On this post, I will guide you on installing Java on your development Linux machine. I decided to do this post after getting some questions on how do I manage multiple java versions in my Development environments if I use something to manage it like Sdkman, which I don't, in this post I will explain why.

My preferred development environment is Linux so I'd rather use Linux alternatives to manage java SDK installations as it's built-in in Linux and allow you to manage not only java but any other binaries you want to manage and make accessible in your command line when using Linux. I will guide you to the process of installing Java 11 and running your first Hello World application using it.

Java Jdk 1.7 Free Download For Linux

tag_hash_104 🔥 https://tlniurl.com/2yjYrX 🔥

You will see a list of configured java in alternatives, the new one is not there so we need to register it like we did in the beginning of this article, let's do it for java and javac, make sure to check the Selection number and add the new one to the next available, hit enter to continue with the current version before progressing, let's now register the new one we downloaded.

Type in the Reference number for the one you want to be used from the displayed list and check with java -version the same can be done for, javac, jshell, jar or any other tools you want to manage multiple versions using alternatives on linux.

Hello thank for the article. How can I have multiple versions of JDK and Java ?

All the Linux distro have open-jdk in /etc/alternatives. Can I have jdk 11 and jdk 8 tohether?

Also I want to have the JDK 8 in /usr and a PATH variable java_home or java8 in system varibles, but I understand that the only way is to add variable in .bashrc.

Can you make it clear ?

Thank you in advance

If you installed and configured an additional version in the guides, could have been super helpful because that's the whole point - "working with multiple versions of java", otherwise it's just another "How to install java in Linux - Tutorial"

Now there are several proprietary java tools that will only run with oracle's official java (from the AUR), and sometimes only with specific versions of it. For a current project, I need to use BlackBoard Collaborate. It took a while to troubleshoot, but that only runs with oracle's jre8 from the aur (none of the openjdk packages worked, no other version of oracle's jre worked).

"Update 161" means "latest oracle java version", and most likely means that Trilby is right about the tech support. I assume Java8 will do, but is presently not used (7 is the configured default) - see the link I posted on how to try Java8 w/ the program.

You are correct about the uninstall advice. I reinstalled jre8 (I don't have a need for jdk). The program I mentioned is a web based fax service called Updox. Their java desktop occasionally overwrites my ~/.updox folder which removed a bug fix from several years ago. Updox uses Chromium for the desktop but the link to open it points to the wrong place on my system, so running the following fixed the problem:


I am running openHAB3.0 (an home automation platform written in java 11) and configured persistence trough SQLite.

I am getting this exception:

java.lang.Exception: No native library is found for os.name=Linux and os.arch=aarch64. path=/org/sqlite/native/Linux/aarch64.

I am running this from a RockPro64 SBC in latest manjaro. All packages are up-to-date.

Currently I am running java from jre11-openjdk, but I also tried other java11 packages with no luck.

I also installed java-sqlite-jdbc but again I had no luck.

sqlite is installed of course.

So my question is: is SQLite supported in aarch64?

I made sure to uninstall java8 (as shown by Mark_McKinnon) and then reinstall the full version as shown in the document apreistman linked in the reply. (Just FYI: I had originally used that exact document and had indeed done the full install as shown. But I did it again anyways.)

Does all that help at all in narrowing down the problem? Should I be setting the path to java home under bashrc or bashrc_profile? Or is the problem that the JAVA_HOME setting not persist across reboots on Kali?

With your help, I have one guess: Did I create a problem by installing Autopsy under root (I always work under root and have no user set up) and the instructions in the GitHub doc (see above) ask to set up the JAVA_HOME under /usr/lib/jvm/bellsoft-java8-full-amd64.

The export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/bellsoft-java8-full-amd64 command will only apply to the shell in which it was run. If you want it to be persistent across all shells then, yes, go ahead and add it to .bashrc.

