

  1. Overview概述
  2. Physical Layer實體層
  3. Data-Link Layer資料鏈結層
  4. Network Layer網路層
  5. Transport Layer傳輸層
  6. Application Layer應用層
  7. Topics Related to All Layers與各層次有關的主題


Chapter1 Introduction


  • data 數據:information presented in whatever form is agreed upon by the parties creating and using the data 指由一群人同意產生並使用之任何形式的資訊
  • data communication 數據通訊: the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as a wire cable 兩台設備間透過某種型式的傳輸媒介(如纜線)做數據交換
  • types of data exchanged 數據交換的形式
  • criteria [kraɪˋtɪrɪə] 標準,準則
  • topology 拓撲:湊出來的形狀(不確定)
  • network topologies 網路拓撲:The topology of a network is the geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices (usually called nodes) to one another. 網路的拓撲是所有的鏈結與設備(通常稱為節點)間的關係之幾何圖形的表現。
  • Local Area Network, LAN 區域網路
  • Wide Area Network, WAN 廣域網路
  • inter- 外部、互
  • intra- 內部
  • internetwork、internet 互連網
  • Internet 網際網路:the largest internet(互連網) in the world
  • telecommunication 電信:includes telephony, telegraph, and television, means communication at a distance 涵蓋電話、電報及電視,其意義為遠方通訊 (tele- is Greek for “far” tele是希臘文,意為遠方)
  • real-time 即時
  • a data communications system 數據通訊系統


  1. delivery 傳遞:The system must deliver data to the correct destination. 系統必須傳遞數據到正確的目的地。
  2. accuracy 正確:The system must deliver the data accurately. 系統必須正確地傳遞數據。
  3. timeliness[ˋtaɪmlɪnɪs] 即時:The system must deliver data in a timely manner. 系統必須適時傳遞數據。
  4. jitter[ˋdʒɪtɚ] 劇跳:refers to the variation in the packet arrival time 指封包抵達的時間變化


  1. message 訊息:the information (data) to be communicated 互通的資訊(數據)
  2. sender 傳送者:the device that sends the data message 傳送數據訊息的設備
  3. receiver 接收者:the device that receives the data message 接收數據訊息的設備
  4. transmission medium 傳輸媒介:the physical path by which a message travels from sender to receiver 一條由傳送者到接收者間訊息所經過的實體路徑 EX.twisted-pair wire 雙絞線、coaxial cable 同軸纜線、fiber-optic cable 光纖、radio waves 無線電波
  5. protocol 協定: is a set of rules that govern data communications. 是一組管理數據通訊的準則。 It represents an agreement between the communicating devices. 它代表兩通訊設備間的協議。
  • forms of data representation 數據表示的形式
  1. text 文字:is represented as a bit pattern, a sequence of bits (0s or 1s) 以位元型樣(一系列的0或1)表示 Different sets of bit patterns have been designed to represent text symbols. 位元型樣的不同集合被設計來表示文字符號。Each set is called a code. 每組集合稱為代碼。The process of representing symbols is called coding. 表示符號的過程稱為編碼
  2. numbers 數字:Numbers are also represented by bit patterns. 也是以位元型樣(一系列的0或1)表示。 The number is directly converted to a binary number to simplify mathematical operations. 直接將數字轉換成二進位表示以簡化數學運算。
  3. images 影像:Images are also represented by bit patterns. 也是以位元型樣(一系列的0或1)表示。An image is composed of a matrix of pixels (picture elements), where each pixel is a small dot. 影像由矩陣的像素(圖像元素)構成,每一個像素是一個小點。The size of the pixel depends on the resolution. 像素的大小取決於所謂的解析度。Each pixel is assigned a bit pattern. 每個像素會被指定一個位元型樣。 The size and the value of the pattern depend on the color of image. 型樣的大小和值與影像色彩有關。
  4. audio 音訊:Audio refers to the recording or broadcasting of sound or music. 指聲音或音樂的錄製或廣播。Audio is continuous, not discrete.
  5. video 視訊:Video refers to the recording or broadcasting of a picture or movie. 指圖像或電影的錄製或廣播。Video can either be produced as a continuous entity (e.g., by a TV camera), or it can be a combination of images, each a discrete entity, arranged to convey the idea of motion. 可以是連續實體(ex.透過攝影機),或離散實體影像的組合,經安排後以動作的概念傳達出來。
  • Unicode:today, the prevalent coding system 目前流行的編碼系統 Unicode, which uses 32 bits to represent a symbol or character used in any language in the world. 以32個位元來表示全世界使用的各種文字或符號。ASCII constitutes the first 127 characters in Unicode and is also referred to as Basic Latin. Unicode的前127個字元是由ASCII所構成,且Unicode的前127個字元俗稱基本拉丁
  • American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 美國標準資訊交換碼
  • RGB 色光三原色:red 紅色、green 綠色、blue 藍色
  • YCM(YCMK) 物體三原色:yellow 黃色、cyan 青藍色、magenta 洋紅色,YCM三色混合,雖然可以得到黑色,但這種黑色並不 是純黑,所以印刷時要另加黑色(Black),稱YCMK。
  • Data Flow 資料流
  1. Simplex[ˋsɪmplɛks] 單工:單向傳輸
  2. Half-duplex[ˋdjuplɛks] 半雙工:一次只能傳送一個方向,但雙向均支援 EX. Walkie-talkie[ˋwɔkɪˋtɔkɪ] 手提無線電話機、 CB (citizens band) radios 民用波段(CB)電台的無線電波
  3. Full-duplex 全雙工:雙向可同時傳輸 EX. telephone network 電話網路


