This projcet is made with Unity 2019.4.1f1and Vuforia 9.3.3 on Windows 10. It contains a basic playset and a invisible tabletop using image from the Vuforia Mars database as tracking spot.



  1. Download the 5 Vuforia Markers(Astronaut,Drone,Fissure,Oxygen,Mars.Front) and print them out.(Link1, Link2)

  2. Download UnityHub and install Unity version 2019.4.1f1

  3. Download from Github Page and unzip the file.

  4. Add and Open the project folder as a new project in Unity Hub.

  5. Click on the play button once the project is loaded into Unity.

  6. Have the 5 Vuforia Markers ready and point the webcam at them for tracking.

What Can you do?

'Drunk Man' Playset

The playset contains 11 objects in total, an Avatar with 4 animations, and a looping background sound. On the right side we can see a screenshot that shows what each animations looks like. The playset uses the ASTRONAUT Marker from the Vaforia Mars database, it also contains a virtual button that will change the current animation while making the Avartar say something interesting. If you press the button while the Avatar is in the walking animation, it will play the 'Defeated' animation. If you press the button while the Avatar is in the falling animation, it will play the 'Stand Up' animation. F.Y.I., if you release the button the Avartar will return to its original position.

Invisible Table And Physics Collision

The DRONE Marker contains a tabletop object which is trasparent and will collide with other object in the scene. If you click the Left Mouse Button, you will be able to summon red balls from the sky. The red balls will also collide with any object in the scene as well as the objects and the Avatar in the playset.

Red Ball Colliding with Objects

Life-size Playset

You also have the option to play with the life-size playset. Choose Switch Platform to whatever your device's platform is from Unity's build setting and 'build and run' while your device is plugged in. The life-size playset has every single object the original playset has including the lighting and sound. However, the virtual button is not implemented in this version.


Playset is defined as “a collection of toys containing plastic figures, accessories, and possibly buildings or scenery”. Nowadays, playset comes in different sizes. Small playset takes up less spaces and has more variations, but you will not get a lot of interactions out of it. Large playsets on the other hand are in pretty much the same fashion. Swings, slides, bars, and things that have existed for decades without changing a single bit. The most creative large sets probably just have some different art styles and call it innovations. What if one day we can have playsets that contains things we will never be able to see in our real life, what if one day we can have playsets have things that will react just like real things.

Again, just like the first project, we have created something that would not be possible to recreate in real life. I created something that is more of a representation of some real-life scene, however, it is definitely possible and more interesting if the scene is more surreal and more fantasy like. In the future, It is almost certain that this kind of playset will get extremely popular when people are wearing AR glasses on a daily basis, because it has things that real object will never be able to have and it is hard to imaging how far people will go in terms of creating this kind of playset.

Children will be able to place this kind of playset without the need to find a space to put it, they will be able to place and retrieve it anytime they want to which is one of the advantages of augmented playset. This way they do not need to ask their parents to set up the playset for them to play. Also, interact with a figure like yourself is always an interesting thing to do. In the future, the figure might have some additional feature such as mimic the action of the user or having a real-time interaction or conversation with the user due to the development of AI. If kids nowadays like to play with things like Alexa, why would not they want to play with a figure that can do even more things.

For life size figure, it will be able to deliver a much greater visual impact. Imaging scan your entire room and you will be able to turn it into a room inside of a spaceship or a fantasy world, and every single object in your room will be augmented to display the appropriate object according to the scene you selected. This is not impossible to achieve in the future, and it will give you an entire new experience from the small figure. Think of it like playing with a castle playset and going to an actual fantasy castle in Disney World. Not to mention that you will be able to have life-size figure which will increase the immersion of the scene even more.



  1. Food Pack Mixed - Brain Fail Productions

  2. waste bin - Lowpoly_Master

  3. Lowpoly Toon Cat Lite - Polydactyl

  4. Cola Can - YGS Assets

  5. GAZ Street Props - Helsssoo

  6. Plastic Trash Bins - SpaceZeta

  7. Elvs Covid Goggles1 - Elvaerwyn

  8. Elvs Covid Mask1 - Elvaerwyn

  9. Rucksack / backpack - FrogT

  10. MAGA Hat - MargaretToigo


  1. Crickets Chirping At Night Sound - Lisa Redfern