I have made a java application that stores data from a .csv file to a MySql database. Now my client want it to upload this application to his web space (web space he has taken for his website) so that he can run that program on that server.

As it stores data from a file (.csv file) to a MySql database, then would it better to deploy that program on the server on which the database is being hosted instead of the server on which the website is being hosted?

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Finally, you'll need to ask:1. Does server support SSH? - it's simply a remote console. Usually it's running at port 22 and you many check it with command "telnet yourserver 22" (windows and linux) - if it doesn't reject your connect - means SSH is configured.2. Does your server have java installed and if it is available for your account via SSH connection?

The first thing to check is whether he can log in to run programs from a console of some description. If he can, that's fine - and the way to go. If he can't, you'll need to think about why he really wants it to be on his web server, and whether it makes sense to run the app there - or whether it would be better to do it elsewhere.

If it comes to the server side you need to create a Servlet which allows to access other application data from your server in a format which you define or let's say you + the clients define. I would suggest you to start with something you will be familiar like Json. For this I have a little "starting point" for you.

Clone that simple example for a server-side application: -GsonJerseyProviderIt already provides you a simple structure for Json which is used by a Framework like Ember and also you can easy modify the structure which is defined there.

Yeah it's totally common to do that. Write your Server Side code and export it as .war - tomcat or jetty for example can simply deploy them and you will be able to run them on these application server.

Netbeans EE IDE:It contains a GlassFish server and the SDK preconfigured, glasfish is one of the most used open source application servers. Here you can find tutorials from the Netbeans page.

If you want to learn server side programming with JAVA, I recommend to start working with Eclipse. Almost all developers whom I know are using one or another IDE, most of them are using Eclipse for J2EE.

If you want to run a Minecraft multiplayer server by yourself things get kind of involved (see this wiki article for a tutorial). First make sure you can use java from the command line. On Linux and macOS this should already be set up but on Windows you might have to tinker with the PATH environment variable.

In the last decade there has of course been a strong shift away from server rendered applications (using e.g. JSP or Thymeleaf) towards Single Page Applications (React, Vue). At the same time, many backend frameworks in other languages are still working actively on developing their server rendering capabilities. Laravel and Rails are still introducing a range of new capabilities as are newer frameworks like Blazor for .NET and Phoenix LiveView for Elixir.

For Java and Springboot, Thymeleaf seems to be the most popular choice - but given how unpopular all available choices are (JSP, Freemarker, Pebble) that is not saying much. Their integration into popular frameworks like Spring Boot has not improved either. I was considering using htmx for a new project - which is an extension for regular html and requires the server to return html - but having to use one of the Java templating frameworks is rather painful.

So to my actual question - many other languages and frameworks still see a value in adding features, improving syntax, and making progress on their templating solutions. Presumably these other frameworks feel the same pressure from SPAs so why doesn't the Java community (and Spring Boot) see the need to improve the developer experience when writing server rendered applications?

EDIT: A lot of people are explaining why SPAs are popular or why client side rendering is more scalable. That was actually not what I'm wondering about - what I'm asking is why other frameworks/languages have found it worthwhile to invest time and resources in improving their server rendering despite the rise of SPAs. Why is Java different from other languages or frameworks in this regard?

Developed through the Java Community Process under JSR - 314, JavaServer Faces technology establishes the standard for building server-side user interfaces. With the contributions of the expert group, the JavaServer Faces APIs are being designed so that they can be leveraged by tools that will make web application development even easier. Several respected tools vendors were members of the JSR-314 expert group, which developed the JavaServer Faces 1.0 specification. These vendors are committed to supporting the JavaServer Faces technology in their tools, thus promoting the adoption of the JavaServer Faces technology standard.

Ease-of-use being the primary goal, the JavaServer Faces architecture clearly defines a separation between application logic and presentation while making it easy to connect the presentation layer to the application code. This design enables each member of a web application development team to focus on his or her piece of the development process, and it also provides a simple programming model to link the pieces together. For example, web page developers with no programming expertise can use JavaServer Faces UI component tags to link to application code from within a web page without writing any scripts.

Forum : Drop in to the webtier forum (webtier@glassfish.java.net) to discuss JavaServerFaces technology. To subscribe to the mailing list please visit - and scroll down and click on subscribe. Post to the forum here.

Go to -us/download/server in a browser. It'll say something like "Download minecraft_server.1.16.2.jar and run it with the following command." That version number and URL will change in the future. Right-click and copy link into your clipboard We are going to PASTE it (right click with your mouse) after the "wget" below. So we'll make a folder, download the server.jar, then run it.

You could also make a start.sh text file with pico then chmod +x to make it an easier single command way to start your server. Since I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4g gigs of RAM and it'll be doing just this one server, I felt 2500 megs of RAM was a sweet spot. Java ran out of memory at 3 gigs.

This section shows you how to write a server and the client that goes with it. The server in the client/server pair serves up Knock Knock jokes. Knock Knock jokes are favored by children and are usually vehicles for bad puns. They go like this:

The server program begins by creating a newServerSocket object to listen on a specific port (see the statement in bold in the following code segment). When running this server, choose a port that is not already dedicated to some other service. For example, this command starts the server program KnockKnockServer so that it listens on port 4444:

ServerSocket is ajava.net class that provides a system-independent implementation of the server side of a client/server socket connection. The constructor for ServerSocket throws an exception if it can't listen on the specified port (for example, the port is already being used). In this case, the KnockKnockServer has no choice but to exit.

Theaccept method waits until a client starts up and requests a connection on the host and port of this server. (Let's assume that you ran the server program KnockKnockServer on the computer named knockknockserver.example.com.) In this example, the server is running on the port number specified by the first command-line argument. When a connection is requested and successfully established, the accept method returns a newSocket object which is bound to the same local port and has its remote address and remote port set to that of the client. The server can communicate with the client over this new Socket and continue to listen for client connection requests on the original ServerSocket This particular version of the program doesn't listen for more client connection requests. However, a modified version of the program is provided inSupporting Multiple Clients.

After the KnockKnockProtocol is created, the code calls KnockKnockProtocol's processInput method to get the first message that the server sends to the client. For this example, the first thing that the server says is "Knock! Knock!" Next, the server writes the information to thePrintWriter connected to the client socket, thereby sending the message to the client.

Step 3 is encoded in the while loop. As long as the client and server still have something to say to each other, the server reads from and writes to the socket, sending messages back and forth between the client and the server.

The server initiated the conversation with a "Knock! Knock!" so afterwards the server must wait for the client to say "Who's there?" As a result, the while loop iterates on a read from the input stream. The readLine method waits until the client responds by writing something to its output stream (the server's input stream). When the client responds, the server passes the client's response to the KnockKnockProtocol object and asks the KnockKnockProtocol object for a suitable reply. The server immediately sends the reply to the client via the output stream connected to the socket, using a call to println. If the server's response generated from the KnockKnockServer object is "Bye." this indicates that the client doesn't want any more jokes and the loop quits. 006ab0faaa

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