
Where to find me

Now, I'm a bit of a recluse when it comes to social media. Due to complications with Facebook when I was younger, I made a vow to not be swayed by these companies ever again. However, since my high school required all students to have at least an email.

So, I created a Gmail account. From there, more & more accounts begin to be created by me, only to ease in communication with group projects, or if directly required by the class / lecture itself.

Lastly, take note that I shall not have / create the following accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, QQ, WeChat, LINE, Myspace, Vine, Friendster, or even VK !!!

Nevertheless, Skype, Tumblr, Snapfish, DeviantArt, Flickr, and Discord are in the midst of being created. I am just waiting for a valid enough reason to absolutely use said services above.

1) Personal


This website is an online code storage to store / develop various projects, used for:

  1. Python with module:
    • flask for basic web interactions via the Command Line Interface (CLI),
    • django with plugin:
      1. wagtail for refined web interactions via an application;
    • scikit-learn for Machine Learning (ML) in Python;
  2. HTML with just:
    • CSS for visual appeal,
    • Javascript for dynamic webpage;
  3. PHP with:
    • HTML for user input / display,
    • CSS for visual inputs feedback,
    • Javascript for forms via POST & GET requests;
  4. Java with plugin:
    • Maven for testing builds automatically,
    • OpenGL for graphics interaction (GUIs);
  5. JSON for interactions with various APIs, with some in REST, others in XML form;
  6. XML for custom data schemes, or as a GET request from an API;
  7. Windows X (10) operating system with service:
    • batch for:
      1. setup of project environment,
      2. file read / writes & Home_Dir folder paths,
      3. OS_NT integrations,
      4. compliments the Python sys & os modules,
      5. acquire advanced info about user's OS;
    • registry for:
      1. adding / removing core variables to $PATH,
      2. advanced context menus,
      3. custom key binds to apps,
      4. check for existence of an optional service,
      5. write metadata to insufficient .manifest apps,
      6. read metadata from my own apps' run-time;
  8. Minecraft 1.7.A on platform:
    • Java with:
      1. .zs Minetweaker mod scripting file,
      2. .properties configuration file;
  9. Github with the language:
    • git for updating the repository,
    • markdown for configuration of various aspects of said repository.


This is a future site that I want to ...

2) Minecraft


This is for finding mods to add to my Minecraft 1.7.10 environment. Also used to potentially release my own mods (if I do spend time making any).

Primarily used to configure, and ultimately release my 350+ mods Modpack, with customised JSON files, & my own texture pack as well as some .zs scripts for the Minetweaker mod.


The easiest, though limited way, to build a Minecraft mod! I'm just trying to get the hang of the Java syntax in this game.

Then, once enough tests are done as to what I can & can't edit with the above app, I'll install Eclipse IDE ‒ with the de-obfuscated assets of Minecraft to code with!

3) Broadcasts


This is where I'll be streaming live to the world as I either do a behind-the-scenes task regarding any project (Minecraft / Python / etc), or a Q & A session with my Twitch subscribers.

During this event (Q & A), descriptive feedback is encouraged! If you see me doing something wrong in Python / Java / Minecraft / etc, please tell me the usual coders' convention of doing it, or send a link to where I can view later / after stream for more details.

Note: I may sometimes do "Test" streams where I just ignore chat or turn of subscriber notifications (the banners). This is intentional for when I want to focus on some issue, that I keep running into ‒ but I wouldn't like to be helped. Said streams are either prefix with a %undecided glyph% or a "§" followed by my usual title naming convention.

PS: Stream lengths differs wildly by the content, will usually put a target goal, or duration left somewhere on screen.


This is where playlists of: tutorials, Minecraft modpack installations, great coding practises / conventions, API simulations, or even a Minecraft LP! (If I have that much free time :( ) ... will be posted onto here, my Gmail-connected channel.

Highlights from Twitch may also be re-posted here if said stream clip bares some significance to me. I'll try to make this a weekly event, unless %unknown glyph% occurs.

Primarily used to experiment on my prototype language NĆÆM̀ with its 128 alphabetical character minuscule & majuscule set, each. So, I will try articulating / pronouncing various initial - medial - final combinations of these 128 unique glyphs.

4) Educational


Old account, used in high school. Contains our old classwork / project / assignment files.

Too nostalgic to delete this account. Has no active changes, can be considered an archive ‒ of sorts ...

TED Talks

This is where I go when I have a programmer's block, or simply out of ideas.

I hope some of my favourites will inspire you like I have had been!

5) Forums


This is where I might save / share any significant images and / or memes (if any) .

Also, screenshots of projects' codes that are fixed or feature previews will be posted periodically ‒ will inform the interval later.

Not currently that active, unused for now.


This is where general Q & A's or discussions take place. I may take some time to reply, and reply a query with another query...

Sensitive / personal questions shall be ignored by me answering in the format: "#403: Answer is forbidden; please generalise or change the subject of your query." ‒ immediately. What counts as sensitive is at my discretion, and personal is any more info other than the ones already typed in the About part of my website.

Also, I may ask questions regarding my projects either for feedback or because I'm facing an obstacle in fixing a bug or implementing a feature.

Not currently that active, unused for now.

6) Unsorted


This is where I had to create a flash - based game using the Drag 'n' Drop blocks language, for a University project assignment.

I may put the compiled (.swf file) or the source code (.stencyl file) @ a Stencyl GitHub Project Repository (GPR), if requested. The game itself is fairly basic, and sub-par for public releases but sufficient enough to acquire 18 / 25 marks.

More game–based projects may be created if I have more time to do so, which I currently don't.

Not currently that active, unused for now.