In general, owing to school activities we come across various laboratory equipment and apparatus but many a time it is tough to distinguish between proper chemistry laboratory apparatus or biological laboratory apparatus or any other as such. The basic idea about the proper and necessary chemistry lab apparatus should be cleared among the students since the day they start performing basic chemical experiments in their school labs. This necessity acquaintance with the various apparatus makes strong ground knowledge of the students and the schools & colleges must take special care to make the students aware of these.

Let us see and try to understand the basic apparatus used in School chemistry laboratories and what are their specific uses when performing any chemical experiment. The first and foremost apparatus that every student or member entering the chemical laboratories should be aware of is of the safety apparatus. Safety protocols should be followed very strictly in these areas as a small mistake or misfortune can lead to big casualties and severe outcomes. One should always make sure to wear fully covered shoes and not sandals or slippers in any laboratory.

Chemistry Laboratory Apparatus And Their Uses With Pictures Pdf Download

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These items are the basic and must apparatus of any chemistry laboratory. Along with these, we will also get to see weighing balance, brushes to clean test tubes, wash bottles which are also used for cleaning purposes. As these apparatuses serve the basic, every student must get familiar with all this equipment and their working to have safe and sound practical experiment experiences in the chemical laboratories.

The common laboratory apparatus are the basic things that are applied everywhere, in physics and chemistry, in medical laboratories and educational institutions. Each piece has its unique name and is meant to be used in a particular way.

Biologists, medical workers, and students love to use microscopes in their projects. This common piece of equipment is present in almost every laboratory. It is used to magnify anything that is tiny for our eyes to 1000 of times its normal size. It can also show the slightest details of a thing, even the invisible cells of plants and skin.

It is a popular type of laboratory apparatus used in chemistry. Whenever you have to measure a particular amount of liquid (and the volume matters a lot), you should choose the special volumetric flask that is designed to hold only a precise amount and no more. These glass flasks can be of different volume, for example, a 200-millilitre flagon, a 500-millilitre cup, etc.

What laboratory apparatus is used for heating? Bunsen burners are the most common equipments that perform multiple functions. It not only heats various chemicals to create a particular reaction, but also works as a sterilizer.

Microscopes can often be replaced with a magnifying glass. Such laboratory apparatus are popular in many homes. The glass can be used for reading directions written in tiny letters, viewing the smallest objects, etc.

It is another laboratory apparatus used to measure the mass of objects. Unlike beam balances, spring scales do not measure the material against another mass. Instead, it measures the distance when the material gets displaced due to its weight.

Humans cannot carry the heated wire gauze in their hands. Thus, they need a piece of additional equipment that can perform this task. A tripod is a stand with three legs that can support the heating wire gauze during experiments.

Science is the branch of knowledge that incorporates the organized study of physical and natural phenomena. The chemical sciences encompass the behavioral study of matter present around us with the help of observation and experimentation. The school curriculum of chemical sciences in most countries comprises of two parts: Theory and Practical. While theory provides students with the knowledge in literal form, practicals connect the theory with physical reality. Experimentation is an important part of the chemical sciences, as it helps in understanding the complex interplay of chemicals in more detail. A general facility that provides a controlled environment to conduct these experimentations is famously known by the name Laboratories in schools, institutions, or any other organization. While working in a chemistry lab, one comes across several kinds of apparatus that are required to carry out experiments. It is essential to understand the functioning of these apparatus, as an ineffectiveness not only increases the risk of experimental error but also poses a potential laboratory hazard. The following is a list of commonly used chemistry lab apparatus, along with their uses.

Working in a chemistry lab is always exciting and enlightening; however, it comes with the potential dangers of exposure to harmful chemicals. Hence it is always advised to be covered in the proper gear, also known as personal protective equipment (PPE), before entering the chemistry lab. The safety gear to work in the chemistry lab mainly comprises of three things:

Beakers are one of the most commonly used laboratory apparatus that one can come across in a chemistry lab. They are cylindrical, have a flat bottom, and a small spout on the top to pour chemicals. Beakers are usually made of borosilicate glass or plastic. While plastic beakers are only used to mix the chemicals, glass beakers have high thermal stability and can be used to heat chemicals also. Moreover, glass beakers provide more clarity for content visibility and measurement than their plastic counterparts. Beakers come in several sizes with volumes ranging from 5 milliliters to 10000 milliliters. Beakers are often used to hold, mix, and heat individual chemicals or chemical mixtures.

