The primary objective of Java programming language creation was to make it portable, simple and secure programming language. Apart from this, there are also some excellent features which play an important role in the popularity of this language. The features of Java are also known as Java buzzwords.

Java is a simple programming language and easy to understand because it does not contain complexities that exist in prior programming languages. In fact, simplicity was the design aim of Javasoft people, because it has to work on electronic devices where less memory/resources are available. Java contains the same syntax as C, and C++, so the programmers who are switching to Java will not face any problems in terms of syntax. Secondly, the concept of pointers has been completely removed from Java which leads to confusion for a programmer and pointers are also vulnerable to security.

Java 8 New Features In Simple Way Download


The design objective of javasoft people is to develop a language that must work on any platform. Here platform means a type of operating system and hardware technology. Java allows programmers to write their program on any machine with any configuration and to execute it on any other machine having different configurations.

The Java Programming language is robust, which means it is capable of handling unexpected termination of a program. There are 2 reasons behind this, first, it has a most important and helpful feature called Exception Handling. If an exception occurs in java code then no harm will happen whereas, in other low-level languages, the program will crash.

The impersonation problem is a digital signature, a file that contains personal identification information in an unreadable format. Digital Signature can be generated using Java. Virus is a program that is capable of harming our system and this is generally spread with .exe files, image files, and video files but cannot be spread using a text file the good thing is java bytecode is also a text file (yes .class file also a text file with non-human-readable format). Even if somebody tries to add virus code in a bytecode file, then also we are safe, because our JVM is smart enough to distinguish viruses from normal programs. If a virus is found in a bytecode file, JVM will throw an exception and abort execution.

In this article, we have discussed the design aim of Java i.e, James Gosling wants to develop Java as a system-independent language that must work on the WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere) principle. We also have learned the top features of Java, which makes java the most popular among other programming languages. By now, you must have got a glimpse of Java. Along with all this, we also discussed problems in C++, which have been resolved in Java.

Answer: Java is useful in developing real-world web or mobile applications, and also useful to build servers. There are a lot of things you can do in Java, there are multiple libraries, and using that you can do anything. The application built in java can be distributed over the internet or on any network.

Answer: The developer community of Java is so vast and is the strength of the Java language. This technology is growing at a fast pace and job opportunities are also increasing for Java developers having good knowledge of Java technologies. As Java is scalable, you can find java in mobile applications, software applications, servers, and web applications.

This video provide a comprehensive introduction to Java, one of the most widely used and versatile programming languages in the world. It walk through Java's syntax, key features, and practical applications, setting you on the path to becoming a proficient Java programmer.\",\"source\":\"https:\/\/\/hls\/cf3bb36effff7d23f01ab43a15902d26gfg--20210405--copy--cf3bb36effff7d23f01ab43a15902d26gfg-JavaIntroduction.m3u8\",\"category\":[{\"term_id__id\":59,\"term_id__term_name\":\"Java\",\"term_id__term_type\":1,\"term_id__slug\":\"java-w6y5f4\"},{\"term_id__id\":166,\"term_id__term_name\":\"courses populated\",\"term_id__term_type\":2,\"term_id__slug\":\"courses-populated\"}],\"meta\":{\"thumbnail\":0,\"largeThumbnail\":0,\"likes\":8,\"views\":110590,\"isFeatured\":0,\"isPremium\":0,\"isPublic\":1,\"format\":0,\"revision\":{}},\"time\":\"05\/12\/2019\",\"subtitle\":\"https:\/\/\/subtitles\/cf3bb36effff7d23f01ab43a15902d26gfg--20210405--copy--cf3bb36effff7d23f01ab43a15902d26gfg-JavaIntroduction.vtt\",\"duration\":0,\"course_link\":\"https:\/\/\/courses\/Python-Foundation?utm_source=geeksforgeeks&utm_medium=article_tab_visit_course&utm_campaign=gfg_pythonsp\"}]"); Video  Improve      Improve  Improve Like Article  Like Save Article  Save Report issue  Report $('#practice-tab-main').show(); Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers write once, and run anywhere (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Java was first released in 1995 and is widely used for developing applications for desktop, web, and mobile devices. Java is known for its simplicity, robustness, and security features, making it a popular choice for enterprise-level applications.

