I'd say the keytool command-line tool that comes with the JDK. It seems complicated in the beginning, but once you get used to it, it's pretty efficient for managing your keystores, etc.

With the keytool, I believe we can create a key pair only. But the funny thing is that when we create a keystore with a key pair with the keytool, we open the generated file with the KeyStore Explorer and the pair seems to have been signed by the creator himself, as a digital certificate, for instance:

Java Keystore Explorer Download

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I have managed to make a Java Keystore for my android development platform, but I need to split the keystore into a private key and public key. If I understand correctly, I should be able to split the keystore into files like this:

I used KeyStore Explorer to make my keystore. I have looked this up, but the explanations I find are too vague or are not constructed very well. Is there a way to do this, and if so, can it be done in KeyStore Explorer?

keytool is a java command line utility for working with JKS and is available with the Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE). First order of business is to confirm the keytool is available.

keytool -certreq -alias san-cert -keystore letsencrypt.jks -file jks-san-cert_firecube_xyz.csr -storepass test12345 -ext "san=dns:jks-san-cert.firecube.xyz,dns:jks-san-cert1.firecube.xyz,dns:jks-san-cert2.firecube.xyz"

keytool -importcert -alias simple-cert -keystore letsencrypt.jks -storepass test12345 -file .\jks-simple-cert-with-chain.cer

keytool -importcert -alias san-cert -keystore letsencrypt.jks -storepass test12345 -file .\jks-san-cert-with-chain.cer

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /etc/tomcat8/keystore/gpsowl.com.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass HERETHEPASSWORD -destkeystore /etc/tomcat8/keystore/gpsowl.com.keystore -deststoretype jks -deststorepass HERETHEPASSWORD

There are many ways to create a Java KeyStore. In this example, we'll show how it can be done using KeyStore Explorer. It can run on Windows, OSX, or any other OS that can run Java. It provides an easy to use graphical interface for creating and manipulating Java KeyStores. Keystore explorer can create a keystore from existing keypair (i.e., certificates) or can generate a private keypair if desired. After installing KeyStore Explorer, open it and you should see something similar to the following. It may ask you to modify some of your Java Security settings before starting. If so, follow the instructions it provides.

If using self-signed certificates, the required CA certificates are not known to MQTT clients by default as they would be if the certificate was generated by a real CA. This requires one to acquire and upload the CA certificates that make up the certificate chain (aka. "chain-of-trust"). The certificate chain can be exported from an existing keystore (like the one created here) using the steps below. Return to the KeyStore Explorer application and generate the necessary root.ca.pem file. Save this file in same location (by default) as your cert.jks file. Use this template below to upload this root.ca.pem file to Transmission and Engine. (Password not required on these pages.)

Apologies if I'm being vague because I'm very lost here. I have a program I'm installing that requires an SSL certificate. It's only for internal use, so we often generate a self-signed certificate. By default, when the application is installed there is a file called application.keystore. We have traditionally opened this file with KeyStore Explorer. Within the keypair there is a cert for "localhost" and another for the FQDN. We delete the one for FQDN, generate a new cert with a much longer expiration date, then save the keystore file again. I'm new to this particular product, but the install process has an insane amount of manual intervention so I'm trying to script out as much of it as I can. I'm so far unable to find any way to edit the keystore with PowerShell and am curious if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction. If I can't figure it out, I'll have the script just open KeyStore Explorer and prompt the user to make the changes before continuing, but I'd prefer to avoid that option.

Keystore Explorer ( -explorer.org/) is a trusted open source GUI replacement for the Java command-line utilities. The best feature is its automated import of the signed Certificates, and the ability to view/verify all aspects of the Keystore file. It is not a requirement, but it does significantly reduce the time and problems involved in doing it manually.

keytool doesn't provide a way to import certificate + private key from a single (combined) file, as proposed above. It runs fine, but only certificate is imported, while private key is ignored. You can check it by keytool -list -v -keystore yourkeystore.jks - yourdomain entry type is TrustedCertEntry, not PrivateKeyEntry.

You changed the standard connector port from 8443 to 443!

