Short of it is - java used for builds is, in most cases, unrelated to java used for controller/agents. You can use the Tool system to install right versions of JDK as needed. That said, I was under impression that Jenkins did not yet support 17 for running Controller/Agent (you can use it for builds though)

A label can be assigned to an agent. The label can be used the represent the availability of a specific tool version on that agent. Labels could be java8, java11, and java17 to indicate that those Java versions are available on the agent. Labels could be linux, windows, macOS, FreeBSD, or OpenBSD to indicate the operating system hosting the agent. Labels could be git-1.8 or git-2.36 to indicate the specific version of a tool that is installed on the agent.

Java Jdk New Version Free Download

tag_hash_104 🔥 🔥

This java Path will be used to start the jvm. (/mycustomjdkpath/bin/java ) If empty Jenkins will search java command in the agent

Expressions such as key or {key} may be declared in the java Path and will be expanded to values of matching keys declared in the list of environment variables of this node, or if not present, in the list of global environment variables.

(from SSH Build Agents plugin)

I am using jdk 1.8.0_65 in my jira instance and my current database postgres(9.2.23) and jira version 7.3.6 , so i want to update jdk 1.8.0_161 and while updating java is there any pre-requisition to be followed and let me know if it is there any conflicts?

That version of Java should be fine with Jira 7.x versions. The only other consideration I would have about upgrading java like this is to learn if you happen to have any custom site certificates stored in your java keystore directory. These are necessary if either Jira is terminating SSL, or Jira has to connect directly to another SSL site, either for application links, a secure mail server, etc. And upgrading Java by installing it to a new path tends to break these. I would recommend reviewing Connecting to SSL services. It is possible that you might have to repeat the steps to import these certificates after the java upgrade, but only if your Jira site is configured to connect to another site/service that is using SSL.

When using sonar cloud plugin for azure devops with a hosted agent (win 2019) Machine specs the default (1.8.0) java version is used. But other versions are also installed on the same agent (see machine specs)

The warning itself is also weird in that the requirements of sonarqube scanner states that it is supported sonar qube requirements and that java 1.8 is still supported until december 2020. I do agree that it would be nice if this warning can be suppressed.

As i do agree that sonarcloud should fix this, I have also created a feature request on the Microsoft side for letting us choose what the default java version should be feature request choosing java version on hosted agend.

Hello together

Yesterday I installed the Insight Agent on the Rapid7 Insight Collector and today I saw that this server has many java related vulnerabilities. It turned out that with the installation of the collector application, apparently outdated java lib is included.

Has anyone else noticed this? If so, how do you deal with it?

For me, this finding is a bit embarrassing, as we push the patching of Java from our side. But we use systems that also work with outdated Java components.

Best regards


So I cloned the project, checked out the v9.3.30.v20211001 tag, performed a Maven build, copied up the jetty-distribution ZIP into the solr/server directory and unpacked it. I backed up 'lib' and 'start.jar' and effectively replaced them with the files from the new build. The new build had additional files, but I only copied the ones that already existed in the ASIE/Solr distribution. And I copied the non-Jetty files from the old 'lib' to the new one (metrics, javax).

GanttProject 3.0 will come with bundled Java runtime which will make this process more smooth. Meanwhile, you can try running ganttproject.bat which works with any vendor, provided that java executable is reachable from the user PATH variable (a set of folders where windows searches for executable files). I hope that most vendors put their java.exe into a folder which is registered in PATH.

On Windows, Click on the Windows Button > Click on My Computer > Properties > then Click on Advance system Settings, a pop up dialog box will appear, then > click on Environment Variables. At this point you are given two displays 1. On User Variables the other On System variables, under the System Area, Click on ADD NEW, then set Variable name as JAVA_HOME and for the Variable value (go to Computer, C:/program files/java/jdk7.... then copy the url of the folder and paste, then click ok.

Haven't beem able to get my java working for hours. Now uninstalled all my javas and installed JDK 7. Wrote the variables values and names and nothing worked. So tried putting java URL at end of pass like said above. So am I missing something or what happened.