A new package java.util.function has been added with bunch of functional interfaces to provide target types for lambda expressions and method references. Lambda expressions are a huge topic, I will write a separate article on that in the future.

A new has been added in Java 8 to perform filter/map/reduce like operations with the collection. Stream API will allow sequential as well as parallel execution. This is one of the best features for me because I work a lot with Collections and usually with Big Data, we need to filter out them based on some conditions.

It has always been hard to work with Date, Time, and Time Zones in java. There was no standard approach or API in java for date and time in Java. One of the nice addition in Java 8 is the java.time package that will streamline the process of working with time in java.

Just by looking at Java Time API packages, I can sense that they will be very easy to use. It has some sub-packages java.time.format that provides classes to print and parse dates and times and provides support for time zones and their rules.

Java is easy to learn and its syntax is quite simple, clean and easy to understand.The confusing and ambiguous concepts of C++ are either left out in Java or they have been re-implemented in a cleaner way.

When it comes to security, Java is always the first choice. With java secure features it enable us to develop virus free, temper free system. Java program always runs in Java runtime environment with almost null interaction with system OS, hence it is more secure.

Feature flags are one of the most important components of any application. They let you modify the functionality of your code without the need for any code merge, redeployment, or any other heavy lifting. Toggling a feature flag is (in general) becomes as simple as clicking a UI button. Feature flags have the power to make releases a lot more efficient and a lot lower risk, as rollouts (and roll backs) become much easier.

To keep this tutorial simple, we will create a rudimentary Java server application. It will be exposed on localhost and will use the local system storage. This server maintains a list of books and exposes two APIs:

If you do not have Java installed on your system, download and install the latest stable version from this link based on your OS and System specifications. 

TL;DR: All the code is present at -java-feature-flag-demo.git with step-by-step commits. Feel free to refer to it at any time if you feel confused.

The below utility function will help us extract the API key from the properties file. This can be added to the Main class. In an ideal scenario, these helper methods must reside in a utility class such as

The actions of choosing the class containing the main method, assembling its dependencies in the form of a module path or a class path (or both), loading the class, initializing it, and invoking the main method with its arguments constitute the launch protocol. In the JDK it is implemented by the launcher, i.e., the java executable.

The javadoc tool will fail when asked to generate API documentation for a Java file with an unnamed class, as unnamed classes do not define any API accessible from other classes. This behavior may change in a future release.

We've now introduced a featureIsEnabled function, a Toggle Router which can be used to dynamically control which codepath is live. There are many ways to implement a Toggle Router, varying from a simple in-memory store to a highly sophisticated distributed system with a fancy UI. For now we'll start with a very simple system:

For simple static routing decisions a toggle configuration can be a simple On or Off for each feature with a toggle router which is just responsible for relaying that static on/off state to the Toggle Point. As we discussed earlier, other categories of toggle are more dynamic and demand more sophisticated toggle routers. For example the router for an Experiment Toggle makes routing decisions dynamically for a given user, perhaps using some sort of consistent cohorting algorithm based on that user's id. Rather than reading a static toggle state from configuration this toggle router will instead need to read some sort of cohort configuration defining things like how large the experimental cohort and control cohort should be. That configuration would be used as an input into the cohorting algorithm.

We can also divide our toggle categories into those which are essentially transient in nature vs. those which are long-lived and may be in place for years. This distinction should have a strong influence on our approach to implementing a feature's Toggle Points. If we're adding a Release Toggle which will be removed in a few days time then we can probably get away with a Toggle Point which does a simple if/else check on a Toggle Router. This is what we did with our spline reticulation example earlier: e24fc04721

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