About Us

Injury Lawyers are legal professional who provides legal services to people who have been injured by another person. These lawyers generally practice tort law. Injuries can be the result of a car accident, a slip and fall, or any other type of injury.

The process of filing a lawsuit starts with pleadings. This will require the attorneys to gather evidence and details about the accident to make a case for the injured party. Then, a lawsuit will be filed to obtain compensation for the injuries and damages. During this process, both parties will be compiling documentation that will be used to prove the case. For example, medical bills and employment records must be organized. This information must be organized properly for the insurance company to see if it is valid.

You can also ask for an estimate of how much your claim will be worth. While attorneys do not like to discuss specifics of a case until it is thoroughly investigated, they should be honest about the amount they'll be willing to pay. However, you should be wary of lawyers who make over-the-top promises to hook clients. You should also discuss the time frame in which you need the compensation. Consider whether or not you will have future medical bills.

Jason Stone Injury Lawyers