This is on splunk 8.0.1, ITSI 4.4.1 on a linux machine running this java version:

 openjdk version "11.0.6" 2020-01-14

 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.6+10-post-Debian-1deb10u1)

 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.6+10-post-Debian-1deb10u1, mixed mode, sharing)

I'm trying to play modded minecraft 1.16.4 with one of my mods mod called Modern UI and it requires java 1.8.0_251 while the official launcher has java 1.8.0_51. How can I update the official launcher's java version to match with what Modern UI mod requires?

Where do I edit as of my profile installation? Do you mean my current forge installation in its java executable area? Btw I'm using forge 35.1.13 but was tryin to use 35.1.15 and still have the same issue as with 35.1.13 with the launcher using the wrong java version and I have java 1.8.0_251 not 1.8.0_271. Also I'm logged into the launcher as my Microsoft profile not my old Mojang profile, so what you've told me may be for my old Mojang account profile not for my Microsoft account profile Btw sorry for the late reply.

UPDATE: There's totally something wrong with Modern UI, there's a bug that causes the player not to be able to sleep the night away and will let you stay in bed till morning!... I'm gonna go make two reports in one report to the owner of Modern UI on it's issue tracker now, ones about the wrong java version thing which may be on my end of the problem and the "bed" bug problem, get it? Bed bug? Lol.

@sebastianboelling you can install multiple java versions on your VM and use environment variables (like JAVA_HOME) to signal which one an environment should use. For development, our team has also leveraged a tool called jEnv which can help you manage multiple java installs.

Sometime in the last year, one of the java updates was to a version that is evidently incompatible with GATK 3.2.2, because for various GATK 3.2.2 functions that had previously worked on the server, I get the error e.g.

I tried running GATK 3.2.2 with amazon docker java v. 8, and rather than getting the "Malformed Walker argument", I get an "Unable to access jarfile GenomeAnalysisTK.jar" error. With the new version of java, at least the GATK.jar is recognized but not its downstream functions, whereas it seems like with docker java 8 not even the jar file is readable. Do you have any idea of what may be going on?

My question here, suppose we have later version of java like java 11 or later version installed on the node and we have to upgrade Apigee. In this case, do we have to downgrade the java to 1.8 while doing upgrade?

I'm trying to get a smart computer group running to check for Java/java version. I can't seem to get it working. I use the script below in an Extension Attribute and have the group set for "is not" Java 8 Update 131 build 11

The Bitrise recommend script for changing Java versions did not work correctly on macos BigSur. (jenv global 11 should be used instead of jenv global system), so when going from Catalina to BigSur it entirely breaks using java.

To do this, create a file named .cloudmanager/java-version in the git repository branch used by the pipeline. Edit the file so that it contains only the text, 11. While Cloud Manager also accepts a value of 8, this version is no longer supported for AEM Cloud Service projects. Any other value is ignored. When 11 is specified, Oracle 11 is used and the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-11.0.22.

Note that the java -version command is used to check the version of Java installed on your system. If Java is not installed or not configured correctly, this command may not return the desired output. Make sure that Java is installed and the java command is accessible from the command prompt before using it in UiPath.

Thanks for your reply. I did these steps as you wrote them, but unfortunately the error is still remaining. As you can see on the screenshot the java is installed on the PC, I can access it by command in PowerShell, but when I do this in the code it ends with error.

image1345466 22.7 KB

and the official answer is just upgrade java within the same server and no qlik replicate upgrade is needed. But in our server we only have the replicate java running, no other java is installed on this server.

For Java 11, setting -Dio.netty.tryReflectionSetAccessible=true is required for the Apache Arrow library. This prevents the java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: sun.misc.Unsafe or java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.(long, int) not available error when Apache Arrow uses Netty internally.

Create a folder for your Java program and open the folder with VS Code. Then in VS Code, create a new file and save it with the name When you open that file, the Java Language Server automatically starts loading, and you should see a language status item with a loading icon on the right side of the Status Bar showing the language status is busy. After it finishes loading, you can hover on the language status item and find the loading process has been finished successfully. You can also choose to pin the status item in the status bar. 0852c4b9a8

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