In addition, actually you don't need to connect to my home page every time. Because, it uses Netscape 2 and later built-in functions. Click here and saves the page through the Netscape menu View/Document Source. When you need the JavaCalc off-line, drop the saved source onto Netscape. You can use it like a JavaScript Interpreter. Return to FRAME mode. 


 JavaCalc can do more than calculator. Enjoy, Ken

For some reason my calculator won't wait for user input to finish the do while loop. I'm very new to java coding (currently only been doing it for a few hours). I want the user to be able to do more math before the program closes instead of having to reopen it every time they want to use it (obviously I don't mean anything serious by this I just want to learn and I think this will help.

Java Calculator Download

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A calculator program in Java allows performing arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo on two numbers. This article explores two methods: If-Else and Switch-Case, to implement the calculator program. It provides code examples and explanations for each method. The time and space complexity of the program are analyzed, with both being constant (O(1)). By understanding the purpose, methods, and implementation details, readers can enhance their understanding of algorithmic thinking and decision-making structures in Java programming.

A calculator program can be put to use to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and modulo of two numbers by getting user input and giving the output as the result of the computation.

Having seen the dry run for a calculator program in java, it just might be clearer to understand the algorithm. Here is a short and concise algorithm learning up to the implementation of code for the calculator program in java.

Coming to the cost of the calculator program in Java, first, let us discuss the time complexity. As no such container of elements is iterated, the program takes constant time complexity in this manner. Hence, the time complexity is O(1) for the calculator program in java.

As for the space, complexity is concerned, no extra auxiliary space is consumed with the only storage used being for a couple of integer operands and an operation string. Thus, the space complexity for the calculator program is constant as well. The space complexity can be denoted as O(1).


In conclusion, the calculator program in Java serves as a valuable tool for performing basic arithmetic operations on two numbers. This article explored two popular methods, If-Else and Switch-Case, for implementing the calculator program. By providing code examples and explanations, readers gained insights into the logic and structure of each method.Furthermore, the analysis of time and space complexity revealed that the calculator program operates with constant complexity, making it efficient for calculations. By understanding the purpose, methods, and implementation details of the calculator program, readers have enhanced their understanding of algorithmic thinking and decision-making structures in Java programming. This knowledge can be applied to various scenarios, empowering programmers to build more sophisticated applications and solve complex mathematical problems.

Q1.What is the advantage of using the If-Else method over the Switch-Case method in the calculator program?

The advantage of using the If-Else method is that it provides more flexibility and allows for complex conditional logic. It can handle a wide range of conditions and is suitable for scenarios where multiple conditions need to be checked.

Q2.Can I add more arithmetic operations to the calculator program?

Absolutely! The calculator program can be expanded to include additional arithmetic operations by extending the If-Else or Switch-Case statements. Simply add the new operation as a condition and implement the corresponding calculation logic.

Q3. How can I handle division by zero in the calculator program?

Division by zero is an error condition that needs to be handled in the calculator program. Before performing division, you can add a check to ensure that the second operand is not zero. If it is zero, you can display an appropriate error message to the user and prevent the calculation.

Q4. Is it possible to make the calculator program more user-friendly by incorporating error handling for invalid input?

Yes, it is definitely recommended to incorporate error handling for invalid input. You can use try-catch blocks to catch exceptions and handle incorrect user input gracefully. By implementing proper validation and error messages, you can enhance the user experience and prevent unexpected program crashes.

Q5. Can the calculator program be modified to handle floating-point numbers?

Certainly! The calculator program can be modified to handle floating-point numbers by changing the data type of the operands and using appropriate floating-point arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. By accommodating floating-point numbers, the program becomes more versatile and capable of performing calculations with decimal values.

I created calculator using WmPublic packages but my requirement is to create java service for calculator. In java service code parsing the operator(string taken as input) is not possible to parse as a character.

After the "Hello World!" program, a calculator is one of the first things a programmer will learn to build in their introduction to coding. The reason for this is because of the simplicity of its structure in addition to covering most of the basic concepts in programming. Follow the steps below and you too will be able to build your own fully functioning calculator!

All software programs are written on Development Environments, programs made specifically to build and compile software. For the programming language we're using, Java, the program Dr. Java is an excellent and simple introductory program to use. Start by downloading the program from and selecting either the windows app or mac osx app depending on your computer type.

After you first open Dr. Java, you'll be greeted with a blank screen of nothing. So beautiful and pristine, we're going to cover this baby with a lot of code. Start off by declaring a public Calculator class and then inside of it, a main method, exactly like shown in the picture. In Java, a class is simply an object which holds information. In our case, the object we're building is a calculator so we have named it as such. A method is a process which performs a certain task. All methods follow the IPO structure as we will learn later. Brackets in java denote what is contained in what. In our example, our calculator object contains the method we are going to build. The brackets of the method is where our code is going to be contained.

You should use double instead of int whenever you are building a calculator. If you are to use double it will be more accurate than a normal scientific calculator due to the more numbers after the decimal point.

In this Program we are making a simple calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication and division based on the user input. The program takes the value of both the numbers (entered by user) and then user is asked to enter the operation (+, -, * and /), based on the input program performs the selected operation on the entered numbers using switch case.

These provided files should compile as is. Notice that we have separated the JUnit test files into a subdirectory to make command-line compilation easier. You can compile everything in exceptions from the command line by running javac -Xlint:all exceptions/*.java. Compiling the hw4 java files will be similar: javac -Xlint:all hw4/*java. Then you can compile and run the junit files from the same directory using our aliases:

Your first task is to implement a basic RPN calculator that supports integer operands like 1, 64738, and -42as well as the (binary) integer operators +, -, *, /, and %. RPN is the same as post-fix arithmetic expression notation that we discussed in class. The stack underlying your implementation should be the one provided by Java Collections, the documentation for which can be found here. Your program should be called Calc and work as follows:

Your second task is to write comprehensive testing for a flawed deque implementation FlawedDequeImpl.class that we have provided you, with the intention of finding all the bugs and mistakes it contains. Note that we will not be saying how many bugs In particular, we are supplying you with a compiled Java executable that has no attached Java source files, so you are only able to interact with the implementation as a black box. For reference, we also provide the interface that our implementation implements.

You are going to develop a JUnit 4 tests for your FlawedDeque226 class. We provide the skeleton code to get you started in test/ Note that all we really care to test is that an FlawedDeque226 is a correct implementation of the Deque226 interface, and that you detect times when it fails to live up to that expectation.

Style refers to Java programming style, including things like consistent indentation, appropriate identifier names, useful comments, suitable javadoc documentation, etc. Many aspects of this are enforced automatically by Checkstyle when run with the provided configuration file.

If your programs have unnecessary warnings when using javac -Xlint:all you will be penalized 10% functionality per failed part. (You are also unable to use the @SuppressWarnings annotation - we use it just to filter our accepted warnings from yours.)

To run on command line: >cd /directory/where/you/saved/file/ >java -jar vlaExpoCalc.jar If java is not on your path, but you know where it is, you can instead run: >/path/to/your_java/java -jar vlaExpoCalc.jar 2351a5e196

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