  • network 網路:the interconnection of a set of devices capable of communication 一套具有通訊能力的設備之間的互連 ps.設備可指"host 主機(end system 終端系統)"、"connecting device 連線設備"
  • host 主機 = end system 終端系統:large computer 大型電腦、 desktop 桌上型電腦、 laptop 筆記型電腦、 workstation 工作站、 cellular [ˋsɛljʊlɚ] phone 行動電話、 security system 安全系統
  • connecting device 連接設備、互連設備:router 路由器(connects the network to other networks 網路間互連)、switch 交換器(connects devices together 設備互連)、modem 數據機, modulator-demodulator 調變器-解調器(changes the form of data 改變數據形式)
  • breach [britʃ] n.(對法律等的)破壞,違反;(對他人權利的)侵害[C][U]
  • Network Criteria 網路效益評估準則:
  1. Performance 效能:throughput 傳輸量、 delay 延遲
  2. Reliability 可靠度: the frequency of failure 失敗的頻率、 the time it takes a link to recover from a failure 網路鏈結從失敗中恢復所需的時間、 the network’s robustness[roˋbʌstnɪs] in a catastrophe[kəˋtæstrəfɪ] 大災難中網路的堅實程度
  3. Security 安全:protecting data from unauthorized access 保護數據免於未授權的存取、 protecting data from damage and development 保護數據免於受損與變化、 implementing policies and procedures for recovery from breaches and data losses 自受破壞和數據遺失中恢復的實施政策與程序
  • Physical Structures 實體結構:define some network attributes[əˋtrɪbjʊt] 定義一些網路屬性
  1. Type of Connection 連線的型式:point-to-point connection 點對點連線、multipoint / multidrop connection 多點連線
  2. Physical Topology 實體拓撲:Mesh Topology 網狀拓撲、Star Topology 星狀拓撲、Bus Topology 匯流排拓撲、Ring Topology 環狀拓撲
  • point-to-point connection 點對點連線:provides a dedicated link between two devices 提供一條兩點間的專線
  • multipoint / multidrop connection 多點連線:one in which more than two specific devices share a single link 由兩個以上特定設備所分享的單一條鏈結
  • share 分享:spatially shared 空間分享(several devices can use the link simultaneously 多台設備能同時使用鏈結)、timeshared 時間分享(users must take turns 使用者必須輪流)
  • Physical Topology 實體拓撲:refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically. 指網路建置的實體架構。Two or more devices connect to a link; two or more links form a topology. 兩台以上的設備建立一條鏈結,兩條以上的鏈結形成拓撲。
  • Mesh Topology 網狀拓撲:Every device has a dedicated point-to-point link to every other device. 每一台設備都有一條專用(點對點連線)的鏈結連至其他設備。ex. the connection of telephone regional offices 電話區域交換局間的連線
  • Star Topology 星狀拓撲:Each device has a dedicated point-to-point link only to a central controller, usually called a hub. 每部設備都有一條專用(點對點連線)的鏈結只連接到中央控制器,俗稱集線器。ex. High-speed LANs 高速區域網路
  • Bus Topology 匯流排拓撲:The preceding examples all describe point-to-point connections. A bus topology, on the other hand, is multipoint. 匯流排拓撲是多點連線(共享的鏈結)。優點:容易安裝。缺點:不容易找到障礙點及重新連線、不易增加新設備、分接頭處的訊號反射可能降低品質、匯流排上任一點斷線或故障將癱瘓所有傳輸。ex. 傳統乙太網路的區域網路
  • Ring Topology 環狀拓撲:Each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection with only the two devices on either side of it. 每一台設備都有與兩邊設備的點對點專線。優點:容易安裝與重新配置、要增加或減少設備只需牽動兩個接點、隔離故障點很簡單。缺點:unidirectional traffic 單向的訊務流(環上某處的中斷(如關閉某節點(即裝置))就足以停止整個網路)
  • Drop line 支線
  • Tap 分接頭
  • Repeater 增益器:When a device receives a signal intended for another device, its repeater regenerates the bits and passes them along. 將位元訊號再生並往下傳送
  • Token Ring 記號環


  • internetwork 互連網:a network of networks 網路中的網路
  • Local Area Network, LAN 區域網路: usually privately owned 通常是私人擁有 connects some hosts in a single office, building, or campus 其連結的主機範圍可能位處單一間辦公室、一棟建築或一個園區 Each host in a LAN has an identifier, an address, that uniquely defines the host in the LAN. 區域網路上的每台主機都有識別碼和位址以定義此主機在LAN中的唯一性。
  • Wide Area Network, WAN 廣域網路:不同於LAN受限於規模,WAN可延伸到一個城鎮、一個州、一個國家,甚至是全世界。LAN連接主機、WAN連接互連設備(EX.交換器、路由器、數據機)。A WAN is normally created and run by communication companies and leased by an organization that uses it. WAN通常是由電信公司所建立,並租賃給機構使用。
  • lease[lis] v.租