Erlenmeyer Flask, also known as a conical flask, is glassware comprising of conical body, flat bottom, and a cylindrical neck. It is one of the most commonly used flasks to carry out various experiments in the chemistry lab, such as titration, filtration, crystallization, etc. It was first patented in 1860 by a German chemist, Emil Erlenmeyer. The slanting sides and wide base of an Erlenmeyer flask make it a perfect conical vessel to mix the chemicals by swirling without any risk of spillage. Additionally, the cylindrical neck of a conical flask can accommodate a glass stopper, and it also provides support to fit funnels. Based on the application, an Erlenmeyer flask can either be graduated or unmarked. Moreover, it can also be used for heating and boiling purposes.

As the name suggests, a round bottom flask is a piece of laboratory glassware with a spherical bottom and a cylindrical neck. The round bottom of the flask provides a suitable surface area for the equal distribution of heat around the vessel. Thus, it is often used in experiments that require uniform heating or boiling of the chemical contents. Additionally, the cylindrical neck can support funnels and accommodate glass stoppers. Round Bottom flasks are often used with other heating apparatus such as sand bath, water bath, rotary evaporator, etc. It is widely used to carry out the laboratory-scale synthesis of other chemicals; however, it does not provide mixing as good as conical flask by swirling. A mechanical stirrer or glass rod comes in handy while mixing the contents in a round bottom flask.

The retort flask is an oddly shaped airtight glassware with a curved neck. Although retort flasks are no longer employed in current chemistry labs, they were employed by several famous chemists, including Antoine Lavoisier and Jns Berzelius, to carry out distillation processes. Today, condensers have replaced retort flasks as a more convenient apparatus; nonetheless, retort flasks are still commercially available and can be used for non-complex distillation.

As the name suggests, a pear-shaped flask is laboratory glassware with V-shaped bottom, like an inverted pear. It is commonly used in organic chemistry for several heating purposes, such as evaporating solutions to dryness post-synthesis using a rotary evaporator and removing concentrated samples.

A boiling tube is a glassware apparatus that looks similar to a test tube, although it is 50% larger in size. As the name indicates, boiling tubes are used to boil chemicals. Unlike test tubes, boiling tubes are made of pyrex, a material with superior thermal stability that allows them to be heated to far greater temperatures than borosilicate glass test tubes.

A thistle tube, also known as a thistle funnel, is a piece of laboratory glassware with a long tube shaft and a reservoir bulb with a flared rim on top. These funnels enable the precise placement of small quantities of chemicals in an existing system or apparatus, making it easier to add new materials to burets and narrow neck containers. Thistle tube funnels reduce the possibility of a reaction occurring too quickly and gushing over.

A capillary tube is chemistry lab apparatus commonly used to calculate the melting point temperature of chemical substances. It is a thin pipe that comes in different inner diameters ranging from 0.5 mm to 3 mm and lengths ranging from 1mm to 6 mm. They are used to hold the sample of the chemical substance, whose melting point is to be found, inside the melting point apparatus or thiele tube.

A Thiele tube is a piece of laboratory glassware used to determine the melting point of organic compounds. It looks like a regular glass test tube attached to a V-shaped handle that forms a triangle. The structure of the Thiele tube provides a convectional flow of heat around the triangular region, which evenly and quickly distribute the heat from the flame throughout the heating oil. The sample is submerged into the oil bath inside a capillary tube closed from one side and then attaching the capillary tube to the thermometer with the help of an elastic band of excellent thermal stability. The melting point is the temperature measured on the thermometer when the sample begins to melt.

A centrifuge is a laboratory apparatus that separates fluids, gaseous or liquid, according to density. Separation is accomplished by rapidly spinning a centrifuge tube containing the substance. A centrifuge machine is based on the principle of sedimentation, though the process is far more efficient and rapid than natural sedimentation. Substances segregate according to density under the influence of gravitational force (g-force) induced by high-speed spinning. Centrifuge machines can also be used to collect cells, precipitate DNA, purify viral particles, and identify minor changes in molecular conformation. Nowadays, research facilities and labs are equipped with multiple types of centrifuges capable of utilizing a range of rotors. 2351a5e196

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