Exhibit 3


I wanted to create something a little bit cheeky. This is a nod to the fairytale "Little Red Riding Hood." This could be used as a fun, shareable card or online banner.


In this photo, the off-white/gray color of the lettering was pulled from the image of the wolf and contrasts with the dark matte background that I pulled from the trees. This repetition in color is intended to give the piece consistency. I aligned the text parallel with the eyes to send the message that the wolf is, in fact, watching the viewer. The wolf and the trees are in close proximity to suggest the wolf's native home. The birds are intended to add interest to the wolf's gaze. I used Arial Rounded MT bold, as I feel like it gives a sly and ironically friendly feel (making it slightly cheeky, as I mentioned before). I increased the contrast on the wolf to play with light and darkness and give the image the feeling of night.

Photoshop Skills Used

  • Layers/Overlays

  • Adjusting layers (contrast, saturation)

  • Masks/color reveal

  • Color select

  • Cropping
