Common Problems Associated with a Human Eye

Many of us are not sure who is an optometrist, he is the person who has earned the Doctor of Optometry Degree, and these people have the Lances of providing medication for any kind of eye problems. The eye is the most delicate organ of the human body and the world gets totally upside down when it comes to any problem with the eye, hence before undergoing any eye surgery or consulting any doctor for eye care it is important to understand that how expert the doctor is. A lot of Optometrists have involved in pre as well as post eye care programs after any eye surgery.

There are a lot of confusions when we tend to select an eye doctor, like other parts of our body human eye is not just limited to one single problem, there are a lot of different types of eye problems like glaucoma, cataract or myopia etc, hence for every problem there is a special treatment given to the patient and for the all types of different treatment there are different doctors even for eyes. Hence it is important to first understand your problem and then decide whether you need an optometrist or ophthalmologists, they both perform treatments for an eye but in a different way, you can go for a routine checkup to both but they have other ways to deal with the same problem. But it is highly recommended if you are undergoing any serious eye problem then it is important to consult a trained and expert doctor. In case of surgical treatment on eyes, this involves great risk, therefore if someone recommends any surgical treatment then always ensures you are consulting a few Eye Doctor Culver City, Eye Physician Culver City or Marina Eye Doctor in Culver City.

With the hectic lifestyle that we all have which involves a lot of usage of media it can be laptops, phone, televisions etc., these are quite stressful for our eyes hence this leads to a lot of common eye problems. Here is the list of some common eye problems among the working professionals these days.

1. Refractive errors like myopia or nearsightedness, this is one of the major and common problems in the youngsters these days and the major cause is an extreme use of light emitting devices like phones, televisions, laptops etc.

2. Hyperopia or farsightedness

3. Presbyopia, generally seen in old age people. This happens due to the loss of elasticity in the lens which leads to farsightedness.

4. Astigmatism, this is the problem related to the cornea of the eye which makes the eye blurry due to the change in the shape of the cornea.

5. Glaucoma is another common problem these days, as per the research was done by the Ophthalmologist Yelp this is one of the major problems with the diabetic patients, and if not taken care on time this leads to blindness.

6. Cataract, earlier cataract was considered to be a problem with the old age people but now this can be noticed even in small kids which are a matter to be worried about. Cataract is nothing but just a layer that covers the eye and makes it difficult for the person to get the proper vision and hence makes the vision blurry, generally the people with cataract find it difficult to see at night, hence this can be cured by undergoing surgery and once the layer is removed the eye works normally.

There are few more eye problems that are related to ageing like

1. Age-related Macular degeneration

2. Diabetic Retinopathy

3. Amblyopia

4. Dry Eye Syndrome

5. Retinal Tear

All of these eye problems can be cured easily if they are detected on time and by the right doctor. And if the doctors successfully start the right treatment all the above-mentioned problems can be cured at a short period of time and with less trouble, hence it is highly recommended to visit a doctor in case you notice any problem with your eye as being the most delicate part of the body it requires proper care and treatment so that one can lead to happy and easy life.

Dr. Jason H Nakagawa, OD

Contact On : - (310) 508-4348


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