be deactivated if a custom executable or javaHome is configured on the compile task.

The .proto file starts with a package declaration, which helps to preventnaming conflicts between different projects. In Java, the package name is usedas the Java package unless you have explicitly specified a java_package, as wehave here. Even if you do provide a java_package, you should still define anormal package as well to avoid name collisions in the Protocol Buffers namespace as well as in non-Java languages.

The protocol buffer compiler produces Java output when invoked with the--java_out= command-line flag. The parameter to the --java_out= option isthe directory where you want the compiler to write your Java output. For each.proto file input, the compiler creates a wrapper .java file containing aJava class which represents the .proto file itself.

Otherwise (i.e. when the java_multiple_files option is disabled; which is thedefault), the aforementioned wrapper class will also be used as an outer class,and the generated classes/enums for each top-level message, enumeration, andservice declared in the .proto file will all be nested within the outerwrapper class. Thus the compiler will only generate a single .java file forthe entire .proto file.

Then the class is placed in the package instead. Thejava_package option is provided because normal .proto package declarationsare not expected to start with a backwards domain name.

The logic for determining output file names in the Java code generator is fairlycomplicated. You should probably look at the protoc source code,, to make sure you have covered all cases. 0852c4b9a8

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