You also have to change the redirector port from 8443 to 443?

If your key file is in PKCS12 format, the following entry must be made in the https section:

keystoreType = "PKCS12"

Prior to version 10.0 the Tomcat keystore, server.keystore, and the Java Certificate Autority keystore, cacerts, used by eDiscovery were in Java KeyStore format (JKS). The new format used in version 10.0 and above is Bouncy Castle Foundation KeyStore format (BCFKS) and is required for both the server.keystore and cacerts files.

During an upgrade or fresh installation, this conversion takes place automatically. On occasion, it may be necessary to manually convert a JKS formatted keystore to BCFKS format, such as when implementing secure LDAP (LDAPs). The Veritas eDiscovery version 10.0 System Administration Guide provides a command line to convert a JKS formatted keystore to the BCFKS format.

The Java Development Kit maintains a CA keystore file named cacerts in folder jre/lib/security. JDKs provide a tool named keytool[1] to manipulate the keystore. keytool has no functionality to extract the private key out of the keystore, but this is possible with third-party tools like jksExportKey, CERTivity,[2] Portecle[3] and KeyStore Explorer.[4]

You can always use command line to execute cryptographic tasks in java using keytool library or bouncy castle, however for many daily activities like generating CSR files, creating cryptographic keys or managing several keystores or trust stores, you prefer a more friendly tool. This is where KeyStore Explorer fits in.

This section explains how to create a KeyStore using theJKS format as the database format for both the private key, and theassociated certificate or certificate chain. By default, as specifiedin the java.security file, keytool usesJKS as the format of the key and certificate databases (KeyStore andTrustStores). A CA must sign the certificate signing request (CSR).The CA is therefore trusted by the server-side application to whichthe Adapter is connected.

This command also uses the openssl pkcs12 commandto generate a PKCS12 KeyStore with the private key and certificate.The generated KeyStore is mykeystore.pkcs12 withan entry specified by the myAlias alias.This entry contains the private key and the certificate provided bythe -in argument. The noiter and nomaciter optionsmust be specified to allow the generated KeyStore to be recognizedproperly by JSSE.

If anyone finds themselves here trying to get a private key out of a JCEKS type keystore, I found that the keytool and openssl instructions described in other answers did not work. I had to use the below Java class to get the key out.

There is a format that allows the moving of private keys is called PKCS#12. This format came later in the evolution of PKI certificates and related keystores as the need evolved. If you consider the chain of trust issues created by accessing and transporting the private key you can see why it was not included in the initial features but rather came after pressure by operational need. This is the core reason for the challenge.

Java keystores were one of the initial users of the PKCS#12 format but as importers not exporters. It appears the security design of Java keystores still does not support exporting private keys as a standard feature. Again, there are good security reasons for this fact. That said, private routines have been written as referenced here: -dealing-with-java-keystoresyvComment44

If at all possible I would consider creating a new keystore in OpenSSL and new keys rather than trying to pry out the private key from the Java keystore. By opening the Java keystore and extracting the private key one is moving beyond the designed security features. The export PKCS#12 feature has been desired for many years but still is not supported in Java. My thinking is that is for very good cryptologic reasons thus I would be leary of taking that step unless it was absolutely necessary.

So I feel really late to the party, but I have not mucked about with java keystores much. However, when I did, I spent most of that time wincing in virtual pain having to figure out what magical command-line incantations will let me add/remove/modify certificates on the keystore.

thanks for your answer. Maybe I set up the trace logging wrongly. Would it be possible for you to specify, exactly how I should set up the extended logging to retrieve the details error message when I try to create a new keystore Alias?

It turned out, that the reason was, that we were using a version of Keystore Explorer which was not compatible with webMethods 10.3 seemingly. Using Keystore Explorer version 5.44 together with java version jdk 8. 261 did the trick

After my first post concerning the SSL and the tool PorteCle ( -ssl-generate-keystore-self-signed-certificate-tool-portecle.html) allowing the generation of KeyStore, self-signed certificate instead of Keytool supported in the JDK / JRE, I would like to present a new tool KeyStore Explorer. ff782bc1db

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