Step-by-Step Guide: Download and Add the "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" Connector J to NetBeans IDE 

steps to download and add the "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" connector j to NetBeans IDE:

When the driver class "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" is not found, the Java runtime environment throws the "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" exception. This can happen due to various reasons, such as the driver not being in the classpath, the JAR file being in an incorrect location, or incorrect class name. To resolve the issue, the driver class must be added to the classpath, and the correct class name should be used.

That's it! You have successfully downloaded and added the "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" connector j to your NetBeans IDE project. This will allow you to connect to a MySQL database and use it in your Java application.