So going on your logic, which makes perfect sense, I tested the idea by first setting JAVA_HOME in the shell (by the export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/bellsoft-java8-full-amd64 command) and then immediately within the same shell checked by echo JAVA_HOME. But then if it works within the same shell, why does the return not show the path I just set? And just returns JAVA_HOME? Should it not show the path I just set in the previous line?

on any linux distro you can use more than one java version.

so, what is stopping you to install openjdk8?

i do understand that you need also the latest, so you can put jdk8 manualy (not through the package manager) and launch katalon via a simple script which sets java_home and whatever else needed accordingly before to launch the binary.

All versions of JRE of the same feature release are installed in /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8-oracle-arch, where arch is either x64 (64-bit) or x86 (32-bit), depending on the architecture of your system. Additionally, a symbolic link named /usr/java/jre1.8.0-arch pointing to the installation directory is created for backward compatibility.

If you've done all this, then running "java" at the terminal should just work. If this doesn't, it could mean it wasn't installed correctly, or that it was simply installed into a location that isn't on your path.

Otherwise, Sun's Java usually installs somewhere into /opt/java* or /usr/lib/java* or sometimes /usr/java*. You'll find individual install directories there, such as /usr/java/jdk1.5.8. This is the directory that is your JAVA_HOME. Underneath it is /bin, where the binaries reside. Just run the javathere to check, e.g.

Thanks, Mike, for the applications. I'm one of those folks who thought Java was generally unsafe so having looked for apps which might be useful. But I do have one I run occasionally as there is nothing otherwise comparable. So, from time to time I download the latest version of Java. And that leads to the following question: Is java always backwards-compatible?

Hi all, am using Debian linux with Firefox 60.8.0esr (64-bit). I know the whole spiel about Firefox not supporting java applets any longer, but I have some old IoT devices that i need to get configured and they use a java applet for some portions of the configuration. I understand Firefox ESR 52 still supports java applets, and i've downloaded version 52.9.0esr and extracted it to its own location. Now i can start it without interferin with my v60 profile by running it like: "./firefox --no-remote --profile ." I had to go into options and turn off the automatic update because otherwise it updates it to v60. Then I downloaded jre-8u221-linux-x64.tar.gz and extracted that. Now the question is how do i get the plugin installed into the Firefox v52? thanks

is the JNLP (Java Web Start) file to launch a java application to be found in ubuntu OS or in Firefox. Not sure how to approach this. I have Icedtea-Web running in Ubuntu but still can detect the jnlp file.

After reading all the material available, I have done all the pre-requisite configurations. I have installed Apache 2.4.6 (CentOS), Tomcat 7.0.76, Server 10.6.1, and Portal 10.6.1. I face the main problem while installing the Web Adaptor Java Linux 10.6.1. Various installation guides asks to install separate Web-adaptor with different names (portal and server), but unlike the windows Web-adaptor IIS setup the linux Web-adaptor Java setup doesn't ask to name your adapter.

After installing the java linux web-adaptor, I deployed the arcgis.WAR file from my Tomcat Web Application Manager (deployed WAR file.png), opened the Web-adaptor by clicking on the link from the list of Applications (opened the web adaptor.png) in Tomcat and configured the Web-adaptor for Server. I should now configure it for Portal, right? When I would try it before I configured it for Server, it wouldn't let me, saying that I need to host a website from my web server's port 80 first (which I believe I already had). Now when I click the "arcgis" web adapter link in the Tomcat App Manager, after having configured for server, it takes me to the ArcGIS REST Services Directory.

You might get N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/home/fahim/Downloads/jdk-20_linux-x64_bin.deb' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied). But don't worry about that because we performed the installation "unsandboxed" intentionally.

java and javac binaries on RHEL 8 are managed by the alternatives system. This means a system administrator can switch the system java (or javac) to be something other than the default, JDK 8. The alternatives system uses priorities in order to determine which JDK should be available via /usr/bin/java. JDK 8 has been given a higher priority on RHEL-8 than JDK 11. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. First, lets see which binaries are managed by alternatives:

This will switch the system java binary to JDK 11. We do the same for javac since java and javac are independently managed. There is no need to switch anything else as every other JDK binary will switch either with the java or the javac binary: 0852c4b9a8

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